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Terrible English Idioms! – English lesson for Halloween with EatSleepDreamEnglish

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forever and ever and ever
hello today we’re going to do five
terrifying idioms the first terrifying
idiom is to have goosebumps or something
gives you goosebumps
Kisa cute I thought this is supposed to
be a terrifying Halloween listen when
you get goosebumps it’s the same feeling
as when you get cold your little hairs
stand on end but it’s not because you’re
cold it’s because you feel fear or if
you hear a nice song you know what gives
me goosebumps
what haunted houses hearing noises in
the dark
being alone in the cemetery what gives
you goosebumps Enya her voice is
heavenly our second terrifying idiom is
to have butterflies in your tummy or
stomach butterflies aren’t scary either
when you have that nervous feeling in
your tummy like little scary butterflies
are flying inside you you have
butterflies for example I saw a pretty
girl I love her when she talks to me I
get butterflies this is a Halloween
lesson please try and be more dark and
sinister what gives you butterflies
nothing I’m dead inside I have no
emotions hmm a third awful idiom is to
be in high spirits oh my god that means
to be happy yes terribly happy we
usually say this when you’re in a
visibly good mood or perhaps you have
more energy than usual this isn’t scary
for example his motivational speeches
put everyone in high spirits what puts
you in high spirits death the next idiom
is to get the heebie-jeebies the willies
or something creeps me out that’s a bit
better hmm
when you feel uncomfortable or when your
skin goes there you can say it gives me
the willies
or the heebie-jeebies or this creeps me
out this is better I like this one I
often get the heebie-jeebies when I walk
alone in the dark you’re never alone I’m
is watching you that’s creepy hmm our
final idiom is to have a stab at
something okay good
finally when you attempt something that
you’ve never tried before you have a
stab at it all right calm down would you
like to have a stab at giving us an
example sure I’ve never learnt Chinese
I’m dying to learn well you’re very
clever you should have a stab at it you
could make this more interesting with a
stab in the dark this means when you
guess something and you’re really not
sure if you’re right or if you try
something which has very little chance
of actually working what’s the time I’m
going to have a stab in the dark and say
5:30 it was just a stab in the dark when
I tried to park the car I can’t drive
did you run anyone over yes good thank
you for watching now watch our other video
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