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6 Tips on How To Manage Social Media for Your Brand

what’s going on guys today you and I are
going to have a little conversation on
how to build your social media brand so
I’ve got six points for you today and
number one is establish your brand
values what does that mean know who you
are what you represent what you look
like what you want to look like and
really establish that stick to your guns
and don’t compromise you also don’t want
to jeopardize the fundamentals of what
your business looks like and stands for
for instance when I’m posting something
I’m super picky about the photos
I hate when photos are over edited they
don’t make sense they’re fuzzy they’re
blurry they’re weird the colors off the
Lighting’s bad you know you really want
to represent your brand well when you
look at your social media page you want
it to look like a brand that it flows it
looks great together the pictures make
sense and your message make sense
number two is have a strategy so
depending on your product you want to
research and get to know your users know
who’s looking at you kind of gauge or
figure out what they’re looking for what
they’re responding to and use that
information to make your social media
page better make it more valuable to
where people want to come back and know
what you’re posting you also want to
know what market you’re going for so if
you’re selling video equipment you don’t
want to market it to teenagers you want
to you want to really look at who’s
going to be spending the money what
price range your product is that who is
going to be the type of person to talk
about it he was going to be the type of
person to share that information with
their peers you want to know who’s
looking at you and also take that
information and attract more of that
type so let’s take my market for example
I sell high-end leggings their main
United States they’re fun we’re all
about building up women who is my target
audience it happens to be 18 to 35
that’s who my main customer is that is
what the analytics on Instagram show and
that is what the age group on my
analytics on the backend of my side are
showing so I really want to make sure
I’m taking what I know about my users my
followers the people who are looking at
my brand I want to build around that so
when I do for
for example marketing campaigns I want
to market use the language use the
visual things that that age group is
attractive to use what’s relevant in
that age group and use that for what I’m
posting yes it’s all about who you’re
marketing to and what the relevance is
and you want them to come back so you
have to have to have to really hone in
on that one
here’s a great here’s a great example
when you’re making a post and it has
music behind it for instance we do a lot
of videos we do fun videos funny videos
educational videos on how to use our
product things that you don’t want to do
we use a lot of music you’ve got to know
what’s relevant what’s what’s on the
radio what are people moving and
grooving to what’s making you feel the
vibe of the cute booty pants and what’s
your girl going to your them to open it
up and you want them to kind of just
feel the beat and look at the product
and and be happy that they stopped by
your page and you want that to leave an
impression so that’s why you have to
know your customer know what’s really
going to reach out and grab them
specific apps that benefit your business
there’s a ton of apps that I download
that are most of them are for free apps
that you can use to add different words
and fonts and change colors or you can
make your own videos these days you know
you don’t have to hire someone to edit
and to do photography anymore it’s all
about creating your own content and just
utilizing the apps that are out there
spending a little money who cares about
$4.99 spend five bucks and give good app
that helps you create something that’s
different and that grabs your customers
attention I’m not going to give you my
secret apps you’ll have to figure those
out on your own but a couple are you
know the ones that add the words on top
of things or there’s pic stitch I know
boomerang is a popular one you know
there are a ton of different apps you
have to search for and see what works
for your business I wish I could tell
you about I’d have to kill you when
you’re searching for the right apps for
your business you can just use our
little friend called Google you can go
google the top five or ten apps that are
right for your industry and it’ll give
you everything you need to know and then
from there if you see something you like
but maybe you don’t like a couple things
about it I’m sure there’s other apps
after that you can pick and choose and
spend your little dollar ninety-nine and
all is good in the hood
in your social media branding
researching your competition is one of
my favorite things to do I love seeing
what other guys are up to
what new fabrics and patterns they’re
using you know what type of apps they’re
using what they’re posting on their
social media I do this for two reasons
one I want to see what works obviously
and duplicate that in my own creative
way give it my owns with my own spin
like that old saying don’t recreate the
wheel and number two I want to see what
their mistakes are you know I don’t want
to make the same mistakes if I can look
at what you’re doing and instantly
recognize your mistakes and I’m going to
