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Does Reading Help You SPEAK English? 📚

oh hi I’m Emma from English now you guys
are always asking me how to expand your
vocabulary improve your grammar and just
sound more natural when you use English
so today we’re going to talk about how
reading English texts can help you do
reading helps you to improve your
English it sounds simple but breathing
can actually have a huge effect on your
language learning and it can be really
enjoyable as well I mean really what’s
better than curling up on the couch with
a cup of tea and a good book for many of
my students reading English texts is
seen as a bit of a chore it’s just
something that you have to do to study
English right or perhaps the only texts
that you read are the ones that are in
your grammar books
well I want to shake things up a little
bit today but first I have a couple of
disclaimers that I’d like to make here
the first one is if you don’t really
enjoy reading books in your own language
then forcing yourself to read in English
probably won’t be enjoyable either so if
reading is not your jam generally then
you know don’t force it but that said if
you enjoy reading in your own language
but you don’t enjoy reading in English
well that’s something that we can work
on because I’m gonna take a guess and
say that you’re probably reading the
wrong texts perhaps you haven’t really
found a book that really interests you
or perhaps the books that you’re reading
are just too difficult for you reading
as an activity is supposed to be
enjoyable so if you’re sitting there
with a dictionary beside you looking up
every second word spending five minutes
trying to understand a paragraph that’s
not fun that’s studying so my point is
don’t let your pride force you to try
and struggle through Shakespeare or even
Jane Austen if you’re just not ready for
those books yet you’re not ready to
enjoy them children’s stories or books
for teenagers can be just as
entertaining and much more enjoyable if
you’re a pre intermediate or an
intermediate level student so don’t be
ashamed of reading books that were
written for younger people they’re
actually a brilliant way to improve your
English reading skills and to advance
your vocabulary
whilst actually genuinely enjoying
yourself reading English books is not
just for advanced English students
reading can help you to become an
advanced level student now I’ve added a
list of books that I recommend in the
description below and I’ve separated
them by English level so hopefully that
gives you some new material to enjoy
some new books to read right whatever
your level and if you have a fabulous
book that you’ve read in English and you
want to recommend it to everyone who’s
watching then please do at the name of
the book and the author to the comments
and if you’re willing to share your
English level then please do because it
will help everyone else to know what
level of what type of person can enjoy
that book so I’m gonna spend the next
few minutes trying to convince you about
the ways that reading can actually help
you to improve your English and I’ll
also help you with a few fun ideas of
what you can read because I bet that by
the end of this video you’ll be looking
for something to start reading now don’t
forget to subscribe to the channel just
down there click that button there just
so that you don’t miss out on any of the
lessons that I make here this lesson is
about to get started the first thing
that reading will do is help you to
improve your vocabulary right the truth
is that trying to learn new words during
a spoken conversation especially with a
native English speaker can be really
challenging it’s difficult to understand
everything and recognize the individual
words that are being used right and
native speakers don’t always use the
best vocabulary when they’re speaking
they might naturally start using slang
words or words that just might leave you
sweating a little bit because you don’t
recognize them they might even just get
a bit lazy and say can you get the you
know the thingy just pass it to me the
thingy over there they’re hardly words
that are going to help you to improve
your vocabulary
right and definitely not useful for
writing emails at work or taking exams
or speaking in public right where you
might need a higher level or a more
advanced level of English but in a book
the author thinks really carefully about
each word that they write they want to
describe a situation in an interesting
in a really specific way which really
does push your vocabulary further and
it’ll give you access to a much more
varied and vibrant vocabulary now I’m
pretty sure that most of you keep a
vocabulary journal somewhere maybe you
keep a notebook with you while you read
that’s a really great tool so that you
can write down any new or interesting
words that you see but don’t let it
disrupt you unless you really can’t
understand the sentence without looking
a word up just try and understand the
meaning write the word down and then
look it up later on practice using it in
sentences read back over the text again
all of these things are going to help
you to remember that word remember the
meaning and how to use it don’t forget
that building your vocabulary is a
lifelong journey so you and also for me
I’m still learning new words every day
you won’t just know all English words at
one point you’ll continually keep adding
to your vocabulary throughout your
lifetime and reading is a really great
way to do that now for most of us the
brain remembers more when it sees
something having a combination of visual
and audio is really important so without
getting too serious or too technical
here because I’m not a neuroscientist
but the brain stores things in different
places so audio information that sound
is usually stored in your short-term
