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10 Time Saving Hacks for the Entrepreneur

hey do you have some time okay I have to
bring something up and and I really need
just the other day how many times you
have people that want to bring their
problems to you and all of a sudden 60
minutes is gone 42 minutes is gone you
didn’t get nothing done right
brighteners in last week’s episode I
give a challenge then the first person
that answers the question of the video
why do rich keep getting richer who was
the richest men on Forbes 400 listen
1982 if you tweet me at Patrick vid
David I was gonna call you and the first
person that tweeted me the right answer
Vasile Roth chef but still
congratulations for sending the truth we
had a good conversation together and for
some of you that missed it we may do
many more of these in future episodes so
let me get right into the ten
time-saving tax as an entrepreneur a lot
of you guys comment below on every
single video and say Pat I want to see
you have Jordan Peterson well I want to
see happy llama I want to see how Jeff
Bezos listen they don’t see those
comments on YouTube but they do see it
on Twitter so here’s what I want you to
do anybody you want to see go tweet at
them with my handle and their handle at
Patrick made David’s mind and whoever it
is you want to see on value tainment and
eventually if these guys see 100 200 500
thousand of them will eventually be able
to land the interviews and bring them on
value tainment because a lot of it also
has to do with user with value tenders
who want to see them on value to me so I
want to hear from who you want to see on
value tainment
go post your guests on twitter so having
said that let’s get right into it number
one listen as an entrepreneur you gonna
have a lot of different meetings but
sometimes you’ll have a lot of meetings
and all of a sudden like why did I have
this meaning this was a waste I don’t
even know what the whole purpose of this
meeting was and that brings me to number
one phrase which is you ask everybody
this question what’s our outcome of this
meeting very simple hey if it’s a
one-on-one what’s our outcome of this
meeting five what’s our outcome in a
meeting board meeting what’s our outcome
at a meeting a meeting with a hundred
people what is our outcome of this
meeting and you ask a few people and see
if they know the outcome if the group
doesn’t have an outcome there doesn’t
need to be a meeting if the group does
have an outcome let’s manage your
expectation upfront on what the outcome
of this meeting is
number two a lot of times people will
come up to you they’ll call you and
you’ll pick up a call because this may
be an executive or an important person
you’re working with it’s a VIP contact
that you have whoever it is in your
company a partner or vendor or they’ll
come to your office and they want to
call you right off the bat if you’re
running doing other things this is how
you answer the phone hey John brother
this is great that we’re talking I got a
question for you is this a five-minute
conversation or a 15-minute conversation
Pat this is a 15-minute conversation
perfect I don’t have 15 minutes right
now can we schedule this for later on
today to have 15 minutes we certainly
can I’m available at 6 p.m. tonight
Central Standard Time are you yes put it
in your calendar I’ll call you at 6 and
I’ll give you 15 minutes of my time no
problem thank you click done so let me
tell you what the other person is
thinking about the other person is
saying wow this person respects and
values their time when they call you at
6 o’clock they’re not going to waste
your time they’re gonna go 15 minutes
because you made it very clear is this a
15-minute conversation or a 15-minute
conversation and by the way the more you
do that the more of your employees and
executives are also going to be doing
that with their teams and they’re gonna
say is this a five-minute conversation
or 15 minutes so not only are you saving
time everybody else on your team is
saving time number three so now it’s a
complete opposite side sometimes you’re
calling somebody right and they pick up
the call and let’s just say you’re the
executive or you’re the leader you’re
somebody you’ve influenced and they’re
kind of excited to pick up your call and
you say right off the bat hey John I
know you’re busy I only have five
minutes I just want to address one thing
with you do you have five minutes for
this yes so here’s what’s on my mind
they already know it’s a five-minute
conversation if you don’t say that then
it’s all about how what do you think
about this what do you thing about
Croatia what do you think about the
World Cup what do you think about LeBron
James what do you think that’s a 42
minute conversation it could have been a
seven minute conversation you’re done
you’re off the phone okay so when you
call someone let them know I only need
five minutes of your time
great let’s get right into it
number four so sometimes you’ll have
somebody that walks into your office or
they’ll call you you’re picking up the
phone you’re talking to them and they
ask you a question or make a request and
you really want to help them out but
then you catch yourself like thinking on
the call five 10 15 20 minutes to try to
make the right decision rather than just
saying listen this requires me to think
and process let me get back to you this
afternoon at 4 o’clock or let me get
back to you and sleep on this I’ll call
you tomorrow at 3 o’clock does that work
for you yes then you schedule it then
you simmer on it and you similarly could
