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Jamie’s NEW Book | 1 Ingredients | QuickER & EasiER Food

hi guys I am so excited because today

I’m publishing my brand new book it’s

quicker and easier one ingredient food

this is the future this is what you need

if you’ve got a friend out there that

can’t cook won’t cook you’re scared to

cook this is the book for them if you

can cook but you’re so busy this is the

book for you quick and easy five

ingredient food it went nuts it went

nuts around the world but I made it

better guys you asked for more you asked

for quicker and I gave it to you look at

that this is one of my favorites

free-range organic egg boiled and if you

get the timing right you have it nice

and soft in the middle and you just take

the lid off and you just put a spoon and

you eat it it’s so so good and this is

where it began toast

slice it up use the length of the knife

and then pop it in a toaster and give it

three minutes until crisp and what’s

beautiful is you get that crispy crispy

edge around the outside and that sort of

soft doughy inside

we don’t need butter you don’t need jam

just eat toast for toast sake a glass of


what’s genius is you just pour it into a

glass and you drink it it’s amazing if

you pop it in the freezer it turns into

ice that is tomato soup just open the

tin and boil it up you can steam it you

could boil it you could do it do

anything you like this is the future

you’re so busy you’re juggling so many

things life is different these days

you’ve got kids you’ve got school you

got work you got pressure this is what

you need it’s taken me 20 years to see

simplicity for what it really is

come have a look at this I don’t know

about you but that white space makes me

feel relaxed right so guys quick and

easy one ingredient food what you

waiting for big love and take care and

don’t say I don’t ever do anything for

you [Music]

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