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A Special Tribute: Mothers Day

so today I wanted to dedicate this tea
corn I wanted to dedicate this to the
unsung heroes out there that we rarely
hear about I think too often when we
watch TV we see Hollywood celebrities
turn into these rock stars we see too
often a politician given an incredible
message and there turn into a hero we
see and I know we do we see an athlete
who makes the last-second shot in a game
and they become this incredible here on
the newspapers magazines and we forget
the real heroes who are the mothers that
typically no one hears about or sees or
talks to or even gives credit to often
on TV we just see the final product
those two five-minute 10-minute
conversation as a mother has with their
son or with their daughter
with their child no matter what I ever
do the connection this guy’s gonna have
what his mom will never replace the
connection he’ll have with his father
it’s gonna be just different
I remember for myself when I got out of
the military and it was 2000 2001 pretty
in the only place in my life and it was
late at night I was in my expedition at
that time it was Oh 102 and I hadn’t
seen my mother since I was 17 years old
prior to joining the military and I was
in the car extremely emotional extremely
emotional and very difficult very
difficult day was for me nothing was
going right and it was pretty
challenging time in my life as a man
trying to become a man from a boy to man
you know in your mid-20s for boys
turning into minutes very difficult we
go through emotional phases interesting
times and I hadn’t seen my mom for
fibers hadn’t spoken to it for quite
some time I changed my numbers I didn’t
have a new number and I had a hard time
getting ahold of rent and that was just
saying god I just want to hear for my
mom and I will never forget two o’clock
in the morning my phone rang my next
stop back in the days the black next you
once I’m talking about it rang with a
block number and I picked up but my
mother was on the other end crying and I
said what are you doing how did you know
I wanted to speak and she said I don’t
know why God told me you were in pain I
had to call you and I was in tears like
words cannot describe in my my faith and
God want to hold it from the level
because I knew somebody was listening
out there to what I needed and what I
can tell you is moms have a certain
census that’s just a sixth sense seven
sense whatever you want to call it that
no technology or anybody else can
replace so this message today to all
your incredible mothers that do what you
do on a daily basis and rarely get
credit for it
I just want to sincerely wish all of you
a Happy Mother’s Day thank you for
raising people like us who go out there
and do great things this is a reflection
of what you did with us when we were little kids thank you
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