be at night while you’re sleeping it
could be when you went on the drive
you’re going home during lunch it
doesn’t matter you’ll have a better
answer for them and it saved you time
from not getting distracted of the
project you were working on on that
specific time now by the way when you
say let me get back to you it doesn’t
work if you actually don’t get back to
them you got to call them back
number five so a lot of times it would
be an email trail right and people will
add you in an email and they send the
calendar for an appointment that they’re
having tomorrow 2 o’clock with this
meeting on 9 people at the office and
you don’t really know what the purpose
of the meeting is but you’ll ask the
question it’s a very simple question is
am I needed for this meeting then
somebody who’s the decision-maker there
will say actually after thinking about
it with the two of us you are not needed
in this meeting but we are going to need
you for the next meeting no problem you
just dismiss yourself from a one-hour
meeting that everybody will have and
they’ll come back to what issues that
you need to process with them but for
the first preliminary one they didn’t
need you just yesterday there was
something taking place upstairs for
watching a certain video to make sure
was ready and I went up then I said
listen am I needed for this decisions
that you guys are making then they said
nope at we don’t need you for this one
but we’ll need you for the next one no
problem come and get me there I do need
this last 17 minutes to watch everything
else I don’t need to Thank You Pat I
walked away I got back to my business if
you’re not a word that’s what you’ll
catch yourself doing this being part of
meetings hours and hours of meetings
that you do not need to be a part of
number six do you have a strategy
session and you’re sitting there and no
one can come up with the answer or the
solution right I just don’t know what
we’re gonna do what do we do about the
server about it goes I think we should
do this I think we should I don’t know
I’ll get right to the question I’ll say
this who do we know that has the right
answer to this question oh who do mean
John perfect let’s call Cole John right
now hey John what do you think about
this or this how it works perfect we
just say 45 minutes by the way this is
the same thing when I’m in Athens and
I’m lost and I don’t know how to get
back on the ship I ask somebody where
are the ships at versus my wife was a
master with maps you’ll say we have to
go through this Street and this dinner I
don’t listen
where are the ships ships are this way
let’s go to the ships and we find it
because someone who lives there is gonna
have a better way of assisting us on how
to get there versus us trying to learn
the city that saves you a lot of time
and a lot of drama number seven so look
a lot of times as you’re building a
business you have a lot of different
projects that you’re building or we are
project X project a project B whatever
it is and as you have these projects at
the end of every project you need to
come out with a game plan and what’s the
game plan step by step process on what
we need to do to solve this issue and
make this project become a reality right
at the end of the project you got to ask
one question and the question is who is
taking the lead on this project so for
instance you got six steps who’s taking
the lead on step number one I got this
one great who’s taking a lead on number
two me too because that’s part of me
great how about you to work on that is
that cool yes three four five if you
don’t do that then everybody feels
committed to every single project rather
than people saying this is my
responsibility this is my responsibility
and then at the end you ask the one
question that I asked earlier which is
what what do you need from me in this
project Pat we need you for X Y Z
perfect I can’t do this I can do this I
will commit to this no problem I can’t
do this because I think she will do it
better than I will do it she’s the
expert in that area fair enough
thanks guys boom you step away so the
question is who is taking a lead on this
step of the project before you finish
the strategy session that you had on a
project that you’re working on that’ll
save you a lot of time
number eight so you’re in a boardroom
you’re trying to overcome something you
have some issue of crisis something
whatever that’s taking place that’s come
up right as you’re going through step by
step of processing this issue you’ve
either hit a wall or you’ve already
solved it and processed the issue but
people are still talking so you have to
ask a simple question are we done as a
team processing this issue and this is
typically what will happen everybody
will go like this III think so I think
we’re done I we’re done okay cool
perfect thanks guys we’re good to go
everybody knows what to do after here
great meeting guys we’ll see you guys
boom and you get to work right that
question right there stops everybody
everybody looks at each other
boom we get up we get back to work
whatever we’re working on but that
meeting is done with number nine so many
times you’ll have a lot of people that
are constantly asking questions from the
home office so they’ll call the
headquarters how does this work how does
that work how does this work how does
that work rather than creating a CRM
like for instance we spent over seven
figures on an app that allows me to have
geo conference that a message we have
7,000 agents nationwide
I can’t direct a message to everybody
this geo conference allows me to send a
