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LIVE ENGLISH CLASS! – Love and Advice!

a people we’re back it’s Sunday
guess what guess what I have a new
laptop I know I know this is amazing so
hopefully hopefully this will work today
hopefully we won’t have any problems
no crappy internet I feel good about
this one how do you feel about this one
do you feel feel confident I feel
confident let’s let’s do this so first
of all hello hello in Brazil hello
Russia hello Chile hello everyone I in
London today it is kind of great but
it’s not cold so every reason to be
happy today
this is great also if you didn’t catch
it there was a new video yesterday on
how to be polite and on Friday there was
another video about different ways to
call someone an idiot if someone is of
that stupid sometimes you need to call
someone in idiots
you just have to so um ways that you can
follow me if you want to see bits of
London you can follow me on Instagram
Twitter Facebook ad Papa teach me if you
haven’t already make sure you click
Subscribe and hit the bell so you get a
notification every time that you every
time that our video releases let me say
hello to a few of you we’ve got a few
new members I want to say hello to some
new members I love you guys and thank
you so much for joining remember you get
extra extra English practice in the form
of worksheets debates with me if you
join my patreon page or join this
channel as a member so new members hello
I saw em Anna Anna Maria I saw you in
the comments welcome welcome to the
family Ida
see sik I don’t know how to pronounce
that name hello welcome to you and Elena
thank you and welcome so today we’re
talking about love relationships and how
to give advice in English giving advice
in English this is one thing that I
noticed many people need because it’s
emotional language the best way to learn
a language is through emotions when you
feel their language it’s it stays in
your brain a lot better so that’s what
we’re gonna do we’re going to we’re
going to do how to give advice in
English tell someone what you really
think the way we’re going to do this if
you haven’t already on my Instagram at
Papa teach me I’ve made a knot a pole
I’ve made it what they call the
questions thing I asked you if you have
any relationship problems that you’d
like to talk about you know in our live
stream today if you have I will call you
on skype I’ll keep your name and all
details anonymous but we will talk about
your problem and everyone will give you
advice having a look in the comments
because you guys are remain you guys are
lovely you guys are lovely hey Anna hey
Patricia Harry Jackson hello long time
no see where have you been brother been
you’ve been gone I’ve been here Harry
Jackson so I hope you guys had a really
happy Valentine’s Day because it was
Valentine’s Day last Thursday and in
England it’s tradition for couples to go
out get some food movie ice cream
pancakes I don’t know what couples do
I’m not coupled so my Valentine’s Day
was very cheap yeah um Wow people from
everywhere join right now this is
amazing people from like every different
country so
I’m gonna start by reading a problem and
I want you guys in the comments to tell
me what you think about it before we do
any before we do any new vocabulary so
the first thing so many of you replied
with I’m in a long-distance relationship
so many of you said I’m in a
long-distance relationship I don’t know
what to do how do i what do i what so
give me your suggestions have you ever
been in a long in a long-distance
relationship how did it go did it work
out did you get married sometimes it
works for me personally I’ve done it and
I would never do it again it’s just I
yeah so let me know in the comments
what’s your experience with
long-distance relationships you have
been in one geoffery 101 is saying I’m
in a long-term relationship really how’s
that going and so you never been in a
long-term relationship how many S’s
saying I’m single forever
Freebird controversial point but I think
I agree with you long-distance
relationships don’t work guys don’t
waste your time oh this a lot of hatred
coming for the long-distance
relationships Nikki XV is saying
long-distance relationships are poop
emoji Wow Nikki I mean I agree but it
could be really difficult if you’re in
one I suppose
Christopher Perez is saying I’ve been in
a long-distance relationship and it
turned out awful right right Christopher
Paris I agree with you there
I don’t trust in long-distance
um Liam lambda your name is in Russian
my Russian is very bad lambda lambda I
had such a relationship it didn’t work
for me
it lacks face-to-face communication
right yeah um it’s difficult if you
can’t like physically touch the person
it’s like they don’t exist I guess maybe
I don’t know
so also I spoke to YouTube this week and
they told me there is something very
special that they’ve added for live
streams and that is so if you see in the
comments if I don’t read your comment
it’s not personal I love all of you
equally however the comments go fast
I can’t reply to everyone so you can
support the channel and have me see your
comment and respond to you by using
super chat and that works like this and
you see in the chat now it’s like quite
a bit of chat it’s difficult but if you
in the super chat there’s like super
stickers now and what they’ve done is
they have added Valentine’s Day super
stickers oh I know I know I can do I
yeah there we go
we got it that one right so there we go
we’ve finally made it work get rid of
that so yeah they’ve added this super
sticker feature which gives you a bunch
