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FOOD TUBE’s BEST BLOOPERS | 1 Million Subscribers

we have hit a million subscribers we’re
so so excited about this we’ve enjoyed
it so much we love talking to you thank
you for commenting thank you for liking
and thank you for sharing our videos on
your social media thank you to YouTube
for supporting us along the way
massive massive thank you to all the
food tube talent this is what this
channel was invented for to launch new
talent and there’s so many different
expertise and people cooks artists and
Baker’s barbecues you name it and I love
them all dearly it’s a beautiful family
from all around the world
we’ve even published three books this
year from our talent so I’m unbelievably
proud so guys massive thank you again
take care and here is a little video of
how we got there
I’ve studied for years trying to England
on jealous you done it so sexy she’s
just sort of oh this is just voiceover
yeah so which one of these top five
bucher word up foodtubers jamie oliver
here in the mouth of an oven okay okay
you know thanks for you my agent is it
delicious beautiful squeeze you know
sorry what was that would mean steak you
didn’t see me make this mess Kyle Sony
tech 302 something tells on you later
come to me
slightly different strategy here guys
we’ve got new butter oh no we don’t have
new potatoes I’ve got
that will no I’m not doing anything
dodgy Leila this will be your belly
you seem to get in there that didn’t
stick it makes you properly plan I am
mixing it’s a lie Wow nectar of life you
are yeah I’m stuff to get so wet I love
hey put tumors hey guys
well no no no I’m going too much pick no
I wouldn’t buy your earlier bloody I
stop the game
the directors got a very cheated but
I’ll tell you what can resubmit job fair
fancy what did you say no to
crack that chick is flaming Sun this
goes in the oven
is wood-fired oven in the world
I’ve seen it
rectal exam I copy do you see the
efforts that we go to good sugars this
is all to you there’s like bits and
metal all in my spandex ah you forgot to
mention that it’s in the top 20
oh yes sorry I am the danger Skyler
euro gangster really honestly I
just want to get I’ve got a wall I think
kids got like this Lana still you know
comment it then we come commenting
commenting comments and then we could
comment back perfect for a quick tail in
the night with the chicken just three
two one which is about she stressed
before I tried
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