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How to describe personality and character in English (with pronunciation)

hello everyone and welcome back to
english with lucy today i’m going to
talk to you about how to describe
personality and character in english and
i’m going to help you with your
pronunciation before we get started i
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sign up right let’s get started with the
lesson by the end of this lesson you
will know 72 adjectives that can be used
to describe personality and character
I’ve divided them into positive or
approving adjectives and also negative
or disapproving adjectives for each
objective I’ve included the IPA
transcription so you can really focus on
the pronunciation and also the
definition let’s start with personality
category number one the objectives
within this first group describe how
willing you are to communicate with
others so we have extroverted
extroverted someone who is extroverted
is lively and confident and enjoys being
around other people the opposite or the
for this adjective is introverted
introverted so this describes somebody
who is more interested in their own
thoughts and feelings than they are in
spending time with other people we also
have talkative talkative this describes
somebody who likes to talk a lot then on
the other hand we have quiet quiet
which means tending not to talk a lot
next confident confident this means
feeling sure about your ability to do
something and be successful and the
Antonine for this is shy shy someone who
is shy is nervous about meeting people
or speaking to people right our second
category talks about how you make others
feel firstly we have warm warm someone
who’s warm shows enthusiasm and
affection and is friendly on the other
hand we have cold cold be careful with
that o vowel sound I do actually have a
video on that which I will link down
below someone who is cold is without
emotion and unfriendly next we have kind
kind this means caring about others
gentle and friendly on the opposite side
we have unkind unkind
this means unpleasant unfriendly maybe
even slightly cruel and then we have
sweet sweet someone who is sweet shows a
kind character the opposite is nasty
nasty a nasty person is an unkind person
the third category is how you treat the
feelings of others first we have
considerate considerate if you’re
considerate you are always thinking of
the feelings of others if you’re not
considerate then you might be
inconsiderate inconsiderate this means
not giving enough thought
about other people’s feelings or needs
we also have thoughtful thoughtful if
you are thoughtful then you show that
you care and consider other people’s
feelings and needs the opposite is
thoughtless thoughtless this means that
you don’t care about the possible
negative effects of your actions or
words then we have tactful tactful this
means that you’re careful not to say or
do anything that might upset or anger
other people and the Antonine for that
is tactless tactless that’s quite a hard
one to say with the combination tact
tact this this means that you say or do
things that might upset or anger other
people our next category discusses how
much people might be able to trust you
first up we have trustworthy trustworthy
we use a voiced sound I often hear it
mispronounced as trustworthy but it
should be worthy your voice should be
constant it shouldn’t cut out at any
point someone’s trustworthy then it
means you can rely on them to be good
and honest on the other hand we have
untrustworthy untrustworthy this is
somebody who cannot be trusted we also
have reliable reliable if someone is
reliable then you can trust them to do
something well on the other hand we have
unreliable unreliable meaning that you
cannot trust them to do something well
you can’t depend on them then we have
loyal loyal this means remaining
faithful and supportive then we have
disloyal disloyal this means not loyal
or faithful next we’re going to discuss
adjectives that describe how honest you
are with others we have sincere sincere
this means that you show what you really
think or feel on the other hand we have
insincere in
sincere if someone is insincere they say
or do things that they don’t really mean
next we have Frank Frank which can
actually sometimes be negative or
disapproving as well as approving so it
all depends on the tone of voice or the
context if someone is Frank it means
they are honest or direct and are
sometimes at risk of hurting other
people’s feelings because of this on the
other side we have secretive secretive
if you’re secretive you like to hide
your thoughts feelings and actions and
keep them private then we have direct
direct and sometimes much like Frank
this can also be negative or
disapproving depending on tone of voice
and context if you’re direct
it means you say exactly what you mean
and no one can pretend they haven’t
understood because it’s very very clear
then we have not an exact antonym but
sneaky sneaky
this means behaving in a secretive or
dishonest way the next category is how
open you are to the views and cultures
of others we’ll start with tolerant
tolerant if you’re tolerant it means
you’re able to accept what other people
say or do even if you don’t agree with
them on the other hand we have
intolerant intolerant this means that
you are not willing to accept behaviors
or ideas that do not correspond with
your beliefs we have open-minded