of Valentine’s Day lovey stickers so
what I’m gonna do today is every Super
sticker that sent give me your message
and to the person that you love and I’m
gonna read it to them and if you message
me with their Instagram handle or if you
message me their skype I think it’s some
way to get in contact with them I will
deliver your message personally I will
tell that person how much you love them
and value them and respect them and so
wow there’s like really cool ones here
oh they’re so cute ah sort of love
okay these are these are freaking
adorable yes so for every super sticker
every super chat that comes through
today I will personally deliver a
message of love to your loved one um
okay cool so I just wanted to share that
with you because YouTube told me that
this is a new feature and it ends today
so to celebrate Valentine’s week that’s
what they’ve done that’s quite cool
anywho let’s have a look
Oh Heineken Thanks Heineken it’s
absolutely lovely of you Heineken is
asking like this body you ask do I like
your body I can’t see your body I don’t
know what your body I’m sure you have a
lovely body well yes Heineken if your
body is like a Heineken bottle then you
have a lovely body yeah we all love that
okay cool so let’s jump straight into
the lesson today first of all we’ve got
one person who messaged me the other day
and we’re gonna okay where are we where
where are we okay if I call you make
sure you keep your YouTube on mute
because then there’ll be an air cone
it’s very very airs very strange
so Skype actually works hello hello
hello how are you hello hello I can hear
you perfectly how are you and lovely um
so you message me and you said that you
had a relationship a love problem that
we can talk about I’m would you mind
sharing sharing with us what is your
problem everyone’s very nice in the
comments and we’re all here to give you
love support and advice and he was
really rude and so jealous that I can’t
start with him the other week I broke up
with him Charlie you’ve been together
for five years
mm-hmm wow that’s a long time yeah how
do you feel about the relationship now I
don’t know I’m just really confused
so lately actually I’m okay so when you
say you broke up because he was getting
jealous right yeah like what kind of
things would happen like when we walk to
the street in street he was saying all
the time that don’t look anyone or
things like that
don’t look at anyone yeah what we did
you walk like this
like with your eyes closed the whole
time and don’t talk anyone or don’t talk
to anyone don’t this guy sounds crazy
you dodged we have an expression the
expression is you dodged a bullet
which means you avoided a very bad
situation I think you dodged a bullet
here yeah you definitely dodged a bullet
this guy sounds crazy how did you last
five years I don’t know either
Wow yeah really bad yeah it’s it sounds
awful awful um so I want to see if
there’s been any advice so far yes and
someone says he deserves a kick mommy
memorize saying too much jealousy is bad
absolutely we can all agree definitely
nuggets of wisdom I think was he abusive
what was he abusive
well I suppose yeah I mean that level of
jealousy that sounds abusive to me yeah
it really is
it’s not like the jealousy isn’t about
you it’s about their insecurities like
they feel bad about themselves so they
want to make you feel bad I don’t leave
me I’m a terrible person but you see you
sound absolutely lovely and what’s new
for you on the horizon you’re getting a
lot of love in the comments by the way
people are agreeing that men are not
nice which largely I agree with and
people are saying sorry to hear that
sorry to hear that
we all love you so yeah yeah Maria
Vasquez is saying it’s obsession not
love totally yeah yeah I’m thinking
about two right now actually now when I
think about him
I say it’s not love it’s it can’t be
love yeah yeah that is not love
there’s definitely obsession there’s
absolutely crazy so people are asking
where you’re from I said that we can
keep you anonymous too however whatever
degree you want so would you be happy
with sharing which country you’re from
Turkey from The Advocate
I’ve never been to Turkey by here it’s
absolutely lovely from from I won’t ask
any more details we’ll keep it we’ll
keep it anonymous yeah but it’s been so
lovely to talk to you and thank you so
well you know you deserve an absolutely
person to meet and I hope you meet
someone very soon who is absolutely
perfect and treats you like a goddamn
queen that you are have a lovely Sunday
Thank You Jay see you later oh yeah so
people people are saying yeah that’s not
love that’s obsession if you have like a
very jealous boyfriend girlfriend this
is not love this is this is like
obsession it’s not healthy you need to
as someone said I’ve lost your comment
but they said yeah it’s not love it’s an
obsession and you need to cut out toxic
people totally yeah
you can’t be dealing with those people
they’re just rubbish yeah okay so we’re
going to do some vocabulary if you have
your pen and paper get it ready you’re
gonna need it right now
so whoops not that one okey-dokey things
that happen in a relationship so what
can happen in a relationship and when
you become a couple you’d say we get
together so in the past like here we got
together for example when did you get
together oh we got together last year
that means when did you start being a
couple so if you’re in a relationship
let me know in the comments when did you
get together with your
current or ex let me know next and if
something happens romantically or
sexually this can be anything from a
