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Oven Baked Sausage Ragu | Jamie Oliver

so much time in my world what you do is
get yourself a tray put it on the hob
get it reasonably hot
I want a slush of extra virgin and I got
some lovely pancetta just lay this
pancetta straight onto the tray and as
soon is it’s kind of reasonably crisp
and golden or we can pull it out now to
go with it what I’ve done here is I’ve
just taken out the stalks so what I want
to do is I want to sort of scold you
know how you put tomatoes in water to
blanch it 40 seconds
skin comes off I’m going to do that but
without water I’m gonna do it in the
herb wise six or so bay leaves or agar
no off the stick and then rosemary I
want to get these Tomatoes sitting on
top of the oil brilliant once we’ve done
that this can go straight back in the
oven this is sort of blister the
tomatoes now I’ve got these lovely
sausages here and just get a little bit
of olive oil and just rub it all around
your sausage lovely so I can hear by now
the tomatoes about a fair bit of action
three four minutes in this oven what I
want to do now you can let them cool
down a bit if you want or use some tongs
but I like to just sort of pinch off the
skins so literally just pull them off
and then just with a spoon just mix it
up and then these sausages which have
been sort of tossed in the oil just can
be dangled in and around and you want to
just push them in between your tomatoes
all I want to do is get a little bit of
garlic I’m not going to peel them just
going to put them in and around and
that’s sort of it little drizzle of
olive oil and then a little seasoning
with some salt and pepper
the best bit of the dish now is the slow
cooking so I’m gonna put that in about
180 Celsius about 350 Fahrenheit and
I’ll turn the sausages maybe once or
twice in that time and it’ll be delish
come on fantastic we definitely need
something just to mop up all those
lovely juices it could be polenta it
could be rice but I think this get a
nice bit of bread cut it up like that
give it a nice rip up and then get the
lovely tomatoes in on top of that bread
about that get a few nice sausages look
at that all the juice at the bottom to
finish it a little bit of balsamic
vinegar just a few little chips around
the salt and that is just gonna mix in a
real treat but that is a cracker
absolute cracker
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