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Healthy Baked Beans | Katie Pix

hello foodtube I’m Katy pics and I’m all
about recipes that done on a shoestring
budget without scrimping on any of the
flavor and today we are making one of my
store cupboard favorites beans on toast
now why make homemade beans on toast I
hear you ask can I understand understand
the confusion because I love a tin of
beans as much as the next person but
those little blighters are notoriously
high in salt and sugar and so today
we’re going to take control back and
make them ourselves so let’s get started
we’re going to start off with our
veggies so over here we have one large
onion one red pepper a chili depending
on how much heat you can handle and a
clove of garlic this recipe does
actually serve two people very
generously as a main course sized meal
alternatively it will serve up kind of
four to six portions on your toast in
the morning or on a jacket potato or an
aside for your full English breakfast
okay so we’re going to start off with
one large onion just slice that in half
to see how to dice an onion properly hit
this link up here okay one large onion
one pepper this is optional but it does
add a nice little kind of you know the
sweetness you get in beans this adds to
that next up is the chili now this is
optional you don’t have to put it in
baking but with spicy I’ve got a
relatively medium size on here so it
shouldn’t be too bad I’m going to walk
about half of this in I’m going to try
and be brave I’m going to put the
Chili’s on the membrane in the kind of
white pit of the Chili’s where a lot of
heat is I’m just going to chop that nice
and finely lovely ok then I’m going to
add in the garlic so I’ve got one clove
here no this is not a romantic meal
you’re gonna hum but it tastes great and
that’s it that’s your prep done
so all we’re going to do now is get a
nice big pan on to the heat and the
first thing we are going to do is to
sweat off our onions and peppers just
soften them up a little bit one
tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and
then into that will also pop in our
onions and our peppers hello give those
a nice stir it’s a really powerful hob
once those rym we’re also going to add
in our garlic and our chili now I have
this after so that they don’t catch that
initial kind of heat of the oil because
garlic burns very quickly asking chilli
lovely let’s talk about beans and there
are loads of talk about because there’s
so many on the market and beans are a
beautiful thing really really rich in
fiber really good for you
and they come in all different shapes
and sizes so we’ve got here for example
some black-eyed beans some beautiful big
fat juicy butter beans your classic
kidney beans can’t have a chili without
them and of course your Bilotti beans as
well I’m going to give some velocity in
kidney beans a go you’re going to be to
lots of four hundred gram tins of beans
be sure to drain and rinse before adding
to your pan into that finish that off we
just need two tins of tomatoes chopped
tomatoes you can get these in any
supermarket dirt cheap and they’re going
in as well
you will notice at this point is a
little bit loose and liquidy the Zapp’s
fine we’re now going to leave that on
the heat for a good 10 15 minutes
simmering nicely on a low to medium heat
until it gets really nice and thick and
beautiful okay so 10 minutes has passed
so gooey and oozy all of the peppers
have wormed their way around the beans
and they’ve gone lovely and soft almost
ready to rock and roll but of course we
need to season it now you know that
familiar Tang that a tin of beans has
that lovely kind of sweet zing well
rather than putting sugar in we are
going to add in some delicious balsamic
vinegar so we’re going to just pour in
about a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
mmm it’s like treacle perfect and then
obviously we’re just going to add in a
nice pinch of salt and pepper as well
into that mix that in it also really
nicely transforms the color to make it
look like a really wholesome earthy kind
of orange off all that’s left to do is
get yourself a nice slab of toast
let me just serve up a little Dew sugar
and you have yourselves a beautiful
hearty nostalgic plate of beans on toast
and I tell you now as you can get so
delicious they make me feel probably
comforted this is my go-to comfort food
eat a lot quick because unfortunately
these are installed particularly well so
you’ll need to eat them within the day
but challenge accepted frankly all
that’s left to do is to have a little
don’t be really naughty right now will
be to have some nice crumbled mature
cheddar Oh
cheesy beans man cheesy beans
that is delicious
not not to love it’s got all of the
familiar tang and lovely saucy nurse and
those bursts of the beans that you get
many other bog-standard tin of beans but
this people this tastes good
this tastes wholesome if you like this
recipe then why not give me a thumbs up
and if you fancy it why not let me know
in the comments box below if you’ve
given this a go also if you want to see
more from me then check out Kati pics
loads of recipes on a shoestring budget
never ever scrimping on flavor and if
you want to see more from food Tube
don’t forget to subscribe until next
time bye
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