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Peruvian Style Pork Belly | Martin Morales

hello everyone in foodtube this is
Martin Morales I’m a chef restauranteur
I’m here in ceviche old Street here in
the heart of London today we’re going to
make Peruvian pork belly with black
currant sauce and corn mash this is
delicious comfort food for special
occasions perfect to eat with your
family perfect to make at the weekend
and it takes a little time but it’s
worth it and you’ll get there in the end
the three components to this dish pork
belly we’ve got this sauce that’s black
currant sauce with pomegranate and
pancetta and then to finish off we’ve
got the corn mash first of all we’re
going to marinate and cure this lovely
tender pork belly we’re cutting three
garlic cloves we’re chopping them finely
and that we’re putting that on this pork
belly so this is about a kilo and a half
of pork belly and that serves about four
people just rub it right in so then
we’ve got about 250 grams of table salt
250 grams of sugar and about 4
tablespoons of cumin and spread this
mixture in there so we’re trying to get
all this mixture right in every little
cavity it’s going to tenderize it’s
going to go right in there
make it really nice and soft and make it
ready for this sticky sauce that we’re
going to put right on top so this is now
ready it goes into a tray with some
cling film on top right in the fridge
for 24 hours that’s the curing process
so we’re going to make the black currant
sauce so intervie chilled so we’re in
the working restaurant so it’s busy
lunchtime you’re going to do this quite
quick let’s do it in a bit of oil at 80
grams of pancetta
it’s going to sweat that off and make it
nice and golden and then we’re going to
add about half a chopped chopped red
onion with some garlic this is 2 garlic
cloves that we’ve chopped up very very
finely once that’s ready we’re going to
add three tablespoons of panca paste
then we’re going to add these fresh
black currants look how beautiful and
juicy these are there’s about 200 grams
of black currants right here and to add
the stickiness about four tablespoonfuls
of black currant jam once that’s reduced
a nice thick syrupy sauce we need to
save it to get a bit more moisture so
add about a glass of red wine
just bring that down and cook that and
boil that for about five minutes now
that’s done it’s time now to do the corn
mash so to make the corn mash we need to
blend these this is giant kernel corn
about 250 grams and 200 milliliters of
single cream now we’re going to pop
these into the blender to blend together
more moisture just had a bit of water
that’s lovely that looks ready first
sweat some garlic one clove garlic in
some olive oil then half a white onion
and then a pinch of cumin and then a
secret ingredients the Amarillo chili
paste three tablespoons
finally this amazing giant Colonel cord
with some single cream just cut there
for a couple of minutes stirring gently
sometimes it’s a little bit dry
a little bit thick so we’re going to add
a little bit of the remaining cream
that’s looking delicious seasoned with a
bit of salt
this is why I call record this album
it’s written tasty
so we’ve got our black currant sauce
we’ve got our creamed corn
let’s get the pork out the oven this put
it all together so we’re here at ceviche
old Street lunch is in full swing
we’ve got our pork belly we’re going to
cut it up into four and drench it in
that lovely syrupy black currant sauce
I’m going to put that in the bowl and
just take the sauce and drench the sauce
all over the pool
just to end on to garnish we’re going to
add some spring onion and also some
lovely pomegranate
so this is my Peruvian pork belly with
black currant sauce on a bed of corn
mash so if you like this and you want to
see more recipes like this more
delicious prudent recipes that are easy
to cook subscribe to my channel Marty
Morales of ceviche TV also check out
food Tube on more wonderful recipes this
recipe is also featured in Jaime’s
magazine along with three other
wonderful brilliant recipes so go and
check that out there’s a link to that
issue below thanks so much can’t wait
see you guys again
see you next time bye bye
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