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Real Spaghetti Carbonara | Antonio Carluccio

I am Antonio Kirlocho, hello welcome to my kitchen. I’ll show you how to make real carbonara.
Most people consider the wrong way and Let me show you why. Now this boiling water
Which we add them ten grams of salt per liter of water – it should be like this
And then immediately put the pasta into the boiling water. In this case it is a kind
Of Asbagitona. The larger size of spaghetti. While this is cooking, it takes ten full minutes
Without oil please, without oil. To Athtajonh, you need to stir only slightly
While it is in the pot and that’s all. Now for the carbonara original need Alqguanchali
It is the cheek, the cheek of pork (replaced Balbaqr) and the Romans were very distinctive in that they are doing it
Because they treated him like bacon or meat like Alban_eta which is very fresh, very tasty and tender.
Now you cut into large pieces, and you can use Alban_eta meat.
It is this regular Alpan_ita here but I love Alqguanchali when they are available.
This is a recipe for two people. Large pieces. The Romans are crazy these are the pasta.
If there would be these are Roman spaghetti. This is too much for two people, let’s see.
The only thing that we do now to make the sauce is to take a good olive oil, and put
In the pan. there he is. Alqguanchali to put it, this is the beginning of
The sauce is almost an end because the rest come here in the pot.
Now you can take some good eggs and two eggs enough. Oh beautiful color, look at this.
To be a little troublesome I’ll just egg yolk and is whisked him on this
No guest any Archana. This course is forbidden then the beginning of this
The sauce. So we put a little bit of Parmesan cheese in Rome also use pecorino cheese, which is the cheese
Grated. There are fresh pecorino and pecorino Tripper but it’s nice to have
Little of this. A lot of pepper. And move again this is the sauce.
I would not put any salt with it because bacon here salty, he saved.
Lower the fire a little bit because I’ll see what to do pasta. I can see it is still stiff
So Sardjaha again, another three or four minutes. Now here is the bacon that produced
A lot of fat. You may not want fat, I’ll show you a small trick.
Hmahna, this I do. The little fat absorbs and graduating in this way,
very simple. It seems that the pasta works well. Let’s taste, and should now be enough.
Quenched for Alqguanchali because it is very hot and it is exactly what I do not want,
Be very hot. Now taking the pasta and fabricators in, yes, there is.
The Ptngkehha in this form. Let them cool to do so. Should not be too hot
Because what happens now temperature enough to cook eggs and pasta packaging.
Now comes that can not resist, the actual sauce. Here a.
We are now stirring in this form. Usually see at this stage strong heat in the cooking error
So that the eggs become scrambled. For Atjolh very whiskered and this is Alcarbonara.
Now the last touch of a beauty. Parmesan or pecorino, depending on what you want,
In my opinion, it is also a nice touch of pepper. This is the decor for me. and that is
Real Alcarbonara, and only. It should be so exactly, creamy without adding Archana
Because this is the usual thing. It’s like this great.
Ammmmmmm, come all
You must be absolutely try this, it’s fantastic.
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