go back to my own business and do
everything I can to not make those
mistakes one of my favorite parts of
social media branding is engagement
I love engaging with my customers my
customers love engaging with me
Instagram story is really one of the
best things that could have happened for
Instagram I mean I love snapchat I love
all the cute filters and things of that
nature but if your major following is
already on Instagram it just makes sense
to use a platform that’s already right
there for you they have the live story
it just it can kind of give your
customers a peek of what your day at
work is like and they feel invested in
your company they feel invested in what
you’re doing they have a personal
attachment to you your employees the
process and trust me those are going to
be your loyal customers you want to keep
people coming back and watching what
you’re doing it’d be really interested
in what comes next you have to keep them
engaged as an entrepreneur I spend my
day to day running the business and
trying to create new products and
projects and just everything that goes
into building a brand so I don’t always
have time to engage with my customers as
much as I’d like to I just try to do on
a daily basis but what I do do is I have
my employees engaging so everyone has
the log in for cute little lounge on my
team and actually fit kitty is our point
person to handle all the social media
interaction and she basically makes sure
that everyone knows what’s going on in
customer service with Emilia so Emilia
will come on and she’ll show you what
she’s cooking for the day or what she
wore to work she rides her bicycle or
drives her Fiat and then you got Zanetti
and shipping what’s she shipping how she
shipping it she usually does a little
shipping dance for everyone it’s also a
time to
of people your new products what you’re
working on how you’re doing it what the
process is explain to them you know how
you do what you do and what’s so
exciting about it or what sucks about it
what you’re struggling with it’s just a
chance for people to really see what
goes on behind the scenes people love
little bits of information like that it
just keeps them wanting to know more
it’ll keep them coming back daily if you
keep it up something that something else
this also does for you it keeps your
audience invested in your audience is a
huge part of your growth because what
they’re going to do is talk to their
friends oh did you see with a girl that
cue booty are doing today oh they are so
funny they were dancing around the
office with pants on their head you know
just be silly be wacky think outside the
box and I guarantee you they’re going to
talk to their friends and their friends
are going to talk to their friends and
it’s going to bring more people to your
social media page watching what you do
next in my business it’s all about
grassroots marketing and spreading legs
out there what does it call going wide
and going deep well it applies in
financial services it applies in in
fashion so when I see a girl on social
media she’s got a great following she
has a great attitude I love the way she
looks she has a beautiful booty yes
that’s that’s my client that’s a girl
that I want to see wearing my pants so
she’s not wearing my pants she’s not a
client I’m sending her something you
better believe it’s worth it to give one
of your products out to someone who is
going to exchange some social media
shoutouts even a photo you know I have
social media influencers who translate
into dollars and I have some that take
three pictures and to me that’s that’s
just as worth it so if I have a girl who
has 20 followers but she takes an
amazing picture I’m giving her a pair of
pants I want that picture you know I
want to show people what my product
looks like so it’s not all about how
many followers you have and you know
reaching out to the top Instagram girls
or Instagram guys to promote your
product it’s all about balance and
finding different things that work for
your business whether it’s a shout out
whether it’s a pretty picture whether
it’s someone who has an influence in
that specific market you want to combine
all of those things together for a
successful branded page my point is
don’t be afraid to send samples don’t be
if the girl needs a pair of pants then
the girl a pair pants number four what’s
what’s your ROI how are you getting a
return on your investment how are you
tracking that how are you tracking it in
social media well one of the ways to do
that is to give out specific coupon
codes you can use tracking codes you can
use tracking links there are tons of
apps out there where people can sign up
as an affiliate like an affiliate
program there there are free ones there
are more extensive ones that cost
hundreds of dollars you got to figure
out where your business is at what it
can afford and what it really needs at
that at that moment if you have a ton of
influencers out there who are promoting
your brand you want them to be rewarded
you want them if you’ve got if you’ve
got someone generating a few thousand
dollars a month you know maybe free
clothes isn’t enough so you can track
their code see what percentage of sales
are coming in from that specific person
and maybe give them a kickback you know
that’s going to keep them promoting more
and that’s what you want you want you
want more and more promoters and you
want them to be excited to promote and
you want longevity ins because as