kiss right up to sex you can say we
hooked up that is a phrasal verb to hook
up but this phrasal verb is separable
what does that mean separable in this
case you can see we hooked up there is
no object it’s saying it’s reflexive we
hooked up or you can say I hooked up
with him or her the same with he or she
hooked up with this person so you can
you can it can have a no it’s not it’s
not a separable phrasal verb what am I
talking about a rubbish English teacher
I am there’s no separation here forget I
said that yeah this phrasal verb can
have an object it doesn’t have to have
an object that’s what I meant to say and
yeah so I hooked up with him/her or
we hooked up you can say both ways and
it’s all good oh yeah so next one if
you’re in a relationship you’re
committed to each other but then that
person kissed or did something with
another person you call that cheating
the verb is to cheats now in lots of
languages people say something like this
you give horns to the person or some
variation of horns we don’t say that in
English so if you say that in English we
won’t understand it so don’t use it we
say to cheat so he cheated on her she
cheated on him or simply he cheated she
cheated again let me know in the
comments have you ever had this
experience have you ever cheated has
someone you known ever cheated let me
ami I don’t know if you’re just
practicing but you wrote he cheated on
did someone cheat on you oh is that a me
or am L I don’t know Andrea my husband
cheated on me and I do the same – Wow
you and now what now we broke up was the
end of that story
whoa oh my god I’m sorry for that but
it’s it sounds like that relationship
wasn’t good so I’m glad you are in a
better place now wowzer freckles hey
freckles and freckles s is saying my ex
cheated on me no freckles I’m so sorry
that sucks it absolutely sucks I’m sorry
to hear that um so what happens when you
finish the relationship there’s a few
ways to say it but let’s look at two
right now and well three we broke up we
split up
split up is more of a British expression
Americans don’t really use split up they
use broke up or you can say we went our
separate ways that is a more formal way
of saying it like you might say that – I
don’t know if your boss asks you oh hey
what happened with your last
relationship and you want to be very
very formal about it you could say well
we had problems and we went our separate
you’re not being too casual about it
you’re just saying not no more
Liyana Maori is saying we got together
21 years ago he never cheated on me
actually we stayed together ah
that’s good I mean I wish that was just
the norm like the normal situation but
well done for you guys so staying
that’s lovely that’s it’s always good to
see her happy a happy outcome a happy
I’ve okay I’m noticing a lot of you are
missing the preposition on so someone
said I’ve never been cheated if you say
in a passive way I’ve never been cheated
you don’t need an object for that I’ve
never been cheated on because it’s a
passive right
but if you say inactive I’ve never
cheated that’s okay you don’t use on
because with on you need an object so if
you say I cheated on blah blah blah you
need to on if it’s a passive you need to
on I’ve never been cheated on you need
the on but if it’s an active sentence or
you want to say this person well I have
never cheated you don’t need on okay
Maxim no you’re not too late buddy
you’re just in time so I wanted to open
this up to a more general discussion and
how to give advice so we’re gonna look
at different ways of giving advice and
then we’re going to talk to a few of you
on skype if you want to talk about your
relationship problems with me in this
live class I will talk to you on skype
I’ll keep your name and everything
anonymous and we will find we will find
some advice for you so um I have one
person who I can’t find it now I’ll find
it later so before we get there
advice advice yeah ways to give advice
these are really cool ways to give
advice for example you’d best or you’d
better with those expressions you’re
saying it’s a good
idea a very good idea if you do this
you’d better you’d best and the next
verb is an infinitive let me give you an
example so if you are in a relationship
with jealousy you’d best leave them or
you’d better leave them you best leave
them you’d better leave them it
you’re just saying that’s it’s a better
idea to do this you’d best do that if
you if you’re ill oh you you’d better go
to a doctor before you die amls is
saying you’d better broke up him so am L
see your problem with that sentence
you’d better good broke up no make it
present not past tense you’d better
break up and you’d better break up with
him and Maxim is saying what does this
apostrophe D stand for is it wood yes it
is um you know sorry it’s not again well
bad teacher points today it’s had let me
try that word again you had you had
you had better or you had best sorry
it’s not word sorry makes them please
forgive me don’t unsubscribe please
don’t unsubscribe I’ll understand if you
do but yeah
you had better you had best you’d best
and just to remember Jonah Kelly is in
the chat again hey man and just remember
that next verb is an infinitive
you’d better go you’d better do you’d
better see next one if I were you I’d so
we’re using conditionals here this is a
second conditional because you are not
that person so to give the advice we use
that second conditional if I were you
I’d leave this person and the third one
to say I reckon is the same as I think
I reckon you should leave this guy I
reckon you should end this relationship
I reckon is a very English thing to say
