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3 Minutes That Can Change Your Life

stop whatever you doing right in a stop
I need three minutes of your time and
have nothing to sell you I want to talk
to you about the biggest most critical
dangerous temptation in life and I’m not
talking about women I’m not talking
about men while you’re married I’m not
talking about drugs stealing I’m not
talking about all those temptations
there’s one that’s a hundred times
bigger than this hundred times bigger
than this and it’s the reason why so
many people that you and I have met that
are so talented but they never reach
their potential and why is that I’ll
explain to what why that is listen in
life I’ve lost many many times let me
tell you many times I’ve had girlfriends
break up with me I’ve had companies
somebody didn’t want to do business with
me I’ve had an employee tell me they
don’t want to be with me
I’ve had salespeople that have quit on
me I’ve had so many people that have had
losses with I’ve competed against people
that are inferior than me and I lost to
them because that better work ethic than
me and I thought because I had some
talent at the time I was gonna beat him
no way in the world that guy worked
harder than me and I’ve also compete
against guys that were superior than me
and I worked my butt off and I still
lost I still lost with a guy that was
ahead of me what happened there I work
my ass off and I still lost yes that
also happens it’s called the loss it
hurts it’s embarrassing you come home
your wife or your girlfriend wants to
make you feel good but you know you lost
and it doesn’t feel good your peers are
looking at your competitors are looking
at you the smirk that competitor is
gonna have when they give you a
high-five where they shake their hand to
kind of say good luck to you next time
you know that look still says that I
beat you that hurts a girl breaks up
with you that hurts but here’s the
here’s a kicker in that moment you will
have a temptation
it’s the biggest temptation in life it’s
the most dangerous tant temptation a lot
it’s the most powerful temptation in
life let me tell you what it is in that
moment you will have the choice of
either blaming something on the outside
or taking full responsibility that
temptation is so subtle no one knows it
no one knows it I have led thousands of
sales people that I’ve worked with and
I’ve seen some of them keep growing
growing growing growing growing one guy
went from 30 grand here 250 grand here
200 grand here to 200 300 400 500 600
700 million dollar your income while
they had a lot of drama fast in three
what happened to them they never blamed
they always took responsibility
they never blamed and I’ve had people
that are ten times more talented every
six months to have some kind of a subtle
stop you know why because they blame the
different circumstance well because of
this because it’s this person’s fault
that person is well this person’s fault
look in life it’s gonna be very easy for
you to blame everybody very easy for you
gonna for you to blame everybody but one
day you’ll sit down and people will say
how come you didn’t make it bigger in
life you were very talented what
happened there you can make up any BS
and sell them because typically people
who are good at blaming other people are
great salespeople you can blame
everybody else but there’s one person
that’s gonna know that you didn’t take
responsibility and that’s you that’s a
tough one to live with so I told you I
needed three minutes of your time here’s
my challenge to you next time you have a
loss next time you have a break up next
time something happens that hurts truly
hurts instead of blaming the world take
a piece of paper and take responsibility
and say what did I learn from this what
can I do better
what bad habits do I have that keeps
showing up what bad friends do I have
that keep showing up and I’m gonna make
a decision to stop it now and not
blaming everybody and if you decide to
do that don’t be surprised where your
life changes drastically in a positive
way okay that’s why I said I only need
three minutes of your time have a great day everybody bye bye
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