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EFFECT or AFFECT? 🤔 English Mistakes that Native Speakers Make too!!

hello I’m Emma from room English if

you’re new welcome to my English

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here this lesson today is one that I

wanted to make for you and that I needed

to make for me and many of the other

native English speakers out there who

mess up these words the difference

between the word effect and effect they

sound almost exactly the same when

they’re spoken naturally effect and

effect in both words the stress is on

the second syllable so the unstressed

syllable at the start of each word it

sounds pretty similar even though

they’re different vowel letters so it’s

not easy to hear the difference between

them when you’re listening if I say

effect and effect you can hear the

difference but that’s not how these

words are spoken naturally and the

meaning of these words is also very

similar they both talk about something

changing another thing but they are

different types of words effect is

usually a noun and effect is usually a

verb now I say usually because there are

times when effect is a noun and affect

is a verb but most of the time you’ll

see effect as a noun and effect as a

verb see how confusing these two little

say us because these two words even

confuse me sometimes I make this mistake

too and many native English speakers

make this mistake many many of them and

much much more often than you think

and much more often than they think as

well so this video is important for all

of us I can tell you with a decent

amount of confidence that at least half

of the native English speakers that I

know sometimes make this mistake by

accident but it’s really really common

in emails so let’s go over all of this

together now starting with effect the

verb the verb effect means to change

something to influence something or to

impact on something so try to remember

that the a in effect stands for action

so it needs to be a verb long flights

can affect your blood circulation the

weather affected the outcome of the

football match her illness will affect

her examination results so in all of

these examples affect is a verb effect

is a synonym of change and influence so

one thing is changing or influencing

another thing my savings so that’s the

money that I save my savings affect

where I travel when I have a lot of

savings I go abroad for my holidays when

I don’t have a lot of savings I go on

short trips near my home often to visit

friends the amount of money that I have

saved influences where I go for my

holidays okay now effect the noun so

this is the experience of the action the


of the change warm weather

always has a positive effect on my mood

the community felt the effects of the

financial crisis have you noticed any

effects since you changed your diet in

all of these examples effect is a noun

and you can see that it’s a noun from

the structure in these sentences effect

is a synonym of

result or consequence if something

affects you you will feel the effect of

the change okay compare these two

sentences the storm affected the local

community the action happened to the

community the community saw the effects

of the tropical storm the community saw

the result of the storm but as usual the

English language would not make it so

simple for you would it be aware that

effect is also sometimes used as a verb

particularly in fixed expressions such

as to affect change so in this

expression effect is actually a verb and

it means to produce something or to

cause something the government needs to

affect change or else the community will

lose confidence in them to lead now it’s

unusual or less common for effect to be

a verb but it’s possible

it does happen particularly in fixed

expressions like this but try not to get

too stuck on this okay these words can

be hard to tame for all of us so

remember that most of the time affect is

a verb a for action and effect is a noun

most of the time although these words

are tricky to master I hope that I’ve

given you a couple of helpful tips to

improve your grammar when you’re writing

whether you’re learning English as a

second language or if you’re a native

English speaker who needs to brush up on

some of that grammar it’s easy to get


before we finish I’ve got a few

questions that you can practice with I

want you to choose whether effect or

effect is the correct word in these

sentences starting here some of the

effects of this medication are sleep

loss and headaches is it affect or

affect affect the effects the article

tells us that it must be and now will

the new rules affect us to affect or

affect affect the structure of the

sentence tells us that it must be a verb

I hope the weather doesn’t affect your

effect again the structure of the

sentence is telling us that we need a

verb will create a greater effect if we

call a strike and don’t go to work

tomorrow effect or affect its effect a

greater effect so the article tells us

that it must be a noun

how did you go make sure that you

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there and keep watching keep learning

right here with some of my other English

lessons thanks for watching and I’ll see

you next week for sure bye for now

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