Americans don’t use it Australians don’t
use it so I reckon blah blah blah I
think blah blah blah it’s the same thing
so make sure you are making notes of
this these bits of vocabulary because
we’re going to use them in just one
moment Maxim saying but for this time
it’s for wood which one you talking
about you’d best
no no you’d best is had all you mean if
I were you yes sorry yeah for number two
that’s a that’s a word if I were you I
would blah blah blah
yes humungous Papa can you hit a woman
that is a stupid question humongous I
would hit you but it seems like life has
already hit you hard enough that’s a
stupid question
get on my chair um Crick Lewis is saying
it where are you I would leave this kind
of person yes really really good one
you can say if I were you that’s perfect
or were I you both are great ways of
can you pronunciate nah you must be from
a Latin language so pronunciate isn’t a
word pronounced can you pronounce were
again well if I were you blah blah blah
however in a sentence it sounds like a
schwa so say it with me if I were if I
were you if I were you I’d bla bla bla
bla bla a British or American I’m
British yeah um Oh for those of you who
are asking I stream every Sunday at 3
p.m. so if you yeah to join these
streams just join me every Sunday right
here 3 p.m. new topic each week next
week we’re talking about different types
of food different feelings with food not
your average food lesson it never is on
this channel yeah ok so let’s let’s find
some people to chat to if you have a
relationship or love problem that you
want me to talk about with you on skype
you can add me right here my skype name
is talk with ally just add me if you add
that I will call you tell me your
problem tell me your skype tell me your
relationship problem tell me your skype
problem tell me your relationship
problem and we’re gonna talk about it
live I’ll keep your details and name
anonymous and it’ll be a lot of fun I’m
trying to get my Wow ok there’s a lot of
messages coming through in Skype so if I
don’t reply to you straight away sorry
but um I will try to get round to
talking to as many of you as possible
again so if you have a relationship
problem that you want to talk about live
on this stream so it’s not private but I
will keep your name anonymous send me a
message on skype talk with Ally
that’s my name I’m just going to try and
find an appropriate one that we can all
oh my god I forgot I totally forgot we
didn’t do there’s a whole other piece of
vocabulary that we didn’t even do huh
whoa okay so ways to say how you feel
about someone oh my god I can’t believe
we didn’t do this yes ways to say I’m in
love with or I have feelings for this
person so these are some cool ways that
you can tell someone you love them or
you have feelings for them stop this
this is like the strongest feeling this
is the strongest emotion down here this
is the you look nice I don’t love you
but you look nice so let’s start up here
with the crazy crazy love knot like ah
it’s like crazy love no no it’s like I
love you I want to wait outside your
house it’s that kind of love those two
I’m obsessed with I’m infatuated with
those two are crazy crazy types of love
so if you use those words it’s not a
it’s a strange type of obsession it’s
bad I’m obsessed with I’m infatuated
with don’t it’s not healthy to have that
kind of love for someone it’s not really
love is it anywho infatuated that often
comes up when you talk about celebrities
that you like for example and when I was
in school my friend he was infatuated
with the Spice Girls he was infatuated
with him he knew everything about Spice
Girls for that situation I’ll say he was
infatuated with them okay going down
crazy cute love so this one is like it’s
the same level of love but it’s in a
more of a nice kind way it’s not it’s
not crazy yeah so these ones I’m
besotted with I’m enamored with these
are the types of Disney love so like
when heart emojis come out of your eyes
you’re besotted with someone you’re
enamored with someone now I think
enamoured comes from a Latin language
right so I think some of the Latin
people in the chat you can confirm this
enamoured is there a type of is there a
variation of this word in your language
enamoured I think in a Murata in Emma um
something Liana Mayer II st. enamorada
so Spanish freckles in amaura ah yes
it’s Spanish right how would you use
that no yes yes in a more yet French
right alright so I guess it all comes
from that Latin stem word root word base
word wherever it’s called mm-hmm okay so
the next one cute love so this is when
it’s more than a little bit but it’s
less then let’s get married you know
it’s that beginning of a relationship
kind of love when they spend every
moment together and they are just an
annoying couple you know you know when
you never see your friends anymore it’s
that moment that’s when you use these
ones smitten with or smitten for I’m
crazy about I’m crazy for someone well
I’m totally into someone I actually used
smitten yesterday who did I say I can’t
remember who I said it to but one of my
friends and it’s moving to another
country to be with her boyfriend and I
said you are so smitten so smitten it’s
cute it’s really really cute and it
means you know every moment of the day
you’re thinking about that person you’re
smitten with them so again I want you to
try and use as many of these as you can
in the comments because they’re really
cute and it will really change your
vocabulary for the better
Kevin Marlow saying I’m in love with my
fiancee I told her and manner to allow
to be together word will happen wait
