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The best Tomato Salad and Chorizo by Jamie Oliver

right I do a lovely dish that I’m really
really excited about it’s the kind of
food that I love to cook when I’m at
home it’s the most delicious tomato
salad with chorizo I don’t want to slice
it perfectly so all odds and sods and
put the chorizo in a little bit of olive
oil now what’s gonna happen in this pan
is it’s gonna start rendering out all
that lovely natural fat and flavor we
want to get this crispy and we’re gonna
turn that into like a warm dressing okay
for these tomatoes I mean for a perfect
tomato salad just cut it up not
imperfect don’t matter I don’t like it
when it’s slices or wedges just do it
all different a little bit of shallot or
scallion just help to create a little
bit of a hum and then just a nice pinch
of black pepper a good pinch of sea salt
and then some good olive oil absolutely
one of the hero ingredients of Spain
another ingredient sherry vinegar right
it’s absolutely brilliant it’s from this
region you can get it in all the
supermarket’s back home now when you
taste it as a vinegar it’s not just acid
it kind of got flavor it’s a tiny bit of
sweetness in there go and get some and
it’ll transform your dressings and then
herb wise I mean parsley is a big deal
out here so it you take some of that you
know I’ve picked some beautiful little
globe basil or tiny basil from the
flower pots where I’m staying
beautiful and then I want you to roll it
up almost like a little cigar and just
slice it up and just sprinkle that over
like that in five minutes the flavor of
those tomatoes because of the beautiful
things you put on it will be ridiculous
finely slice a bit of garlic and all
that little baby and put in the garlic
look at that alright and at this point
alright you want to watch the garlic
like a hawk as it just starts taking on
color a few tablespoons of the vinegar
will stop that frying process it’ll sort
of smell pretty intense for a minute but
it will cook the vinegar away and then
you’re left with that sweetness and
flavor and that’s when I go over to my
tomato salad and just check this out
look at that the lovely crispy Jerry fur
and you can put some of that lovely fat
in there as well and with this look at
it you got the red and the dark look how
dark withdrew so it’s gone right looks
almost been delish one of the best
things in the world you gotta do that
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