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Super-Quick Pasta Sauces: How to Cook Pasta with the Chiappas

now we’re just gonna focus on making the
perfect perfect pasta so for those of
you that know how to do that this video
is not for you this is almost your
dummy’s guide to cooking the perfect
pasta first thing right amount of pasta
per person I would stick to about
hundred grams per person next correct
amount of water it doesn’t look like
much pasta and it looks like a lot of
water but that is just right
make sure there’s at least double if not
triple the amount of water for the
amount of pasta you’re using some people
put way too little and then it just
shrivels up to nothing make sure your
water is boiling before your pasta goes
in really really important there’s no
rules but a generous pinch of salt into
that water getting that seasoning
started right from the get-go and there
we go pans ready boiling it’s got salt
in with the pasta give it a stir every
different type of pasta has different
cooking times in my opinion only use the
timing on the packet as a guide it’s all
about tasting it so I know this one’s
gonna take about 8 to 10 minutes I’m
gonna leave it there and come back and
taste it to check whether it’s cooked
I’m not gonna follow that timing
literally now is the time that I would
either go make my pasta sauce or make
sure it’s ready pasta does not wait
around you have to be prepared so this
has been boiling away now for about
eight minutes I’m just gonna have a
almost almost ready you’ve probably
heard the term al dente which is an
Italian term which means to the bite and
when you take that bite it should be
soft but firm to the tooth and sometimes
you can see a little little little white
strand right in the fender there if it’s
soft all the way through its overcooked
that is what you don’t want because
it’ll be like mash you really really
want to have that bit of firmness to it
so it was almost ready I’m just gonna
try another little piece yeah perfect
you can either drain it using tongs and
take it directly to your pasta sauce
which is on the heat or you can drain it
into a colander if you left that there
without anything on it it would stick
together go all gloopy and overcook this
is as simple as it gets
olive oil and Parmesan salt and pepper
but the most important thing is you can
see here the pasta is perfectly cooked
it’s holding its shape it’s nice and
smooth and silky it hasn’t gotten like
mush on the plate once you’ve mastered
this technique you can apply it to all
the different sources and we’ve done a
few 60 second sauces two-minute pasta
sauces to try them out I’d love to hear
your thoughts too if you’ve got any tips
and techniques or feel free to write
them in the comments box below
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