what happened there the first bit
started cool but it got a bit strange
what do you mean you you asked her
permission yeah sister for permission is
that what happened Kevin mala let me
know now well now I’m intrigued now I
need to know your situation
ah pre-prep iman is saying I’m smitten
with my senior but he’s gay that’s sad
can’t wait I’m all sorry man P pear what
time is it here so it’s half 3:00 in the
afternoon London time
to be specific 338 p.m. London time Pat
M yes I agree with you I’m smitten with
food are you having a serious
relationship with the food with pizza
Andrea is saying I’m obsessed with my
Latin teacher really I mean I imagine a
Latin teacher to be quite smart and
educated so yeah I can see that I can
see someone being quite smitten with
free kitchen Assange I’m into Emilia
Clarke right yeah so that’s what we’re
getting to next
so that bottom one this whoops this one
I’m totally into if you say I’m totally
into someone that’s like oh my god why
this person is so amazing and I want to
spend all of my days with this person
I’m totally into but remove totally I’m
into this is the same as saying I’m
interested in which takes us to this
level so you want to be more than
friends at this point it’s like the very
very beginning of meeting someone right
you see this first one Oh
I like so yeah of course if you say oh I
like this person that’s fine but change
the intonation change the whole way you
say it yeah I I really like this person
it’s the same word but it has a
different meaning
one is I like them as a friend one is I
want to kiss this person on the nose
yeah so all depends how you say it same
word different context different
intonation also yeah I’m interested in
that’s really cool
it just means you want to be more than
friends and of course like I said before
I’m totally into that’s also something
you can use I’m into this person I’m
interested I’m into is a bit more common
that I’m interested in I’m really into
your friend can you introduce me Nikki
xpz I’m totally into your teaching
Ellie I’m really interested in him
perfect example yes salla is saying I’m
smitten with my phone
aren’t we all it’s too much yeah Aaron
Aaron is saying I was smitten with my ex
Oh Aaron I feel like there’s a sad story
behind that he is saying the want to be
more friends phrase is annoying yeah
like if someone says I want to be more
than friends with oh yes okay I just
heard it yeah so you mean if someone’s
your friend and they’re like we should
be more than friends that could be
awkward like what if they’re already
friend zoned my god okay so what I’m
gonna do right now is we’re gonna turn
over to Skype for a little love doctor
that’s right we’re going total love
doctor mode right now we’re gonna look
at ways that you can improve your
relationship improve your love life I’m
gonna give you advice so let’s uh let’s
okay we have quite a few problems here
so let’s have a look I’m skim reading a
okay okay okay so let’s go to did you do
to do okay so I’m gonna call you I won’t
say your name everything’s going to be
anonymous like I said um yeah don’t
worry I won’t don’t worry and you choose
Oh Deary me this is difficult
oh you guys have problems and we’ll help
hello hello hello hello how are you I’m
doing great
how’s everything with your day you are
you having a fun day cool what now I’m
talking to you and don’t don’t be
we’re at we’re all friends here we’re
all friends here so calm down your
beating heart okay
okay so um tell everyone their problem
that you’d like to share and we’ll all
give you love and advice healthy healthy
relationship yeah yes yeah because I
already children to someone and I had
been trading trading on to two different
in at the same time different different
process okay okay
so I experienced that my
actually nowadays my memory shipping
nowadays I we decide to open our
relationships so you can date another
process have an open relationship
right okay I’m with you no okay okay so
just to be clear just so in on the same
grammar path hey so you said I cheated
you mean you um you kiss someone else or
the other person kissed someone else
just to be close with oh really
yeah ok ok so I’m with you now got ya
got ya
okay and those relationships are over
right they’re finished you were in an
open ok right now is this your first
open relationship yes right right right
okay and how long has this been a thing
whoa that really okay this is clearly
working for you then someone spares us
too so we decide a lot of people quickly
how can I say they say that is not work
because we not love each other but it’s
not that true we actually love each
other but we have a different vision of
love you know right
okay so I’ve I had a few friends before
who like in open relationships and this
is fascinating this subject so here’s a
question um do you get jealous like if
okay so so you don’t tell each other
that your date oh okay I think I
understand so you it’s open but you
don’t want details right okay okay okay
so um has there ever been a problem with
this relationship because you messaged
me when I asked for problems so I feel
like you have doubts or is there
something that you’d like to
I just want to share all kind of
relationship justice just love is lovely
in that case that’s very nice it’s a
sweet yeah I look at ask for like names
or locations but I mean you Sam
Brazilian totally presenting you yeah is
it hot there today it’s like that here
yeah yeah but we can say that your
relationship is not cloudy it’s only
sunshine that’s really really cool so M
yeah so no one has like any advice to
give you it seems like you kind of smash
