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Make or Do? Learn English for FREE with Lucy!

I attended (made) to myself just a cup of tea
And we have to do (do) some housework shortly after
But that made me think of two words
Which that make the many students find it difficult to use them.
Today, I want to talk to you about ‘make’ and ‘do’.
If so why it is difficult to differentiate between these two words use?
The answer is that both words have meanings very close
And, in many languages
They use only one word
Such as’ HACER “in Spanish
So what is the main difference between them?
Well with ‘make’ you invent something
It did not exist before
While with ‘do’ you accomplish or complete a task
Are accepted
Now, please remember
As with all the rules in English
There are always exceptions
And I will talk about them after they explain the most important part.
The things that we Neptla or attended from scratch:
Coffee or tea: Do you promise (make) you one of them?
Show: I would like to do (make) you an offer.
I offer (make) you a proposal?
Well, but only on condition that progress (make) I promise.
Also: I think I have been committed (made) a mistake.
I would like to provide (make) a complaint!
Who is made (making) this noise?
I’ve made (made) discovery really important.
Most of the acts associated with them in the field of business Tskhaddm ‘make’
For example: profit and loss
Last month, it caused (made) loss
But this month, I want to edit a (make) profit.
You can also make (make) an investment in the business to someone else.
If you’re sure that your football team will win the match
You can play (make) them proof
In order to try and earn some extra money
Also, if things go well for you
And earned a lot of money
You will have achieved (made) fortune.
Now let’s talk about ‘do’.
As I have already told you that ‘do’ is used when a task performed in advance effecting
For example: every night completed (do) my duty.
Next week I have to be subjected (do) exam.
In the share of science we (do) experiments.
I hope not I have to do I make (do) any interviews sooner!
Next summer, and I think that I would (do) for a language course.
Household chores are tasks, which is important to remember
I hate to do (doing) shopping.
I do not mind to take charge of (doing) dishes
But I hate
Do (do) Labaki clothing
You you can accomplish (do) something is good or bad
I’ve (did) exam badly in the summer and profits now I had to do (do) it again.
You can work (do) good or evil
Do good is to do (doing) something wholesome
If you eat healthy, you make (do) for yourself a good thing.
You can also make (do) your best, or make (do) the worst thing you have.
If you want to run in the race, you should do your best
Vmaholh and to achieve the best possible time.
I’ve taken out the red pen!
It’s exceptions and unfortunately time
There are many exceptions with ‘do’ and ‘make’.
I told you that most of the things that deal with money and business
Used with it make
However, you ever heard this phrase
‘Happy handling (doing business) with you’?
Business (business), this word itself, using it ‘do’
That (do) work with someone.
It also said that household chores are used with it ‘do’.
But when I wake up in the morning should be tidier (make) my bed.
He also said that ‘make’ used with the preparation and innovation
So we invent an art, is not it?
Error! And we (do) drawing.
Finally, girls hair and make-up.
I Asfv (do) my hair, and I also do (do) makeup.
Oh! Excuse me! I just put (doing) lipstick.
Or, this is all about ‘make’ or ‘do’.
I really hope you learned something
I would be grateful if you would have really “subscription” for my channel
Also, if you have analyzed the test that you later my stuff
Leave your answers in the comments
I will try to correct them all
good bye!
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