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Jools’ Simple Cookies | Jools & Buddy Oliver

hi I’m Jules and today I’m going to make
some really super easy ot cookies I’ve
got my little make buds who’s gonna help
me we’ve made this a lot of times that
should all run quite smoothly there’s
lots of oats and fruit and seeds and
they’re really delicious and they’re
very quick to make I actually miss a
treat which is actually no big deal but
for them its massive this could actually
make 24 cookies you could simply freeze
it and then when you need it you can
slice straight from frozen so good when
you’ve got people coming around 40 and
it’s quite impressive
so we’ll start we’re gonna do 250 grams
of hora joke right and pour that into
the big bowl for me we’re gonna do a
hundred grams of wholemeal plain flour
into there do half a little teaspoon of
bicarb of soda just to give it a bit of
air we’ve got one teaspoon of mixed
spice and you could use ginger or
cinnamon really taste it young do it I
can do like a handful of raisins but you
could use apricots and cranberries or
kind of any dried fruit you like but I
know my children love raisins you go and
then finally just some of the mix seeds
which is kind of pumpkin teeth sunflower
seeds we’re just going to like a
tablespoon of those and your buds and
you’re going to do the big job mixing it
so mix all your dry ingredients together
you smell it what is it similar you like
it we make these cookies probably maybe
once a week and if it’s a really special
occasion and then maybe the old
chocolate chip in there the children can
help but even if they do bit of that
they feel like they’ve made it they
thought you know they’re just like it’s
important they feel like it’s their
creation and then they can show Dad and
he’s super impressed and then yeah so
everyone is happy
okay so gonna move on to our wet
ingredients now so into 100 grams of
butter first yeah now I need 50 grams of
this soft brown sugar this is the sugar
that makes the cookies really gooey and
yeah done done perfect that’s the soft
brown sugar buds so we can just golden
caster sugar this makes it more crunchy
than the soft brown it’s nice for the
cookies pull that into there yeah yeah
no all right you crack an egg in there
and then that is nearly all done all
right and then we can now whisk this
you could just use a hand blender to be
super quick so this is about the
consistency I think it took just a
couple of minutes it’s about like that
so you can see I’m going to combine this
with all the joints I need to get with
just wait okay bro she make the balls
I’m just mixing the dry ingredients with
the wet ingredients to make kind of a
like a dough right ready so we’re almost
ready but the tray here just a normal
baking tray I’m just going to put some
baking paper on there I’m gonna make the
little balls about you need to make the
most of enough for walnut size that’s
nice and just arrange I’m not too close
so I assume they’re just gonna merge
together if I do that when they start
baking if you get all the kids involved
this to be done really quickly and this
is the bit Jenny they normally really
love obviously buddies decided didn’t
like this bit anymore he’s hiding so I
can fit 12 in this trade so that’s my 12
done and then you simply just squash
make this cookie shape so that as this
actually make 24 cookies with anything
left over you could do most of what I do
is I roll it into like a big fat sausage
which is pretty quite fun lay it onto
some baking paper roll it up and simply
freeze it and she buzz when you go and
get my sausage snake from the freezer
please the big job and I can show you
how I actually did do it I did the other
broody bring ya bring the two out mate
I’m gonna put these ones to show you how
you can do them from frozen this one’s
actually a slight difference we’ve got
some cranberries in there how sparse
apricots that’s for me no but this is so
good when you’ve got people coming
around 40 and it’s quite impressive okay
so I’m gonna put these in the oven now
so probably I’m going to put the frozen
ones on the top shelf from them that
they have bit longer to cook till 3
minutes 180 or 350 Fahrenheit for about
8 to 10 minutes until kind of golden
right there done that smell
delish so these are the frozen ones you
can see they’re slightly flatter because
obviously we cut those but these are
more rustic these ones I mean buds did
so can leave them to cool for about 10
minutes then once they call put an
airtight container and they should last
about week although they’ve been so
quick these are really soft stills to
show you do you like them so they’re
really chewy nice I’m quite impressed
I’m gonna have a bit I’d reckon buzz
they’re really soft actually definitely
try and even if you can win of this
temperature yeah there you go that’s my
super easy OT cookies I really hope you
enjoyed it and then please let us know thank you so much
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