in it you’ve got a great relationship
going you’re happy they’re happy right
yeah we could all learn from you thank
you so much for calling thank you for
talking to me I hope you have a lovely
rest of your day and say hello to an
open relationship partner as well thank
Cheers see you later see ya bye bye
okey-dokey let’s have a look I want to
go straight to the next one because you
guys are cool okay next one if you’re
just joining us we’re talking about
relationships and giving advice so the
people who call people I talk to we can
give them advice hello hello I’m good
how are you it’s lovely to meet you Coco
okay so you in your message you said um
you let me just read it hang on I’ve
lost it I’ve lost it I’ve lost the
message you have some counter points on
advice that I’m giving please please
make some counter points someone once
asked you on this past week they told
you oh I like this person but she just
sees me as a friend what should i do how
should I feel basically and you said
something I don’t quite agree with and
welcome to criticism all right
you basically know those words but you
said it’s not worth it
this person issued you
she didn’t care for them you basically
almost the only missing thing was you
calling them a bitch I have to say
I don’t agree with that people should
understand that
if they shouldn’t take offense on people
not feeling romantic or sexual
interesting interest in them it’s not
the only kind of love that can there be
true but this person wanted a
relationship when their friend clearly
didn’t then I’m pretty sure that person
isn’t bad or a bitch just because they
don’t feel the same way they’re probably
pretty awesome if they if our person is
so interested in them it’s not really
good to say they’re trash yeah I don’t
think bitch is exactly where I was going
with that message
yeah okay yeah okay that’s that’s fair
yeah if we need to clarify whoever wrote
that message if you’re still watching I
didn’t I didn’t in any way imply that
you’re kind of a bitch never meant that
um just typically if you’re if you want
a relationship with your friend and
they’re not really into you like for me
personally I would be like okay well a
relationship isn’t happening so I can
focus on something else be it a better
friendship with that person or maybe
finding a different person as a
distraction how would you feel about
that have I
is that better clarification okay okay
just so we’re clear oh but you’re
getting a lot of them loving the
comments by the way your accent and
intonation are perfect yeah you can see
what I can see cool yeah cool okay so um
oh and you also said about friendzone
yes I’m tell me why I’m wrong listen up
there are lots of different types of
relationships don’t get mad about
someone because they cannot fulfill all
of your love requirements mm-hmm
they may be able to cook you some of
them and that’s all right
remember if you are willing to be in a
relationship with someone so far away
again it’s probably because they are
amazing you shouldn’t be denied of that
person but sometimes maybe you need some
some other things you know yeah we are
human we need contact agree don’t be mad
don’t be mind if you need some things
from someone and some things from other
open open up that relationship enjoy
each other I enjoy someone else too
monogamy is not the only way a valid
point a valid point oh yeah okay cool
I’m so whenever there’s subjective like
is monogamy the best way for humans um
I mean perfect world I would love I
don’t know I would love that to be the
case that everyone’s just perfectly
satisfied and happy in a monogamous
relationship but it doesn’t work for all
of the people all of the time so I think
I’d general a traditional view on
relationships is kind of warped from
reality but but that’s not to say that
I’m against any malodorous relationships
I love being in love with a person and
it’s just me and that person and
thinking we’re gonna be together forever
I love that feeling that’s that’s the
best feeling in the world but yes our
concept of like the Disney relationship
is a bit strange to store
so I don’t know yeah yeah definitely
think that I know all right our
perceptions of relationships need to
have some I don’t know adjustments maybe
I guess yeah
the comments are getting very
interesting now yeah okay so Laurie is
saying monogamy is hard Miriah right
underneath is saying I totally disagree
and but I don’t I’m not sure marry who
you disagreeing with freckles is saying
I love monogamy relationships so the
adjective is monogamous monogamous
relationships again yet me too I love
that I have only ever been in monogamous
relationships I think I would be too
jealous yeah yeah I’m like for me so the
guy we were just talking to I couldn’t
handle an open relationship
I’d be too jealous I’d be like no don’t
see anyone else just see me and I won’t
see anyone else I’ll just see you maybe
I’m old-fashioned I don’t know I don’t
know what do you think you give me
relationship with people that you only
you only see that only see you are you
sure about that I for example have
as some kind of relationship with an
English man from from London but it’s a
tiny bit of a thing you know we support
each other’s each other we give advice
to each other and we exchange spicy
pictures if I might say okay yeah it’s
all cake I love cake nice cool okay so
I’m gonna go to the next caller thank
you so much for talking to me you have a
lovely Sunday Oh Cheers
same to you oh my god
cake is cake and I do love cake yeah um
Wow okay we’re gonna take one more who
do we have who do we have it’s open up
