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How To Replace Gluten in Baking | Four Spoons Bakery

everyone Nicole gained from four spoons
today I’m gonna teach you how to replace
gluten in baking
now gluten is a fantastic ingredient it
provides elasticity and structure in
baking especially in yeast breads but if
you can’t eat gluten what that can you
supposed to do what you need is a
magical combination of gluten-free
flours and the basic ratio is two parts
whole grain flour to 1 part starch then
to your flour blend you will need to add
a thickener this helps to mimic the
gluten your options are ground chia
seeds ground flax seeds guar gum
psyllium husk or xantham gum for example
the flour combo in this gluten-free
sandwich bread is 70% in brown rice
flour and 30% tapioca starch I use
psyllium husk and done them gum to
thicken the dough check out my channel
for more awesome gluten free recipes and
if you want more tips
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