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JAMIE’S SPECIALS | Nduja Casarecce | Jamie’s Italian

hi guys hope you well okay so today is

Monday I want to do a beautiful special

to really make use of a fantastic

Italian greens called Chima big active

it’s part of the Brooklyn family almost

let me just cut it in half it almost

looks like a kind of sprouting broccoli

and it’s the same family so if you look

in here look at that you can see you’ve

got the bud you’ve got the stalks and

the leaves and they’re all usable and

they’re all absolutely delicious so what

I want to do is really bring out the

flavor in the team of the wrap a we’re

going to do garlic black olives and

we’ve got some induye here now just

check this out

James Italian we really do try and work

with some incredible suppliers and we

work with an amazing artisan british

cure house called cobble and cure and

they’ve made window for us and it’s

incredible induye traditionally comes

from Basilicata or Calabria should I say

it’s absolutely famous it’s it’s kind of

like a soft salami with those amazing

Calabrian chilies and spices and it’s a

real delicacy people love it you can

have it on pizzas you can have it on

bruschetta you can kind of cook seafood

in it surf and turf but today we’re

gonna do it without broccoli and we’re

gonna do a lovely pasta

Qasr Archy again another southern

Italian pasta that we make every single

day at James Italian if you have a

little look here it’s almost like a

little fusilli right and you can see the

little twists and turns that’s just

gonna aid catching hold of sauce so it’s

gonna be really really good so we’re

going to make it super quick so I’m

gonna take a nice handful of our kaiser

Archie straight in to our cooker there

so we’re going to cook that for three

minutes because it’s a fresh pasta but

cook it according to package

instructions if you’re gonna do that at

home and then what I want to do is show

you that marriage that beautiful

marriage of the garlic the olives the

chemotherapy and what I’ve done is I’ve

taken this one do you and I’ve beaten it

up with a fork and I’ve let it down with

olive oil so it will melt straight away

I’m gonna try and show you here I’ve got

a hot pan the past is in right we’re

gonna go in first of all with the induye

and what’s really nice is the minute

that you heat that up

it starts to melt and the flavors and

the spices they really start to come out

can you see how the oil is changing

color and then to that we can add the

garlic olives you get that nice sort of

briny seasoning the broccoli goes in and

then will start to just fry that off you

want to put a little bit of color on to

the garlic keep moving it around it’s

quite nice you can hear it sort of

crackle we do not want to get the garlic

dark okay we want the garlic to remain

lightly golden so just just fry that off

and then you want one nice big spoon of

your passata

and I’m gonna use a little bit of that

cooking water which is really nice just

to sort of breaking the frying you know

we let that just sort of almost braise

away just gently gently bring out the

flavors from the olives you just had a

couple of minutes of just simmering

there like that which is beautiful

one of the joys of making a stir every

single day in the restaurants is you can

change the shapes you can flavor the

pastas you know there’s so many

different things you can do with it so

toss it and you want to kind of you want

to feed that pasta with a little cooking

water just to make it elegant and light

look at that now all I need to do now is

season it with some parmesan so take a

nice chunk of parmesan give it a few


look at that and I like just to do it on

the top like this as the pan just begins

to cool down and it’s just beautiful

flavors so just plate that up it’s dark

it’s rich you’re gonna get the sweetness

from the tomatoes the bitterness from

the team of their appe the warmth from

the chili and that lovely seasoning from

the olives it’s a really beautiful

comfort food dish it’s on the specials

today which is very exciting and then at

the table I’ll be asking the waiters to

finish with a little parmesan to order

and I hope you really enjoy it so there

you go Qasr Archie with chemotherapy

when do you and tomatoes especially the day

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