open-minded if you’re open-minded it
means you are willing to listen to
accept and think about other ideas on
the other hand we have narrow-minded
narrow-minded this means you are
unwilling to listen to new ideas or the
opinions of others and we have unbiased
unbiased this means that you’re fair are
not influenced by your own opinions or
someone else’s opinions on the other
hand we have biased bias
this means you make unfair judgments and
have a tendency to favor a certain group
of people now we’re going to talk about
the adjectives associated with how
motivated you are
we have strong-willed strong-willed if
you’re strong-willed it means you are
determined to do what you want to do
regardless of what other people say on
the other hand we have weak willed weak
willed this means you lack the ability
to resist the influence of others and
you can’t control your own impulses we
also have determined determined this
means that you make firm decisions to do
things and you don’t let anyone dismayed
you on the other hand we have a resolute
a resolute this means that you are
simply not able to decide what to do
then we have driven driven this means
you are determined to succeed and are
working very hard to do so on the other
hand we have apathetic apathetic which
means you show no interest or enthusiasm
the next category discusses your
attitude towards work we have
industrious industrious this means
hard-working or busy on the other hand
we have idle idle if you are idle you
are not working hard we also have
ambitious ambitious if you’re ambitious
you’re determined to be rich powerful
and all successful we also have
unambitious unambitious this means that
you are uninterested in becoming rich
powerful or successful we also have
hard-working hard-working which means
you are willing to work very hard or we
have lazy lazy which means that you are
unwilling to work or be active
now let’s discuss adjectives associated
with how good you are at learning and
understanding we have bright bright
which means Intel
or quick to learn we also have foolish
foolish which means not showing good
judgment or sense there’s clever clever
and this is very common in British
English it means you’re quick at
learning and understanding things on the
other hand we have stupid stupid which
means showing a lack of thought or good
judgment then we have intelligent
intelligent which means you are good at
learning and understanding and on the
other hand we have unintelligent
unintelligent which means you are bad at
learning and understanding things
now let’s discuss adjectives that
describe how you treat money we have
generous generous which means that you
are willing to give freely on the other
hand we have miserly miserly
if you’re miserly then you hate to spend
money we have giving giving which again
means you are willing to give freely and
on the other hand we have mean mean
which means you are unwilling to give or
to share we also have frugal frugal and
if you’re frugal it means you only use
as much food or money as necessary on
the other hand we have extravagant
extravagant which means that you spend a
lot more than you can afford
now let’s discuss adjectives which
describe your attitude around other
people we have humble humble if you’re
humble you show that you don’t think you
are as important as other people on the
opposite side we have arrogant arrogant
which means that you behave in a proud
or unpleasant way and think you are
better than others we also have modest
modest if you’re modest then you don’t
talk much about your own abilities and
achievements on the other hand we have
vain vain which means you are overly
proud of your own appear
abilities or achievements the next one
submissive submissive is both approving
or positive and disapproving negative
probably leaning more on to the negative
side but it means you are too willing to
accept Authority you’re willing to obey
them without question on the other side
again it’s normally negative but it can
be positive sometimes bossy bossy this
means that you’re always telling people
what to do finally let’s talk about
adjectives that can describe how relaxed
you are as a person
we have chilled chilled and this is
slightly more slang it is derived from
the phrasal verb to chill out you are
chilled out you are chilled and this
means you are very relaxed on the other
hand we have tense tense this means you
are nervous or worried and unable to
relax we also have laid back laid back
this means you’re calm and relaxed and
never seem to worry about anything on
the other hand we have uptight uptight
which means you are anxious or upset
about something
we also have optimistic optimistic which
means you are positive and expect good
things to happen we also have
pessimistic pessimistic which means you
expect bad things to happen right your
homework for today is to include five of
these adjectives in a comment down below
and use them to describe yourself so I
want maybe three to four sentences about
yourself using some of the adjectives
that we’ve learnt today and if you can
include any others that would be really
really good that’s it for this lesson I
hope you enjoyed it and I hope you
learnt something don’t forget to check
out I talk e the link to sign up is in
the description box don’t forget to
connect with me on all of my social
media I’ve got my facebook my Instagram
and my Twitter and I’ll see you soon for another lesson na
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