they’re following builds your following
is going to build number five hiring
hiring people to help you with your
I like hustlers I don’t know about you
I’m a hustler I like to hire hustlers I
don’t like people who sit on their ass
and ask you what’s next you’re a hustler
you either know what’s next you find
something that’s next are you asking a
way that gets people excited to figure
out what’s next I hate followers I
really do you know to a certain extent
you need followers on your team to help
you execute your vision because you just
you can’t have just a group of leaders
but you want you want followers who are
able to lead who are willing to lead who
see your vision stand behind you one of
the things I struggle with that I’m
working on right now I learn a lot from
Pat we do the opposite thing I’m trying
to switch over to how he does it and
what he does is he micro manages until
someone proves themselves worthy of
being let go to beyond on their own
accord and be trusted to do things on
their own I’m kind of the opposite I
give you free rein to do do what your
going to do because I want to sit back
and watch you and then when you prove to
that I don’t need to micromanage you
wait no that’s wrong when you prove that
I do need to micromanage you it’s
usually over with and I just fire you I
mean that’s just how I work so I sit
back and I watch you and when you make a
mistake that’s just calculated and wrong
or I don’t trust you you’re out of there
so maybe I should take some of Pat’s
notes and micromanage first and then
give them free rein but basically you
want to make sure you put you want to
put people in place who have specific
caste know what you know and know what
you don’t know and also know what you
have time to do and what you don’t have
time to do as an entrepreneur we want to
take it all on but it’s really important
to me to my brand to you to your brand
to work on growing the business and have
other people delegate to them what can
get done now at the end of the day
you’re ultimately responsible for making
sure it’s done right and it looks right
and it’s part of your vision but if you
train them and you build them up you
know they’re doing it based on your
vision super super important to respond
to your customers in a timely manner
when you’re getting a DM on Instagram or
you’re getting a Facebook message you
should have a notification turned on
especially during business hours someone
should be notified when you get a
message that way you can respond
immediately that way there’s no room for
a customer being angry if you’re not
responding on time now it’s just an
international customer and there’s
obviously a time difference there’s
going to be a little bit of delay but
always make sure you have at least one
person in your office or on your team
who’s constantly responding to people it
makes all the difference in the world
when you have good customer service
people come back people love you people
come back people respond well you leave
a bad taste in their mouth they’re gone
you just lost the customer also when
you’re hiring you want to make sure the
person that’s part of that’s handling
your social media you want to make sure
they are trolling social media to make
sure that you’re not tagged with
anything negative and you’re just really
controlling the content on my Instagram
I have a lot of people tagging me with
pictures of their but I mean it’s great
you have a nice butt thank you for
sharing but you’re not wearing Cuba D
pants you’re wearing nothing so I have
fit Kitty go on and she literally
trolled Instagram and she untagged us on
all of the pictures that had
nothing to do with our brand or business
it’s a really popular tactic from people
who are trying to gain followers or get
your attention if they’ll tag you on a
post and you’ll know it instantly when
you touch the picture and 50 to 100 you
know company names come up that just
means they’re searching for someone to
respond to them follow them or give them
something for free my last point on
building your social media brand is to
be careful who promotes you who you let
promote you if your business you have to
be responsible and in control for
positive and negative content and things
that happens you know when we hire
social media girls to do pictures for us
or to promote for us or whatever they’re
doing I I filter that content I want to
know what they’re posting I have
guidelines and priorities there’s
contracts in place where we actually
have a photo guideline of what you can
and cannot post down to the filters and
the words that you use and the writing
over it and I don’t even like pictures
that are when you’re stitching four or
five six pictures together when you’re
building a brand you want a clear image
in a nice light that’s not over
complicated and you know what is the
purpose of that picture your picture
should have a purpose so it’s up to you
to control that and it’s up to you to
make sure that you control both the
positive and the negative content on
your Instagram page and on your social
media in general all right guys thank
you for this great little chat on social
media and branding don’t forget to leave
your comments below I want to hear your
crazy social media stories or any points
you have for me that I may have missed
don’t forget to subscribe because we are
trying to get to a million subscribers [Music]
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