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Simple Spaghetti and Meatballs | Kerryann Dunlop

hi guys I’m going to be showing you one
of my family favorite recipes it’s
spaghetti and meatballs or in my house
it’s more commonly known as mummy’s
meatballs it’s simple it’s delicious and
it’s affordable let me show you the
ingredients we’ve got 250 grams of beef
mince 250 grams of lamb mince a teaspoon
of oregano a teaspoon of paprika a
teaspoon of ground cumin 12 cream
crackers and an egg you’re going to need
a large mixing bowl a large shallow
frying pan and rolling pin we’re also
going to be using some of my homemade
pasta sauce now I’m not going to show
you how to make this this time but if
you’d like to see it click the link now
and you can watch me do it and don’t
forget to come back and watch the rest
of this one let’s get started
put our cream crackers in the middle
punch it up not too tight usually you
put me a lot of the juice comes out the
factors are there to soak it up you’d
never have a dry meatball that’s a
promise and if you get to this point and
you can’t really get these little big
bits just do it without covering them
back up but do it carefully because if
you do it hard they will just fly all
over if your chin and you’ll have a lot
of mess to feel like so we want it some
big bits some dust but mostly crumbs
we’re going to put the spices in
now we’re going to add the meat break it
run your fingers through it now I’m
going to add the egg to help it all
stick together this is the messy part
it’s quite for a picnic actually it
feels quite nice now this mixture will
make about 24 meatballs depending on
what size you roll them dip your hands
in a little bit of cold water it will be
a lot easier to roll and it will stop
the meat from sticking to your hands
while you’re rolling out and meatballs
it’s a good idea to have your frying pan
on a low to medium heat just sites
warming up nicely so when you’re
finished rolling you’ll be ready to fry
a straightaway scrunch in a little bit
just to join it all together and then in
between the palms of both hands just
lightly hardly any pressure and just
roll round and round and round until
they’re ball shaped and then you just
keep rolling until you’ve finished all
your mix just washing your hands right
now we’re going to start frying off our
meatballs I’ve got my pan heating up
we’re not going to put any oil in the
frying pan because mince has got quite a
high fat content already and as they
start to cook they’ll start to release
their own fat give it a minute give it a
shake give it another minute
give it another shake until they’re nice
and brown on all sides
you can see how much they’ve changed
look at that crust mmm
that’s perfect is what we’re looking for
we’re going to turn that off one by one
just plop them in the sauce this pesto
sauce has just been sitting here for
about 10 minutes simmering away while of
being frying the meatballs and we’re
going to leave that on the low simmer
just to make sure that the meatballs are
cooked all the way through now it’s time
for pasta I’ve already got some on the
go but if you want to see how I cook
pasta click the link then you can watch
me do it so I’m just going to drain this
off we’re just going to put a little bit
of olive oil maybe about a tablespoon or
just a little bit less and then we want
to toss that all through the pasta look
at that have beautiful and shiny and
lovely that is now even if you leave
there and it goes cold I guarantee you
it still won’t stick together because
it’s got that little coat of olive oil
right let’s have a look at these
meatballs they’ve been cooking away
nicely for the past 25 minutes this is
how yours is going to look beautiful and
dark and rich the meatballs are cooked
all the way through still juicy let’s
plate it up you want to make it look a
little bit posh a little bit restaurant
fired this is what Jamie taught me get
your pasta and as you’re putting in you
twist it so it sits in the same place
that you lift it it doesn’t just sort of
spread it out and fall all over the
plate in a big mess
if you’ve got this far you’ve done it
well done you’ve made meatballs with a
homemade pasta sauce and spaghetti you
fed your family you’ve done a brilliant
job I’m going to serve it with my garlic
bread and a side salad if you’d like to
see how I do that
click these links and that will take you
straight to the videos and you can watch
me do it enjoy it you’ll do a brilliant
job I know you will good luck if you
like this recipe and you want to see
more of mine or any of the other games
from jamie oliver’s foodtube don’t
forget click this link and subscribe now
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