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IF + HAD = WOULD HAVE V3 (3rd/Past Conditional) – Learn English with Papa Teach Me

we all have things in our past we’d like
to forget think about your past do you
make a mistake
did an opportunity passed by you well
with a third conditional you can change
the past change the past change the past
I’m not a regular doctor I’m William
Williams and I’m a scientist
now here’s the science bit one day I was
in my science laboratory where I do
science and I thought about my past my
past could be different with little
changes to my past actions but that’s
impossible to change the past then I
found the answer we imagine an
alternative past with a third
conditional person X is living his or
her life which is represented by this
timeline but he or she feels bad about a
situation in the past shown here as
mistake a he or she wants to imagine
this event didn’t happen or happened
differently they can get a second chance
with a third conditional the third
conditional lets you imagine an
alternative past in your mind
it works like a spell in Harry Potter
simply say a third conditional sentence
in the correct form like this for the
situation we want to change if an had or
had not for a negative or had not
together haven’t and a verb 3 or past
participle we want to change this
situation and we imagine the results of
that change using word or word not for a
negative or the contraction wouldn’t
have an a verb 3 or past participle
for example person eggs will say if I
hadn’t drunk tequila last night I
wouldn’t have had a hangover this
morning hello person why what would you
like to change from the past I didn’t
study for my test and what happened I
failed so let’s imagine a different past
if I had studied I would have passed
it’s that easy get your second chance
today with William Williams third
conditional call now you won’t regret it
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