memory so things that you hear are
stored in a more temporary place and
visual information so that includes
memories and pictures this is stored in
a way that makes it easier for your
brain to remember it
over a longer period of time so seeing
things on a page can help you to
remember them better than just hearing
the words but doing both is great so
reading an English book and listening to
how the words are spoken it takes both
of these boxes now I’ve mentioned my
good friends at audible before they’ve
got thousands and thousands of English
books that are recorded in audio format
your favorites are probably there
waiting for you
now the great thing about audible is
that you can try it out for free using
the link in the description below so you
can get your first audiobook completely
free and even if you decide that you
don’t really want to continue with your
audible membership and you still get to
keep the book that you downloaded so I
really recommend that you sign up and
try it out listening whilst you’re
reading is like super-powered English
practice another benefit to reading
English books is that you’re learning
English in chunks so if you’ve already
been studying English for a while you’ve
probably noticed that it’s full of
collocations and idioms and slang
expressions words that commonly appear
together or even change meaning when
they use together that is why you love
English so much right but these
expressions and these word combinations
are so important to sound natural when
you speak or when you use English but
it’s an impossible task to try and
memorize them or learn them on your own
impossible but reading lets you see and
experience how these words are used
together in chunks and in context right
seeing these different uses over and
over again will help you to get used to
them and become familiar with them and
you’ll learn what sounds right and what
doesn’t it’s a much more natural way of
picking up the language the more you see
different colour Cashion’s the more
comfortable you’ll feel with using them
yourself right now another benefit is
full immersion so think about
grammar lesson or even a vocabulary
lesson you don’t always get the full
picture of what’s happening right it’s a
little snapshot and you’re probably
learning new words or grammar rules but
you’re not usually getting the chance to
experience them within context and
within culture right whilst those
lessons are incredibly important to
learn and to understand the rules
reading shows you what kind of people
use certain words and in which
situations they use them so it helps you
to understand the nuances of tone and
formality you’ll get to learn the
culture that goes with the language
right it’s an immersive experience now
for a more practical reason to read
English books let’s talk about easier
logistics you can read anytime anywhere
you don’t need to coordinate across time
zones to see when your books available
and your book doesn’t need to have a
Wi-Fi connection either unless you’re
downloading a new one from Kindle but
you don’t need a lot of money to read
either you can carry your book anywhere
I mean I’ve read my books on my phone
now looks are always with me I’ve got a
whole library of them right I can read
it for a few minutes while I’m riding
the bus or I’m waiting at the doctor’s
I’m in the bath whatever I mean you
could even read your book on the toilet
if you liked I don’t mind as long as
you’re doing it somewhere you’re filling
in that dead and wasted time in your
daily schedule and you’re making all of
those little time slots worthwhile now I
actually gave some tips to help you take
advantage of this sort of dead empty
time in your schedule during this lesson
right here where I talked about creating
your own English study plan so
definitely check that one out
so I hope that this lesson convinced you
to pick up a book and get back into the
habit of reading in English stick at it
for a few months and I guarantee that
you’ll notice the improvement in your
English so
the next question is what should you be
reading this genuinely is a question
that you need to answer for yourself
because we all like different things you
don’t always have to read something
that’s serious and educational because
all reading in English can help you to
learn and improve in one way or another
in fact reading different types of texts
some formal some serious some fun this
is only gonna help you so to help you
I’m going to give you a few little
you could try reading the news in
English online subscribe to an English
newspaper or something like that just so
that you’re constantly receiving the
same text you could also take out a
subscription to an online magazine you
could also find a blog about a topic
that interests you but I recommend that
you sign up to their newsletter so that
you receive their blog posts each week
by email okay you could even choose one
of your favorite books one may be one
that you’ve read in your own language
and then read the English version but
even better get the audiobooks so that
you can listen and read at the same time
don’t forget that the link to audible is
in the description below so that you can
try getting an audiobook for free try it
out see if you like it but whatever you
read wherever you read you are improving
your English so just make a habit of it
okay of course I would love you to share
any of your favorite books or magazines
or blogs that you read in English in the
comments below share them with everyone
who’s watching and tell us why you love
them that’s it from me today but make
sure you check out that lesson there if
you want to keep improving your English
skills with me or if you’re looking for
something else then check out that one
right there
I’ve picked it just for you so happy reading
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