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How to Make Curry Paste | Jamie Oliver & Anjali Pathak | AD

so this lovely girl here is Angela and
she’s the granddaughter of the original
mr. Pathak 60 years ago 60 years tell us
a little bit about how he started
because obviously he was over here in
the UK right yes so he was cooking for
his family everyone was like what is
that and so he started to make stuff at
home and people started to give him
money enough to own a shop and they
started to give away spice mixes for
free and then he thought actually maybe
I should start doing this for a living
it started with spices but then went on
to the pastes absolutely yeah the idea
of a spice paste its about locking in
flavour using fresh spices which don’t
last that long so we’re gonna make a
spice paste now right yes a mild curry
paste right so we can go with so many
different things you can use as a
marinade you could use it as a natural
curry you could use it if you just want
to toss some veggies through it was like
a ton of stuff so we need to toast off
some spices to release all their flavour
so I’m gonna give you some chilies I’ve
got a couple of black carbon pod so
you’ll know a lot from like tandoori and
stuff like that so really nice and smoky
and then this is my favorite spice green
cardamoms I’m gonna give you quite a few
of those clothes let’s go a little bit
of Bay and then how do you feel about
cinnamon I love cinnamon this little
selection of spices are we going in here
yes notice how I’ve not gone too crazy
because these are incredibly strong so
while that’s toasting off I want to go
in with some of these so this is
coriander seed coriander seeds three
heaps teaspoons of that double of that
of cumin seeds so you want six yeah
humans quite a pungent spicy isn’t quite
strong go in with some black peppercorns
this is like a guru masala and guram
means warm masala means blend it’s a
warm blend we’re warming up our spices
and we’re extracting all these essential
oils nice and slow so then we can then
use this guru masala on something but
we’re gonna be using this to make a pace
because we’re gonna lock it in oils and
it lasts for a lot longer now these are
done Joey I just want to show you we’re
getting a bit of fragrance barometer
science change color which is great now
you don’t want to grind it when it’s
crazy hot so you want it basically to
calm down on everything so we’ll let
that cool what I’d love you show me is
that you’ve brought pictures with you
and I love a picture so this was our
first pass Oxfam this
is my uncle actually outside one of our
shops so we had jars poppadoms we had
spice mixes as well so while you
invented the pace we also did the spice
mix this side by side because some
people didn’t quite understand what pace
was but yet they clean a spice mix on
their travels they understood that some
extent we’re still trying to educate
people love curry but they’re nervous I
think that’s why they actually went into
it in the first instance right because
they realize not everyone it’s gonna buy
all these spices people don’t really
know what to do with them so we should
give them our blends our family recipes
and then at least they’re gonna make a
good curry every now and again so now I
think this is cooldowns gonna have a
little food yeah that’s ready now to be
ground up so the old way will be using a
pestle and mortar there are natural oils
in those spices we want to kind of bash
that out we could be here for hours
doing this couldn’t wait I think it
looks like you’re gonna be should we do
what we will that smells amazing right
so oh gosh good so this is the garam
masala now right yeah so what next time
so now Reed’s think about the fresh
ingredients that we think we’re gonna
add to this garlic for those yeah how
old I am
some amount of ginger how BIG’s your
thumb this big I’ll go and put yours
next to mine this recipes already got my
thumb size of ginger I think it’s pretty
good so it’s not you always has chili
I’d love to all right so just snip the
end off for me so over up the end don’t
put on like it’s lipstick look show too
huh mine’s a little yeah mine do you
want to put all of it in no actually do
one and a half yeah right so now I’m
ready to think about going in with
turmeric turmeric is also gonna keep the
life of your pace a lot longer salt oil
so what kind of oil were you use just to
kind of like ground nut oil brown all
rapeseed oil nothing too flavored and
then tomato paste to t-tables me a
pronounced it’s very exciting you got to
think that this is like a base like this
is where you stop even with the pace
that you buy you start with those and
then you end up for going out what you
love and then you start adding your own
stuff to it it’s literally just a
helping hand what British things have
you hijacked of a little bit of paste
fish and chips really how so when you
batted your fish warm-ups and paste let
it down a little bit
water warm it up very gently in a pan
and get that base dead on your fish you
baste fish and chips with it it’s a game
honestly it’s in same alright so what
now this is ready for tasting we need to
make sure that this there’s actually
seasoned up pretty good as you sew one
last little y Z Y Z and then we put it
in our jars right it smells amazing I’m
very happy about that
that paste is like a little history
lesson so thank you that was a real
pleasure I’ve learned such a lot there
you go lovely people a lot of love right
there and if you don’t have a go then
you’ve got the pace it’s so convenient
for me and Anjali and all of the guys that pay tax lots of love
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