oh my god okay so Instagram let’s read
out some Instagram Instagram problems
okay so you guys are going to give
advice for some relationship problems
ooh okay more of an English problem
there in a then relationship problem I
need advice on how to pronounce
girlfriend correctly not even kidding
please help okay so right this is a
pronunciation problem so girlfriend the
L you won’t hit that hard girl friend
that’s too much work for the tongue so
girl try to change it to that
all sound girl girl friend is much
easier to pronounce than girl friend
girlfriend try say it that way well
again more long-distance relationships
have to improve a long-distance
relationship long-distance relationship
Wow Wow
oh so someone is saying if someone has
been unfaithful to you
how do you improve the relationship or
how do you continue when someone has
cheated on you so let me know in the
comments when someone has cheated on you
how do you repair that relationship that
also yeah if you have any any other
okay so seven shades who is saying I
thinked in I think instinct tells us
multiple partners is more efficient for
survival we can develop feelings for
multiple people monogamy means you
promised to six of one person depending
on why each once so like I was saying
before I’ve read an article about this
like different species of animal we are
just one of many summer monogamous some
are not even within the great eight
family of which we are part some apes
are monogamous some are not something
like our closest ape relatives like yet
some are and some aren’t so who’s to say
Manuel is saying you can solve most
problems with dialogue and love I love
that sentiment that is just lovely okay
and another question another problem for
you guys to solve is this one
I never dare to kiss someone when it’s
the moment and I lose a lot of
opportunities because of that Wow
so I think this person’s asking like
when’s the right time to kiss someone
whales are owls are okay so in answer to
the guy but how do you continue from an
unfaithful relationship if someone has
cheated on you you need to choose if you
still want to be in the relationship yep
totally agree totally agree
Elly photo saying if you’ve been in a
relationship for a long time what can
you do to not get bored I think that’s a
huge huge question yeah lever I know
what do you think about that one
crikey Yuko Emma’s saying if your
girlfriend or boyfriend cheats on you
don’t forget the third person s cheats
on you and dump her him low yeah yeah
for me I just would if it’s like a
betray of betrayal of trust I suppose
for me I again everyone’s different but
for me I I would I think it’s just like
yeah of course you do Nikki in I do feel
that in order to fully forgive you
should at least have a little break to
heal I don’t know that’s what I would do
having a little break that’s interesting
like Russ and Rachel that didn’t help
them though um annamaria our lovely
member is saying after being married for
24 years my husband and I have started
our relationship it’s a long distance
what you started as a long-distance
relationship and now you’ve been
together for 24 years
Wow congratulations you’re one of the
you’re one of the people that made it
Wow Miriah Saint my husband cheated on
me five years ago and we decided to stay
decided to do decided to stay together
because of our son but it doesn’t work
now I actually hate him
whoa Miri I’m so sorry about that yeah I
mean what do you do in that situation
you want to stay together for the kids
but know you hate oh my god like do you
live in the same house do you have
okay so we’re gonna move to their phones
one last time I’m gonna choose Oh got
okay okay it’s we’re gonna wait to the
phones right now and someone has an
interesting story again I’m gonna keep
your name and everything anonymous hey
hey hey I just read your message and
holy crap have you got a story to tell
yeah see you your ex broke up with you
did she give you a reason and then she
had to break up with you okay
now in your message you left there was
like a little detail there and what was
that little detail oh and she doesn’t
know Wow yeah but I’m okay
does your ex and her did they know each
other no it was me from nine years ago
okay do you still keep in contact with
I can’t wait I need to turn your room
there yeah it’s much better yeah so you
do keep in contact with the xxxx
that’s insurance about actually physical
conflict because she’s living in New
Zealand really and I’m living somewhere
in Europe you know wow that is quite the
difficult situation so so basically four
people in the chat what’s the situation
is this this gentleman recently broke up
with his ex one of you having problems
right one of those problems which seems
to me like a big one for you is that you
still had feelings for your ex ex right
so then you’re now ex doesn’t know that
okay and does your do you still see your
recent ex and often the girl that you
just broke up with do you still see each
other often
okay that’s good that’s good so but yeah
right so it’s still a bit like won’t
talk to each other Wow
here’s a question did you break up over
text over phone face to face it’s a
timeout right to week to week to go just
if you took a break yeah I took a break
and then I think three days ago she
didn’t tell her I didn’t make I didn’t
any any effort can you talk to her and
talk about the problems that we had yeah
I just let it go wowsa okay and so this
ex do you have any feelings for her
still or is it just kind of like no
we’re done actually I’m really confused
because yes the eggs or the eggs eggs
okay if you still love her I wouldn’t be
