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HAPPY CHRISTMAS | Behind the Scenes of Jamie’s Christmas Competition.

my job is a very strange job because it
involves a lot of work a lot of physical
work some of it’s quite political very
serious you know sometimes we have to go
head to head with politicians prime
ministers presidents CEOs of companies
we have lots of things to do and today
is probably the most serious part of my
job the Christmas giveaway what could go
you’ve got pie
you go give me motivation about the era
my personality like what kind of
physical presence do I have you’re
it’s the 70s but you’re a good person II
so you want to entertain the masses but
you also have an urge to give away
amazing prizes today we’re gonna do a
celebration of Christmas we’re going to
do a big foodie giveaway books
pots pans ovens turkeys and so much more
we’re going to give away these
incredible prizes in a very stylish
contemporary modern way let me adjust a
man please welcome your aunt the one and
Jamie Oliver
so we’ve got a theme tune yet we happen
at the moment I don’t know many
professionals that go into a program
without a theme tune I feel like you’re
not preparing me what kind of things you
know as if you did that it’s a good it’s
a good it down whoo yeah we could make
it be different welcome to the big
Christmas give up what you do my hair
what’s my hairs motivation and cyclones
I’ve let you down the sideburns can you
cut that touch off you and put it stick
it on my chin I mean that much in on my
presence to give you lovely people in
social media this Christmas
so then as the stuff goes across the
conveyor belt we’ve got a cue card for
you see this stuff exactly even going to
the show yet how do we start the show so
we’re gonna have shots of the glitter
ball introduce myself
superstar presenters have someone else a
third person introduce ladies and
gentlemen someone with a profound voice
like Gennaro yes in case we give them
away yes we do it yeah with this very
young conveyer belt
moans the public sending their turkey
fails to make you laugh you just have to
pull a turkey face
what is the turkey place they can wig
Kelly bronsted and the copy do you like
your job everyone go serious being back
at home you can be winning these so
watch up this is Gennaro Contaldo
if you know you’ll know he has a certain
catch phrase yes why cookies so good yes
oh my gosh happy Christmas
so I think that went very well today
something a bit new so a bit different
I’ll be honest I went well but I’ve been
doing this game for twenty years and I
still haven’t got my very own
will you help me with my fox hook that
was rocks I’m normal
I’m pretty normal I do this at home do I
hi Jules
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