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LIFESTYLE 9 TIPS for English learners in English-speaking countries!

hello I’m Emma from English since you’re
here at in English I think it’s safe to
assume that you’re learning English
right but tell me do you live in an
english-speaking country or are you
planning to one day perhaps you’re
planning to study in America or live in
London for a year to improve your
English maybe you’re trying to get your
visa to work in Australia or Canada
I’m curious let me know in the comments
if you are planning to study or work in
an english-speaking country because
living in an english-speaking country
can be an incredible opportunity to
improve your English so if you ever have
the opportunity to do it will do but
just because you moved to the UK
Australia America Canada New Zealand it
doesn’t mean that you will suddenly
speak perfect English like magic it is
totally possible to live in an
english-speaking country and rarely use
English at all so today I’m gonna give
you 9 tips to help you make the most of
your time abroad now I’ve got 9 but
perhaps you’ve got a few of your own
tips too so if you do please add them to
the comments if you think I’ve missed
any even if you don’t live in an
english-speaking country you will still
be able to apply some of these tips to
the way that you study English in your
own country now living in a new country
is never easy
and even more of a challenge if you need
to use a different language but if you
participate in your new life you will
notice a phenomenal improvement to your
English language skills but before I go
on make sure you subscribe
bribe to the English Channel click that
button right there and share this lesson
with your friends if you think it could
benefit them share the love tip number
one don’t live with someone who speaks
your native language and in my opinion
the most important one today now I’m
sure that you would feel more
comfortable sharing a house with a
friend or a family member or at least
someone who speaks your native language
right you’d probably have a whole lot of
fun with them they will probably
understand your jokes they cook meals
that remind you of your mum’s cooking
and share lots of nice memories from
home but this is not going to help you
to improve your English right at the end
of the day no matter how motivated you
think you will be you won’t be motivated
to keep practicing your English when
it’s so easy just to fall back to
speaking your native language so don’t
even give yourself the option to be
comfortable don’t give yourself the
option to be lazy and kind of cruzi if
you find a roommate who doesn’t speak
your language you’ll have to keep
practicing English all day as you
discuss what you’re going to make for
dinner or you’re thinking who took the
dog for a walk or whose turn is it to
clean the bathroom look in this
situation you’ll have the ability to
continue learning and using English and
improving every day ok so what if you
don’t know anyone else who you can live
with well that brings me to tips number
two and three don’t limit yourself to
only native English speakers native
English speakers are not the only people
that you can learn from other English
language learners who don’t speak the
same native languages you are an
incredible resource for you
spending time with or even living with
english-language learners can be a great
way to avoid speaking your native
language and doing so will help you to
feel less nervous or stressed about
making mistakes right you’ll feel more
comfortable asking questions or trying
out new vocabulary with someone who is
also learning just like you someone who
is patient and willing to help you’ll
share new words as you come across them
and chat about some of the embarrassing
moments that you’ve had but what if you
don’t know anybody else who’s also
studying English how do you find these
people don’t just sit around and wait
for new friends to find you connect with
people through social networks Facebook
groups meetup groups your local library
or community groups are a great start
most cities around the world have
hundreds of online communities full of
people just like you so find groups of
other experts or language learners or
non-native English speakers who are
living in that city connect with those
they’re going to really understand the
challenges and frustrations that you’re
having because they’ve probably had the
same experience as you’re right so they
can be a really invaluable support
especially when you’re first starting
out and there are so many websites like
Craigslist Gumtree and others where you
can find homes with spare rooms and move
in with housemates
instantly even a B&B is a great place to
start and connect with someone local tip
number four don’t watch the football
game at home whether you like football
or not push yourself out of your comfort
zone and head to the local bar to catch
the game even if it’s not something
you normally do at home heading out to
take part in local social events is a
great way to meet people to learn a
little bit more about the culture and
probably learn some local slang too and
if a football game really doesn’t suit
your style then check out any other
sporting event or a local trivia night
or happy hour specials or a comedy show
you get the picture
this can sometimes be daunting or scary
to put yourself in a situation where you
may not know anybody or you might be
forced to chat with the locals so local
people tend to be more relaxed and
willing to chat in these situations
often they’ll happily explain the rules
of the game and tell you why the other
team are no good but if you don’t feel
