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My Stalker Fan Story & Dealing with Hate | My Online Safety Story & Advice

hello I’m Lucy and I run the YouTube
channel English with Lucy which teaches
English as a second language and today
I’m going to talk to you about online
safety and making your online experience
a positive one when people take an
interest in you
they really do pick up way more
information than you would ever imagine
when I just started my channel because I
didn’t have that many subscribers
compared to other youtubers I kind of
felt quite safe with the information
that I was sharing little did I know
that somebody was keeping quite an eye
on what I was sharing so this one fan
that did manage to scare me quite a bit
actually found out my full address and
phone number and sent it to me I never
put my address out on the Internet he’d
managed to piece together lots of
different bits of information from all
of my videos and photos and geo-tagging
and work out exactly where I live right
to the to the house name the best thing
you can possibly do start off on the
right foot so define exactly what you
want to share and stick to it and always
have that in the back of your mind also
be open with it be open about what you
are comfortable with and what you aren’t
comfortable with there’s a line and in
it can’t be crossed you are a real
person and you need to be respected one
thing I do get is a lot of criticism
sometimes constructive sometimes not so
constructive and I must admit sometimes
it’s a little bit hard to swallow
because let’s face it you’re putting
yourself out there on the Internet
people aren’t going to like it always so
when I get a constructive criticism or a
really negative comment if it’s politely
worded then I will reply if it’s really
negative I’ll reply with a sort of joke
or I’ll make light of the situation I’ll
try and put a positive spin on it again
I can’t comment much more than you would
ever imagine when I started out the
channel and I was getting some some
funny comments I sometimes would name in
shame or really respond to them and I’ve
just found that the best way of dealing
with them is ignoring them just a very
quiet report or blocking them from the
page never say a word and keep it really
really positive so I like to be seen to
be rewarding really really positive and
lovely messages publicly and so people
realize that the best way to get a
response is by being nice and friendly
and that being negative gets you nothing
at all worst case scenario if somebody’s
misbehaving block them they’re not
welcome anymore I think my biggest tips
anyone who use the Internet and receive
any sort of hate message is try to
imagine the person that’s writing that
message it might be a 12 year old that’s
having a really bad day it might be
somebody that’s just gone through a
breakup you don’t know what they’re
going through why are they doing it why
instead of being out on a lovely run or
out with their friends why are they sat
in their room on their own writing
horrible messages to you it’s because
they’re not happy and so that’s why
they’re spreading hate and I find that
imagining that and trying to envision
that instead of feeling angry with them
it actually makes me sympathise a little
bit and feel sorry for them the best
thing you can do is feel sorry for the
haters rather than angry and offended by
the haters kill them with kindness be
nice to them and if you still don’t get
a good response believe it it’s really
really important to be aware that what
you’re sharing it can be seen by anyone
a while back there was a huge trend on
YouTube about sharing story times I
shared a story about a miscommunication
from a student but it was a bit of a
naughty story because he asked me if I
wanted any peanuts but he kind of
mispronounced the word and it sounded
like something a little bit dirty and I
shared this video in a story thinking
we’re going to be really really funny
I’m going to motivate my students to you
know be really really careful with their
pronunciation I didn’t expect it to get
that many views I mean I didn’t have
that many subscribers at time I wasn’t
getting that many views on each video
but it did go a bit viral sometimes I’ll
meet people like my friends mums or
something like that and they’ll say oh
yeah I saw that I saw that video that
you made about the peanuts that is not a
good first impression there you never
know who’s going to take an interest in
what you’re up to where you are who you
you just don’t know so it’s better to be
safe than sorry
I would definitely think twice before
geo-tagging anything around your house
where you live or where you work or
places that you visit frequently because
if somebody wants to find you and they
see that you have coffee at the same
cafe every Monday at seven o’clock in
the morning they could be there and they
could find you also one more thing that
I didn’t think about is disclosing when
I’m going to be on holiday because if
somebody does work out where you live
and they know that you’re traveling the
world for two months you might come back
to a nasty surprise so looking back I
wish I have been more careful from the
very very beginning just don’t forget
that if your page is your social media
and you have the right to have it as you
want it thank you for joining me here
today to learn about online safety and
make the internet safe and don’t forget
to check out my channel English with
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