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Big thanks from Jamie Oliver

hey guys Jamie Oliver here live from
London okay the launch for food tube was
spectacular it was absolutely fantastic
we gain well over forty thousand
subscribers in a week which is fantastic
it’s looking really really good now just
remember the whole point of this channel
is that we can do loads of little videos
and films and little vignettes about
things you guys want d key things Chevy
things pro things funny things you name
it we want to collaborate with you if
you know anyone that’s brilliant on
camera and can cook upload the videos
and let us celebrate your buddies and
your friends so that is a really
important thing also if you haven’t
subscribed to the channel hit the button
subscribe and we’ll update you with all
the cool stuff coming up and remember
we’re going to be celebrating all the
stuff over the years that never got on
TV from mine I’ll be doing new videos
I’ll be doing weekly news things are we
doing weird and wonderful ingredients
all sorts of different stuff i’ll be
doing but also when we celebrating
different cooks with attitude and
professional chefs as well so all of
that stuff is yet to come it’s a really
exciting looking year but we want you
guys to show what it looks like you guys
are really in control so don’t forget if
you like what we doing like it and also
share it with your communities and
hopefully they’ll like it too so that’s
it for me all I got to do now it’s do a
nice little boiled egg nice three
minutes boiling water lovely or boiled
eggs some soldiers little bit of butter
delicious okay thank you very much until
next time take care
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