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Gennaro’s Masterclass At Recipease| Real Time Recipes

hi lovely people and I mean nothing
you’ll get at Jamie Oliver’s recipes
I gots quite a few people coming today
I’m going to show how to make the
perfect pasta yes I’m gonna do a
masterclass so if you all come around
here just round here so what what shall
we do it we do a small pasta linguini
with a small octopus which you can buy
in many shop and they are very very
small which should have been clean it
from inside out ready to cook so simple
here I have some garlic because I want
you to garlic a little bit of chilli
olives capers and anchovies because if I
do four to three papers only need about
two upper clove of garlic but we have 28
30 people or so first of all I chop my
garlic you will understand me yeah
that’s good
white why big I mean I slice more than a
chop because I love garlic when it’s
nice and big like that because the
reason why because in case you don’t
want it to the garlic you can always
remove it well if you do very very tiny
small one you can’t really remove it a
garlic is good for the health good for
the body is good for the skin is good
for everything so here I’ve about 20
cloves of garlic and I go couple of
kilograms of a small octopus which we
probably will have an about one or two
each it looks plenty but when you cook
it’s actually it becomes after the size
but the flavor is incredible
so he goes let’s just cut it you all
like chili I love chili so is good
come off you more one chilly just a
slice it in cases to up the night for
the Chili’s odd you break the chili you
smell it it please smell very strong of
chili have you got your eyes closed and
insult if you don’t smell anything
and your eyes don’t go like that that
means it’s rubbish so here I have a some
a nice solid so what they done with
olives with the help of my hands I
remove it it I can just just to like it
peeled apples on orange whatever you
want to say and I chopped it roughly
that’s good he ever summed anchovies
anchovies this incredible good is so
good anchovies bring out the flavor yet
you said maybe because you won’t taste
Angeles I bring up the flavor of the sea
also I use as a substitute of salt so
few anchovies but few filete or
anchovies which are Kadim are very very
small add ni iver some capers you can
see some lovely few capers so anchovies
capers a chilli and olives it all comes
from a kind of a Mediterraneans side now
because it won’t feel you i really large
pots but you can cook them in a small
pots for 2-3 peoples with help of dan
which is going to help me I’m so used to
can we put a high let’s see yeah really
very hard so use always and good olive
oil extra virgin olive oil
it is incredible good and this is what
you want to use it if you can actually
get the Nexus of extra-virgin olive oil
is good and banded oil make sure they
quiet a little bit of oil because a
quality of you if you think I use a lot
of oil it’s done look this is much I use
avoid I look how many people of us so
hardly anything first of all you get the
octopus first
all the waters get a camera inside here
just be careful be careful because it
start to flash so easy
yep I want it I want to know this
obstacle started curling good my hats
get a clock and start to stir it you can
see not let stuff to cool down and see
what you need you don’t need much and
then how that you get a garlic just put
a lot lots of garlic on top doesn’t
means you’re gonna taste the garlic you
want chili goes as well on top something
behind you or anything and you can see
here I chopped some lovely small little
cherry tomato tomato tomato then ended
anchovies urbanize is a kind of a stew
or so but because I need to cook this
slowly slowly for about 40 minutes every
nice few tomato top so simple you put
everything in the pot it’s all doing
anything so yeah few more then you get
the olives mmm on top just few more
season a little bit of salt not too much
the reason why you got the anchovies you
go to the capers then I put the Kapus
inside you know yet you’re going to keep
this just few capes less salt it you got
the olives so you don’t really want to
plus the fish which is octopus is is
already the seawater and always wash
they still got some salt inside put that
to do with you you behind there every
then you get a nice and full of a
parsley which I washed I remove the
stalk a roughly with a knife
joepie so just put it on top
oh I get some every day well very lucky
because here you can’t say cut let’s
start them again so at this stage you
turn down place Miguel are you turned on
oh I want in you to about nine yeah okay
come on he’s done I am shocked I am sure
you can do it but but until you taste it
you know I can’t really say that’s good
he’s out there anything that’s it so
smelly yes well what people think is
very difficult to cook ultimate is
hardly anything you can do second same
like a squid secularism you can fry then
you put them in flour to make sure is
dry deepening flour very out all our oil
every mean sighs I started to curly up
they start to get a lovely gold color
remove them put a little bit of salt on
top a bit carefully the salt because
salt it is very very important so salt
is good without salt we can’t do it are
we too much salt okay too much so that
is not good
