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3 Types Of Goals For 2019

it’s that time of year where everybody’s
gonna be talking to you about business
plan a life plan and what you’re gonna
do with new year resolution all that
other stuff or look let me let me give
you some insight about business plan and
that’ll hopefully give you some clarity
I’ve seen and read many many business
plans thousands of business plans I’ve
read in my career and I can tell you
when I knew if a business plan was going
to move the individual or not and by the
way I experiences personally and that’s
when I started gauging with other
people’s business plans that I read I
remember the first time I wrote a
business plan it was a homework it was
like well I feel like I have to write a
business plan second time on the same
thing third fourth fifth time but in oh
six I wrote a business plan that got me
my eyes were like I was like excited
about it was like a little kid I’m like
oh my gosh next year’s gonna be an
amazing here I’m so excite about the
following year and it made me finish
December strong to kick off my following
year which was oh seven now what was it
look you know writing a business plan
it’s almost like writing a novel or
writing a paper the more you do it
eventually you get better at it but just
like a great story
has a plot has a villain has a hero you
know all these things that a great
fiction story has a great business plan
has some of those elements as well let
me explain to what I mean by this when
you read a business plan if the numbers
on what you want like the goals you know
you gotta have three different types of
goals on your business plan one is your
emotional goal which is doing something
for somebody else this year if I make a
half a million dollars I’m gonna get my
mother a car and surprise her on her
birthday this year if I do seven million
dollars of top-line revenue I’m gonna go
out there and do XYZ for my wife and
kids this year if I do this I’m gonna
give a hundred thousand dollars to
charity I’m gonna give a half a million
dollars to my church that’s emotional
you’re giving very powerful goals but
it’s giving second type of goals are
selfish goals if I do this I’m gonna buy
me a Ferrari if I do this I’m gonna buy
myself a condo if I do this I’m gonna
buy me a Rolex I’m gonna buy myself a
Breitling I’m gonna buy myself a
Ferragamo suit or I’m gonna go out and
go shopping five thousand dollars
whatever that selfish goal is
to some people you have to have that as
well and then a third one is a stable
goal which is what you know I’m gonna
save a hundred thousand dollars this
year in 2019 I’m gonna save a half a
million I’m gonna save a million ten
million whatever that goal is so three
different kind of goals your emotional
your stable your selfish goals you gotta
have in place right but that’s not
enough that’s great the part that makes
the business plan exciting that gives
you juice like oh my gosh what if I go
save a quarter million and what if I go
and do that for my mom and what if I go
you know and and and buy myself that
Ferrari or that’s 750 that’s so exciting
those create excitement but it doesn’t
create belief in the business plan to
create belief in your business plan you
need formulas and let me tell you what I
mean by formulas formulas that tell you
exactly if you do x times y equals
exactly what you want so you need a lot
of different formulas I’m not talking
like technical formulas it means if I
make this many calls per week and I run
this penny more appointments per week
and if I do this for 52 weeks straight
I’m gonna make this much money it tells
you a formula if I go out there and make
this many contacts if I sell this many
policies if I go out there sell this
many real estate if I get this many
clients whatever it is within your
business you need to have exactly the
formula in place and once you have
you’re emotional you’re selfish and
you’re stable go back up with a formula
and a deadline tied to it then there’s
excitement and if you combine those
three then you get that twinkle in your
eyes so I’ve got two videos I want you
to watch today because 2019 is all about
planning and by the way for us in our
company I always talk about you know
2019 is a reflection of what you’re
December and December to us is very very
important we just came out from our most
important mastermind Alliance meeting
that we’ve ever it was the greatest one
ever every single day we started at 8:00
we will until 11:00 at night every day
was 15 hours sessions for three straight
days with 141 people in the room and no
one was yawning no one
everything was intentional they got a
folder this big with strategies it was
250 pages of strategies that we covered
with formulas you got to figure out your
formulas to videos you got to watch one
how to put your one-page business plan
the thumbnail maybe here if it’s not the
link will be below the second video I
want you to watch is how to make a
million dollar your income the formulas
in it both videos are very important for
you to watch before 2019 and when you’re
watching it
don’t just watch it on your phone or and
you know what while you’re driving a car
get a paper and pen and take notes
because I’m gonna give you specific
formulas for 2019 to use again one of
the videos is the one-page business plan
the other video is how to make a million
dollar income both of the videos you
need to watch today and then tweet me at
Patrick big David on how focused you are
about your 2019 and when you do the
one-page business plan you’ll have
exactly what you’ll call the year of
something I want to know what 2019 is
gonna be for you what you’re gonna call
it the year of what tweet me and let me
know what it is at Patrick baby we take everybody have a great week bye bye
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