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How to make Pesto | Super-Quick Pasta Sauces

we’re gonna do another really speedy
probably less than 60 seconds pasta
sauce most Italians will have a jar of
pesto in their fridge and we’re gonna do
one with a little twist
it’s got sage and walnuts in easy
everything a speedy especially when
you’ve got a handy helper well normally
we keep our parmesan freshly grated in
the freezer because it’s the easiest
thing to just grab a handful but I’ve
run out so m’s is um cheese do 250 grams
so I’m going to literally burn
everything in here and then whiz it up
and it’s good to go pastas already on
this time we’ve got ourselves some Padma
in there I’d say pesters probably one of
the sources that you literally could use
any pasta after shape without causing
too much debate in the Italian kitchen I
think it’s got such strong flavours that
you can put it with for family penne the
garlic I’m just going to use half a
clove bunch of sage warp sage please
parmesan 50 grams of walnuts
I love the nuttiness of the walnuts
because they’ve got a little bit of
bitterness but with that sage and
Parmesan is delish you need a good 5
tablespoons of olive oil some pepper
squeeze a lemon
ready to win yeah yep
yum-yum little more olive oil yeah
definitely this is quite thick part is
nearly done mmm that tastes delicious to
me should we get the pastor out yep
ready for me
delish so so good
the sage combines a ball that’s got
almost like a little creaminess to it oh
all right stop talking about okay okay
this is one of my favorite dad will
always tell us whenever we do this to
double up on the pasta quantities cuz he
loves this the day after if you fry it
up with some cheddar cheese and it goes
all crispy crunchy is so good probably
one of my dad’s favorites leftover pesto
pasta with cheddar cheese a little bit
of pepper on the top parmigiana it was
so quick mmm it’s almost as if you put
cream in it I know we would probably do
this in bulk I’ll show you now actually
freezing cubes and you literally then I
would pop them into freezer bags now and
keep them in my freezer all these pasta
sauces are really really simple but the
key is cooking your pasta right yeah and
so if you want some tips on how to cook
the perfect pasta you check out our
other videos where we’ve got toolkit and
pasta basics which will really really
help you get this all just right
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