message to any zip code 50-mile radius
100 mile radius and everybody there gets
it right and it allows me to have a time
around there where the message
disappears in six hours
so everybody has to read the message so
having a CRM a communication platform
where people in different departments
can get updates on what’s going on so at
any given moment I can go and say what’s
going on over here this relates to me
because it’s my department got a check
I’ll move on and go back to what I was
doing so look as you grow and eventually
gonna have a lot of different
departments that’s running the business
right complying sales back-end support
customer service comes from retention
finance department of all these
different departments but before you
have all these different departments you
may be running the team of three people
four people five people for us at this
point we bought a multi seven-figure app
that we designed only for us that
communicates that’s got so much security
and it’s that’s insane and it’s got
different departments different level
leadership because a lot of times if one
department is distracting another
apartment is distracting another
department that Department is dealing
with an issue that’s none of their
business but these guys are bothering
them their focus doing their part so you
have to figure out a way to get the
messages amongst each department to them
so how do you do that at your level
maybe you’re not a billion-dollar
company now maybe you’re not 100 million
dollar company now maybe you’re just
starting on your $100,000 your business
you create certain communication groups
like a group me or a cyberdust or a text
or a certain communication that you can
do collectively the team can in that
department collectively for them to know
exactly what’s going on with the updates
and then as you grow these communication
platforms are gonna get bigger and
bigger and bigger and eventually you
will also probably have your own
proprietary communication tool you use
to save you a lot of time and number 10
so a lot of times when you’re new your
employees need education and you’re the
one that’s educating everybody because
you know what you expect from people so
you’ll sit with an employee 42 minutes
here you know 38 minutes here another 48
minutes here and you’ll find yourself
saying the same thing to 50 other people
right and by the way I am all about
face-to-face one-on-one orientation with
new people to get them acclimated you
can’t just say watch this video and
that’s it there’s got to be a human
being that sitting there talking to them
but in order to really scale you need to
have an educational system in place and
here’s what I mean by that we created an
educational system very similar to Value
tainment value taemin a big part of it
was a lot of people kept asking me
questions what are the rules of money
pad how do I become an entrepreneur Pat
you know what is the struggles as an
entrepreneur how do I sell how do I
become a better salesperson how do I do
this how do I network eventually so many
questions were asked I made videos so
now anybody that asked me questions
watch this video watch this video watch
this video I’m not explaining 22 minutes
of the video because it’s there for
somebody to watch alright that same
principle was used with our company way
before rally teaming came out and so if
you’re watching and say well Pat how do
I do it do I put the videos on YouTube
if you put it on YouTube and let’s just
you have a password-protected website
where you just want your employees to
see you don’t want to be open to the
public then you can’t use YouTube even
if it’s an unlisted video because it can
be shared but you can use Wistia which
allows you to put the video and embed it
on your website and the only way I can
see it is based on the password login
all that stuff I got to go through
but it’s your video and you spend $100
$200 a month with them depending on how
much bandwidth you have but having an
educational platform with your business
no matter how big or small you are that
can give you hundreds if not thousands
of hours that gets back to you instead
of having to train everybody so if
you’re watching it’s insane man yeah I’d
love to have a system on how to process
issues Pat you were talking about how
you process issues and board meetings
and all this other stuff I’ve been asked
that question so many times that
eventually Simon & Schuster came and we
did a big publishing deal together and
I’m working on my book right on how to
process issues and the moment were 90
days out of the book coming out I will
let you know stay tuned for that but for
everybody else that’s watching this some
of you are saying Pat can we do another
how-to video on this topic or that topic
or this topic and your comments get lost
in translation because nowadays we’re
getting thousands of comments tweet me
whatever topic you want to see as a
how-to episode on value shame and at
Patrick bid David and if I haven’t done
it yet and if it makes sense
we’ll sit again and put that video for
you so you can watch it on value Tim and
by the way if you haven’t yet subscribe
to the channel do so click on that
subscribe button we’re getting so close
to million subs I think we’re like at
760 right now click on that button we’re
like two hundred forty thousand subs
away from doing the first live value
taming conference in the same room
together it’s gonna be insane
but it’s a hundred twenty days after we
cross 1 million subs take everybody bye-bye
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