thinking about you know yeah I mean so I
don’t know if you heard the previous
callers so they were talking about you
know can you have feelings for more than
one person at the same time is that okay
can you continue a relationship like
that I mean I think I think all of us if
we’re going to be honest we fall um when
we’ve been in a relationship maybe had
feelings for an ex still mm-hmm and so I
don’t think that makes you a bad person
at all but it does so you did have a
break from this relationship anyway
right yeah yeah so it sounds like there
were it was more than just having
feelings for your ex maybe it was a good
thing that you broke up do you think
that you can still be friends with your
recent ex really really bad breakup do
do you have like mutual friends how long
we together
more a year I think yeah what are you oh
wow it’s a long time it’s a decent chunk
of time holy crap well yeah holy
okay so let’s have a let’s have a look
see if there’s a I can’t I can’t really
comment a meeting of home don’t worry
I’m gonna find some and so I said I find
so someone earlier suggested why would
you start a relationship with them if
you had feelings for your ex still now
did you still have feelings for your ex
when you started this relationship or
was that and you did these feelings come
back over time I wouldn’t say I didn’t
have I wouldn’t say I have feelings in
my ex yeah then you start thinking about
how great the ex relationship was right
I think we’ve hit the nail on the head
here right so this what we all have this
holy we have an expression in
English it’s called looking through
rose-colored glasses
do you have something similar in your
language it’s like when you that your
memories of something is so much better
and yeah it’s like we’re here yeah so
you remember all the good times you had
with someone who’s not in your life now
but nap but you forget all the bad times
I’ve done that I’ve totally done that
yeah yeah um I mean you just have to
remind yourself like well there’s a
reason that you’re not together with VAX
anymore remind yourself of why you’re
not together like no things were not
perfect if they were your would have
stayed together like also I’ve had that
feeling and got back together with that
ex and instantly it’s like oh yeah
that’s why we broke up
yeah this was a bad idea so I mean it’s
learning I suppose like having feelings
for someone else
yeah whoo that is a good question
personally no I mean that is a great
question I’m gonna open up to the
comments and see what do you guys think
having feelings for your ex is that
considered cheating what do you think oh
my word that is a deep question okay I’m
gonna throw it to the to their comments
thank you so much for talking with me
today it’s been an absolute pleasure to
talk to you and thank you for sharing
thank you
see you later have a lovely Sunday
Cheers okay so already I’m seeing in the
comments a lot of us ain’t yep yeah it’s
it’s cheating it’s cheating Wow
I don’t know
yeah lambda is saying oh my god I feel
sorry for this guy sounds like it still
hurts when he talks about it I hope
you’ll recover soon dude yeah you’re
still watching hope you feel better soon
and it’s never a it’s never an easy
situation relationships are never are
we’re a strange animal humans nuggets of
wisdom living up to the name with I
don’t think so some emotions can linger
before they finally go totally I mean
when you break up with someone you don’t
instantly forget about that person it
takes time sometimes it takes a couple
of years or a few years um horace gave
you some good advice it’s not cheating
but it’s not being honest I have to
agree with that one um your life is
saying fight for your ex guy okay I want
an update on this situation if something
happens with your ex let me know so me a
message on skype I want to know the
update of this holy crap Nadia’s
cheating why are men always cheating I
mean women cheat too but I absolutely
don’t have any I don’t have any
disagreement with the fact that men are
the worst gender of the two we are
absolutely the worst gender but
apparently when it comes to cheating
we’re kind of even I’d yeah maybe
wowser so yeah Miri Montoya saying I
think he is I dealing idealizing his
ex-girlfriend I don’t know how to say
that yet that’s the expression I was
teaching you you’re seeing something
through rose-colored glasses or Rose
tinted glasses you might also hear that
one means you remember all the good
times of something but you forget all
the bad times and fun facts I was
reading about nostalgia you guys have
this in your language nostalgia
nostalgia no still some variation so
that used to be a disease if you had
nostalgia you’re thinking and wanting
the past back you’re remembering all the
good points about a moment in history
and you forget all the bad points so
wanting something from the past used to
be considered a mental illness but I
mean mammy memory always happens to me
falling in love with a man who loves
another go ah mammy
yeah cool okay oh my god we’ve been
streaming for more than an hour and 20
minutes already so guys thank you so
much for watching and thanks for joining
in it’s been a pleasure to talk to all
of you this has been really fun and
lovely I hope you have a lovely Sunday
I’ll be back next Sunday at 3 p.m. next
Sunday bring your food I’ll bring my
food we’re gonna eat together live in
the next class it’s gonna be quite
interesting bring your food we’re gonna
share some food together so thank you
guys so much for watching see you guys next time
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