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BRITISH SLANG | 5 Colloquial British English Words

hi everyone welcome back to english with
lucy I’ve got a short little video for
you today it’s been highly requested
it’s all about British slang so today
I’m going to talk to you about five
slang words and phrases that we use here
in England the first slang word is the
tube and any of you that have visited
London will know this quite well the
tube for us is the underground but we
would never call it a metro or the
underground we normally call it the tube
and that’s because it’s in the shape of
a tube so if you visit London make sure
you ask for the nearest tube station now
people will understand you if you say
metro station or underground station but
if you want to sound like a native which
you okay the next word is local so if I
say I’m just popping down to my local
what would I be saying what do I mean
well I mean I’m copping down
just quickly visiting my local pub now a
big part of British culture is going to
the pub so it’s very fitting that we
have a slang word for it the local and
this is a slang word that I use quite a
lot I’d say oh yes we just met in my
local and everyone knows I’m referring
to my local pub the next word is thrash
and this is a verb to thrash now what
would I be saying if I said I absolutely
thrashed him well we would be saying I
beat him not in a physical sense it
means in a game it means I won over
someone so say I was playing cards with
my dad and I won by a long way I would
say yeah I absolutely thrashed him the
next British slang word is iffy so if I
say oh no that sounds a bit iffy what
would I be saying if he refers to
something incorrect or not quite right
so if my mum says to me Lucy have just
received an email and a really rich
Prince wants to give me 200 million
pounds I would say Oh mum that sounds a
bit iffy
I don’t think that’s quite right and the
final word skint skint so if I said I
bought all this new camera equipment and
now I’m totally skint what would I be
saying it means I have no money or I
think Americans would say broke in this
case but for us we would say skint if
someone invites me out but I can’t go
because I’ve not got enough money I just
say nah I’m skint okay
those were my five British slang words
and phrases I hope you enjoyed them
comment below if you know any more I’m
always interested to hear the weird and
wonderful slang phrases that you hear on
your travels some of them I don’t even
use myself so it’s very entertaining to
read those and if you like the British
accent and you want to improve your
British English pronunciation why not
join in my free live pronunciation
lesson is every Sunday at 4:30
London GMT time on my English with Lucy
Facebook page loads of you join in every
week and it’s really good fun and I like
seeing the same names coming back every
week so if you want to become a regular
join in now don’t forget to connect with
me on all of my social media and I will
see you for another lesson very very
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