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Jamie Oliver’s Top 5 BBQ Tips

hello lovely people Jamie Oliver here I
hope you well it’s time for a few
barbecuing tips okay tip number one make
yourself a herb brush really really cool
basically anybody hurts rosemary thyme
sage Bay Oregon Oh tie on to a spoon or
a stick and just put it in some oil and
put it all around meat fish flat breads
vegetables is absolutely fantastic it
keeps things moist and delicious
but adds a beautiful layer of flavor and
it does a really really good job must
try that tip number two next time you’re
in the garden center and you see those
little water spritzes brilliant get a
couple of those right on it vinegar okay
do some flavored vinegars chili some
herbs some red white wine vinegar in
there spritz that on your meat as it
starts to sizzle and as you turn it it’s
good for two things amazing for flavor
and two it keeps those flames down and
stops you burning in me as well tip
number three whether working on gas or
charcoal or wood fires always try and
have a hot area and a cool area and
ideally have it graduating from one to
the other this way you can have direct
heat get color and caramelization and
then take it through and just finish it
off and then slow cook it so it’s sweet
and delicious and gorgeous next thing
flavored salts they’re brilliant
especially for delicate things like pork
chicken and seafood just smash up any
herbs of your choice spices chilies
ginger get a combination that you love
smash it up to a pulp and then add in
salt let it dry on a tray and then smash
it up again it will last for a couple of
months and that just simply on a piece
of fish or beautiful vegetables will
make so much different gorgeous flavor
really subtle next if you want
incredible meat with an amazing flavor
around the outside if you use regular
steaks or chops cut like that big
they’re going to be cooked so quickly
you’ll never be a get the proper color
on it so get a double or a triple steak
or chop okay this way you can spend a
bit more time getting that beautiful
bark as we call it
that’s caramelized and got that amazing
flavor and it’s still blushing and juicy
in the middle invest in that and your
barbecues will never be the same again
as you know I am very passionate about
sign and all the fun to be had with
friends and family and beautiful food
for me and my barbecue team have been
beavering away and we’ve created some
amazing products for you guys to check
out all the way from small fun colorful
portable barbecues up to the beautiful
gas barbecue here this is a four burner
and it gets even bigger than this a big
old six burner and that’s getting greedy
but it’s a very beautiful thing so if
you want to check out all the barbecues
that we’re doing and a whole load of the
accessories that come with it
check out the website below and there’s
loads more stuff to come good luck take
care happy cooking
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