comfortable joining a conversation or
cheering from the sidelines tip number
five don’t put pressure on yourself to
start speaking immediately especially if
you’re new to a place or if speaking in
public makes you feel stressed or
anxious it’s okay to just observe watch
what other people are doing watch their
body language listen in on conversations
try to understand what’s going on being
there and experiencing it will help you
to understand it watch what the locals
do so that you learn more about the way
that they interact and the things that
they talk about in social situations
don’t let your fear of making mistakes
of not knowing what to say keep you at
home allow yourself to be surrounded by
English that way you’re learning not
hiding don’t allow yourself to hide in
your new home because you’ll tell
yourself that you don’t have the
confidence but before you know it
you’ll start feeling more comfortable
about joining those conversations tip
number six don’t expect to learn only in
informal situations living with someone
who doesn’t speak your native language
finding groups of other English learners
meeting people at the pub they’re all
great ways to improve informally but
it’s super to have a mix of formal and
informal learning opportunities try to
find a local tutor who can answer all of
your questions that you just need to ask
right keep track of all the things that
confuse you actually that’s my next tip
so keep watching but go to your tutor
with a list of questions ask them how to
pronounce difficult words or about a
strange expression you heard how to say
that phrase that you really needed at
the coffee shop yesterday or what you
heard your neighbor yelling down the
street even if you only meet your tutor
for a month or two when you first
arrived it would be a great investment
both in time and in money as long as you
make the most of it now what was I
saying earlier I think I had something
that I wanted to tell you so it was
quite important finally I’d written it
down tip number seven don’t forget to
keep track of your questions whether you
carry around a small notebook to write
down tricky words that you come across
or maybe you take notes on your phone
whatever but come up with a simple and
easy system to remember the language
questions that you think of at any time
of day when you come across a word that
you don’t know or a phrase that you’re
unsure how to use correctly or just a
general grammar question if you don’t
make a note of it the chances are that
when you
finally have the opportunity to ask
someone like your tutor you’ll have a
hard time remembering what those
questions were and then you’ll miss the
opportunity making mistakes or
recognizing times when you feel confused
are the best learning opportunities so
take advantage of them write those
things down tip number eight don’t get a
job that requires you to speak in your
own language learning a language takes a
lot of hard work and dedication
sometimes it can get really frustrating
and of course when we’re tired it’s
really tempting to take the easy route
right we all do that but while it can be
easy to give up or get lazy in the
comfort of your own home it’s not like
that in the workplace
is it in the workplace you must keep
working on your English so get a job
where you have to work in English this
will be a challenge it’s going to be a
huge challenge for you at work there’s
no giving up or slacking off you must
use your English you must find ways to
improve and communicate clearly so that
you have a better experience with your
colleagues and with your customers right
now you may be thinking but my english
isn’t good enough to get a job no one
will hire me if I don’t speak fluent
English well that brings me to number
nine don’t make excuses for yourself if
you try to find a reason why you can’t
do something or it’s too difficult or
even impossible you will always find an
excuse it’s easy to find reasons why you
can’t do something why you shouldn’t do
it and it’s easy to tell yourself that
you’re not good enough it’s safer right
you reduce the risks of making mistakes
well I
stop making excuses and just go for it
the best and most exciting things happen
on the other side of fear so every time
you hear yourself
making an excuse then block that thought
and do the opposite all of these tips
may sound like great ideas but the
decision to make these changes comes
from you it doesn’t matter how great
your teachers are or how long you
studied English for or if you live in an
english-speaking country or not so often
we just sit back and watch these
opportunities pass us by there are so
many opportunities around us and those
people who take them will benefit the
most so let’s recap from the top if
you’re living in an english-speaking
country don’t live with someone who
speaks your native language don’t seek
out only native English speakers don’t
wait for new friends to find you don’t
watch a football game at home don’t put
pressure on yourself to start speaking
immediately don’t expect to learn only
in informal situations don’t forget to
keep track of your questions in some way
don’t get a job where you have to speak
your own language and don’t make excuses
for yourself
take action so those are my tips do you
have any of your own tips to add I’d
love to hear about your experiences
living in an english-speaking country
and if you know someone who is living
abroad right now or is planning
moving to an english-speaking country
then make sure you share this video with
them subscribe right here and don’t go
anywhere just yet check out these other
English lessons right here I’ll see you in the next video
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