we need salt to live but also we don’t
need it too much because we have a
during the day so many different things
with salt that is that we wait to this
one to do it now we’re going to make an
simples pasta so to make it for about
two four people you need to 2 eggs at
200 grams of flour the flour you have to
use double zero which is double fine
sorry I saw you crack the egg and make
sure you get free range organic eggs F
is possible if you’re not what can I say
okay inside you need but two and the
grams or the double zero flour which is
double fine but be careful when you read
on the side of the package make sure
they say master flour because also there
is a many different posture for making
breads a strong flour
also they say is double jello so read it
that today you can get everything I
guessed this is to undo it
a gram so for two hundred you make it
three hundred one other for 200 grams of
flour and two eggs you make in a bad
little boo boo boo in it I just
calculate 190 118 is make 200 and what
was it 300 yes when watching you boy
let’s H hundred grams we become almost
hundred fifty grams so he’s use your
ends your best tools which I do it you
mix it so easy and you know I saw what
if you need a little bit more water a
little bit more flowers you can always
edit but if you wait precisely 200 grams
and you use to our jigs you don’t need
to add anything at all but little water
sometime is good I say you mix it thank
you very much
I want to give my water as well a
fantastic yeah I need a little bit of
flour no waters just a little bit cuz I
didn’t wait it I can show you how much
pasta you make out that first you need
them in a bowl I know you’re going to
get your end or sticky
start to move in that this is what I
need for you to do it so little touch of
water not because the extra bait
and it goes make sure you grab
everything’s this stage don’t need to so
let’s put it a palm of your hands you
grab it and you stretch it look you do
this so become like a sausage it’s all
you get the other side you again when I
used to my mother used to make past also
the village just to make pasta that’s
the machine do not exist have to exist
only those with the money you stab it
all also traditionals it was a rolling
pin in Italians the first past one we
start to make a first pass it was no
longer don’t forget Italy’s unite
abandon fifty years ago at the end of
1803 is Mike refers pasta and which the
Italian they used to be call him a
macaroni because they used everything
was call him a macaroni and and the
simple died to eat the pasta in those
day they would just boil the pasta and
you with a lot to cheese on top and then
we use a fork nothing right you got look
you go fantastic doll which is so easy
to make then you roll it with a rolling
pin which we don’t have to about if you
actually get to nice the small machines
so you roll inside the small machines
roll it out and see you have to roll it
roll it rolling because we need to put
them all together again roll it out and
you need extra flour always a little
extra flavor if it’s too soft which I’ll
like them like this
I need to get more together you can see
always you go the heist open it hahaha
this is niceties I assure you also had
to make a little ravioli because
everything you put on top of the pasta
can be put up inside the pasta this is
good over my Gadgeteer
it’s worth it invest in some of those
well this particular one they don’t do
anymore so we keep this on the side
cousin so pasta is ready so now we
started to going to small versions if I
can manage to get my heads ice alright I
got it I got it thank you Dan hey you go
slowly slowly slowly the next number
down but again every time you do do you
do at least a couple of time ok can you
get to one underneath a now what this
one go yep
si it’s good with a camera but yeah when
it when you have that one who you edited
okay look at that look at that fantastic
this is nice but it’s not finished yet
okay you always cut on a few other signs
again go to next number and I’ll show
you a fee in the past after B
come on get in get in get in getting
yeah I see I’ll try to be flush it and
they broke the middle okay the faster is
done to see a thing
you wanted a pasta just pull them on the
side of the table blow underneath one is
move it which is good right how many of
you made the ravioli
never never
how many of you made the Tigertail
tortellini make tortellini that’s good I
want to use this one hasn’t cut it okay
with this one we’re gonna do a little
tortellini and then I’ll show you how to
do tagliatelle also other different
pasta couple a a most common so you cut
a do little square if you have a piece
like this just screaming out the flash
this is pasta which we call Mamata
yachty because I’m going to show you
what I’m doing with the pasta it is very
very very important can I start from
little square okay let’s pretend this is
Ana feeling let’s pretend you made a
fantastic roast beef roast chicken roast
pork green vegetable shepherd’s pie God
knows fish you got so much left over
would you do it easy you chopped it all
up which I will get a knife come on baby
you chopped roll up remember I pretend
this is roast beef a you chopped all up
you chopped all up
season a little bit put them all
together put them inside passes close it
one side okay again roll it up you made
