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What’s Jamie Eating Today? #19 | DJ BBQ’s Piri Piri Chicken Wings

the perfect chicken wings smoky
delicious tangy salty sweet absolute
heaven today Jamie’s eating hot chicken
wings cooked by none other than DJ BBQ
oh yeah yeah that’s what we’re talking
about wanna check out my butt didn’t you
hi chicken wings talk to us about the
path that chicken wings these are
beautiful let’s have a little chart here
you took what I eat well it’s it’s
layers of flavor so the first layer of
flavor a dry rub mix of Awesomeness you
know some sweet some spicy
I love the skin the skin is crispy
that’s it the more tender towards the
end including process I had the Digi
barbecue piri piri sauce as traditional
piri piri but instead of using like
scotch whiskey or something used down
there I went with a gun a sour mash a
bourbon so that’s the vibe in that sauce
so it’s spicy it’s kind of sweet its
smoky but you got that crispy skin hmm
guys this is really exciting because
look what we got DJ BBQ has his own
cookbook 50 of the best barbecue recipe
you’re gonna use most the time the 50
recipes in here have all been tested by
my team like ninjas right so they all
work tell these guys about what’s in
here while I flick through it what we’ve
got slow and low cooking if you like you
know do a nice kind of pulled pork or
rest like that or maybe make a pull
Chuck joint or a kind of quick grill
recipes but my favorite chapter is party
time cooking big ol recipes for lots of
people throwing parties we even do some
vegetarian stuff and there’s lots of
sauces and rub so the full-on flavor
party time is in that book but you got
salads and sides you got amazing Meat
Loaf’s chilies cold beef we’ve got pork
ribs st. Louis Rams we’ve got burgers
check in all your major meat fruits the
pictures have all been photographed by
the wonderful david loftus who’s shot my
work for the last 14 years
she’s like the man
the myth the legend they’re gorgeous
they work $7.99 or cheaper I’m sure
online so listen guys that is what our
meeting today I really want these above
you to smash it with the books it’s a
awesome awesome book I can guarantee you
I really wish you all the best thanks
dawg and of course thanks for all your
support and also if you haven’t
subscribed to his channel subscribe
there’s a button right there that’s that
that’s my channel right there and if you
haven’t subscribed to food tube there’s
a button right above Jamie’s head you
want to hit that button make sure you
subscribe it is all for free we really
appreciate you guys sharing loving and
spreading it all man
come on man today go guys that’s why I’m
eating today beautiful ribs shimmer
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