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The Perfect Bacon Sandwich Battle | Jamie Oliver | HNY

and a Tasti D’Lite I’m tackling now it’s
a bacon sandwich
my mate Pete swears by his version and I
swear by mine we both start with white
bread well mines got to be square I’m
afraid mine’s got to be a bloomin round
of course it’s got to be streaky for me
as well and for me got to be smoked back
bacon always let’s do it first of all I
always put the bacon into a cold pan no
oil at all so it cooks in its own fat I
told on really really low so it mounts
before it colors that’s the most
important thing beautiful so what I’m
doing it’s just a little bit of oil in a
pan just to stop it sticking I believe
the best way to cook bacon is under the
grill as it kind of blast it does funny
things and it curls up and the I mean
kind of creates this little cup that has
this like natural little pork sort of
gravy inside it the problem with that is
right but all a bit step curled up and
bubbled they’re not going to get crisp
on the bottom get something to wear down
with you know just a little pan like
that okay it’s actually mine done Pete
yeah mine is it’s really nice and flank
next I assemble a sandwich before the
final cook oh I’ve just got to have a
tiny bit of butter in the bread that’s
right for me see I don’t like to take it
to the point where it’s actually crisp
you can snap it a perfect layer of bacon
and I should pop it back in the pan all
that lovely bacon fat is just gonna pick
up in the bottom the sandwich just to
make sure the bottom is perfectly evenly
I sometimes put the weight on it well
let me tell you what happens to my
sandwich I’m not gonna butter my bread
take the bacon to one side I’m just
gonna get my eating side there and clean
off any of those bits here and push the
middle bit down so there’s that lovely
fry in there as well oh yeah next stage
is the slicing bacon rashers are going
that way in order to size so that means
I slice east-to-west
giving you four fingers of Sandwich I’m
gonna show you how technical mine is
gettin I go from one corner to one
corner and just cut it enough
and that’s it all we need now is a bit
of sauce for our Sony’s I love a bit of
brown but Pete likes a mix of ketchup
mustard and chili sauce why don’t I try
better you as you try a bit of mine yeah
warm oh that’s nice
all you fat is in the center and it’s
delicious I like the difference the
texture of the crispy the soft and then
the crispy again so it’s like triple
pleasure Thank You Pete that was lovely
pleasure I enjoyed it
same time tomorrow for selective recipes
please go to forward
slash comfort food
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