the perfect dr. Linley again you want to
make a double Yoli again easy you make
ravioli you close it you can see you
close it okay and this isn’t a ravioli
why isn’t it really because you can’t it
and become a ravioli
I don’t ever cut that don’t worry you go
forward get fork do the circle insane
it’s good so we go totally now I want to
make a different pasta what kind of
pasta you want to make the friendship
over passed again roast chicken I just
finished cool cool roast chicken pull it
close it with your ends you make a
cooler donut and so in so caramel
caramel is so easy to make a little for
family yeah should we go little for
Fallon okay for fala deathly okay little
follow with the fake one this is much
okay we just roll this one out once once
more roll outs because if you know I
don’t want you to get dry
you might prefer a little bit thicker
okay a little for Fowler so you cut it
first to give me that little bit of a
shape over the one you by my side a shop
by the way you never check them away all
this because oh you know what I kind of
a big one because this one can be mixed
right make a big fat power yeah
it’s so simple so easy you grab each one
on the side to remember you might be one
or small one you grab it and you close
it you close it you close it you close a
look and that is fish for father it
close it close it close it okay you want
to make small for father
it’s a small one again you closer you
closer you close it again you want one
that’s smaller than that you know again
you automate so you cut it you make a
fire Felina close it close it close it
and so and so and so and so but I want
to make some tell you tell which is good
different pasta or pappardelle so you
put them inside the past again with this
one we’re gonna cook anyway the one I
make it so you roll it out again because
she never check them away anything I’d
ever it’s my daughter
I watched a little bit grown out what
that all tested that’s still young
a sister making pasta machine was
helping to make put it inside which one
so I want to put a bass inside I want to
roll out she goes buses but doesn’t
matter if you got your finger there
won’t because they’re wall do you call
she don’t make any more pasta she love
to me
she just eat it you can see I roll a
couple of times I pass this so nice
again let me give another roll it
does he spin enough
okay cut it little flower again to
another one on top by the way
double it to make a lasagna each one
against quick Blanchett remove it and
the usual level in lasagna again not one
then you close it locked one this close
it close it and don’t forget to scoop
all this flour out okay this is good
what do you want to make tell your
tailor pick him up
check in your hands look you got a
lovely time you want to make tell your
email or copy with Angela again grab it
touch your eyes you want to make a
larger target le a pappardelle just to
give you an idea and let me show you how
to make a simple simple simple pasta
dish clove of garlic cut it
just cut it rough always like my garlic
to be chopped roughly a quite big little
chilli always break it if you dope
oh it’s quite dot if you don’t take a
fiddle or smell it’s not hot now you
hear you have a garlic little chilly
here you go frypan extremely hot doesn’t
matter if you get some nice olive oil be
a bunch of oil remember is not much
should I put inside garlic a chili
be carefull straited tomato straight in
be careful
leave all the pasta water so I can get
from the other side I so nice a little
bit of basil break it
you’re a little salt a touch of salt at
the pastels boiling let’s cover him
again we need to cover
that son it’s not much it only takes a
so this is going to be ready and the
water’s gonna boil it like boils now
look some look ready
yeah the fastest boiling I need a punk
anybody Scott tank for me a skirt
because I put them inside
ready straighten bring the pan here soon
as you put them in lock the pasta is
really come up on top of it
make a cooking so simple it is simple
I want to use a mole they asked me a
fire I need the calendar to strain and I
don’t actually need it put it back on
the gas I stir it and make sure you get
a lovely juice and we only promised them
then a little bit o blessed and we go
great it’s a cheesecake sorry solid
olive oil for me little grated on the
farm isn’t just to dry up a little bit
little donkey donkey so they have to
taste it to see if there is enough salt
you salt little tiny salt oh my gosh
this is done I get nice a little plate
which is the best plate this one you
gotta just put them on top there I’m
just gonna put here cuz they know they
can’t see ready
and this is the simples simples tomato
sauce ever ever be made little tiny bit
of this okay again with the great over
parmesans one a particular it takes all
your minutes it’s hardly anything that
you think this is fantastic it really
enjoyed it then a nice demo show them
how to make a fresh pasta that is very
very important I have to make fresh
tomato sauce I have to cook in a simple
octopus after chopping a tomato after
use a basil have to use the sole the
capers the answer is olives the chili
almost everything the olive oil I really
enjoyed it so if you want to join as
well don’t forget to get the books
Flavio and that we’ve a date
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