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Behind the Scenes at Money Saving Meals with Jamie Oliver

okay let’s talk about money-saving meals
it’s massive sort of oh experiment
research on just in 2013 how can you
make delicious food that’s really
affordable and I guess in recession
people are spending thousands and
thousands on fast food every year so
really all we’ve tried to do is come up
with a show that cuts to the chase we
want to be modern we want to be British
we want to be dynamic in the food that
we’re cooking but it’s gotta be cheap
yeah filming day you know normally
starts about 7:30 normally in my
projects we don’t have sort of like
wardrobe or makeup because we’re
rattling out so many shows on this
particular one we do or doing a show a
day and so it sounds like a lot of time
but it’s not you know we’re making a
half-hour show so we’ve got the whole
crew here with the food team got keep it
moving all these equipments very
expensive so we can’t hang around and
sort of like enjoy ourselves too much
we’ve got a rattle well we have a laugh
really we’re the last
with TV structurally you got to get in
and you got to get out but bit in the
middle the cooking this is no problem
but getting in and getting out it’s a
sometimes it takes me about seven goes
so what I want to get you to do is think
big guys I want you thought but when it
comes to the Great British gross it’s
all about the whole bird you would think
that after 15 years I’d get a little bit
sharper I learnt the responsibility of
inspiring people to cook very early you
know through meeting the public and
getting letters so I started investing
in these girls twelve years ago and I’ve
sort of collected a little army now and
we have the best food team in the
and they really look after me but also
they’re equally as passionate about the
public and getting things right so we
all look after each other we have a lot
of fun
Ready Steady Go really wicked yeah yeah
yeah Chinese apples for
the end of the night allowed up here on
that hood thank you very much in the
pleasure I hope you enjoyed hanging
around and seeing what happened on a
shoot lookout for money-saving meals I
think it’s going to be a great show it
should make sense they’ll cut out all of
my bad our oceans and they’ve stick to
the good version checkout out September
October on channel 4 in the UK and in
other countries who knows where it’ll be
but I hope you enjoy it thank you
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