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Molten Salt vs Oil

I kind of want to try just doing a big

scaled up version of that where I just

get like a gallon of oil boiling and on

fire and pouring my head gallon of water

onto it I don’t know if this dome would

be big enough to contain that fireball

honestly that would be a lot of fire hey

guys I’m eight welcome back to the dome

where as you can probably see by my

breath it’s pretty chilly today we’ve

got another fun experiment salt and oil

are usually things that go really well

together on foods today we’re gonna see

if they go really well together when the

salt is 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit we’re

gonna melt down some salt until it’s

nice and liquid and then we’re gonna

pour that superhot salt on a three

different types of oil to see how it

reacts we’ve got some standard liquid

cooking oil we’ve got some butter and

then we’ve got some motor oil we’re

gonna try pouring molten salt into all

three of those and see what happens the

flash point or the point where these

oils should light on fire is well below

the melting temperature of salt so we

might be able to get these to light on

fire let’s find out let’s fill our

crucible of salt and fire up the ferns


looks like a good amount of salt here

we’re gonna start using our cooking oil

and while our salt is just finishing up

melting in the foundry we’ll fill our


now I don’t think that pouring salt into

oil will have any large splashing or

explosive effects but as a precaution I

am wearing this jacket I’m gonna even

put the hood up I’ll have glasses on and

I’ll have my thick leather welding

gloves like I said I don’t think it’ll

explode I hope it’ll light on fire we’ll

find out look at that is some toasty

salt all right here we go

three two one all right that lit on fire

just exactly like I was expecting it to

but I did not see the formation of the

salt coming at all look at the shape of

that it’s like coral or something in

there that is wild

that is so weird Wow also it kind of

smells like we’re cooking now cuz you

know salts and oil together

that’s not unpleasant yeah that sheep I

hope I can get that all out in one piece

from the pot it might be a little bit

fragile so it might break when I try but

yeah that is cool also the oil is just

still on fire it’s kind of interesting

because most of the oil I think is not

hot enough to be burning but it lit the

surface on fire and so we’ll see maybe

that’s now heating it up even more it’s

hard to tell

I haven’t lit a whole lot of oil on fire

maybe it’s something I need to play with

hmm I think the moisture from my breath

makes it angry it does not want to blow

out what do you think should I pour some

water on it of course I should I’m gonna

ah that was great

nice little fireball I love the way that

traveled up like that that looked really

good and interestingly it did put the

fire out actually I think it was that

the fire winds did fireball and might

have burned up all the oxygen so there

was no more for it to be burning but I

don’t really know but in the end it

looked cool

no one got splattered nice little tower

fireball and now fires out so we can try

and take our chunk of weirdly shaped

salt out there we go

that is what happens to our molten salt

when I poured it into the cooking oil

and I will tell you there were many

things I thought might happen it never

occurred to me that this would happen

now I’m curious if it will do that with

the other kinds of oil we’ve also

started to fry our board a little bit

because our oil is still very toasty

next up we’re going to see what happens

if we pour our molten salt on to butter

now this isn’t going to start as a

liquid so I’m sure we’ll have something

of a different result

I don’t even know it is that’s igniting

all right there you go molten salt on to

that’s a lot of pig smoking these most

of the flames went out though I hear it

bubbling a lot now butter has a lot more

water in it

butter isn’t as pure of an oil as

cooking oil it has a lot of other

chemicals and materials in it that

smells really good smells like something

delicious cooking boy that is some

boiling oil right there

still going it’s been there for like a

minute half so it’s obviously very hot

but I’m curious if it’s flammable so I’m

gonna hit that with the blowtorch and

see if it’ll ignite nope something’s

bubbling and boiling but it’s not

lighting on fire our butter didn’t light

on fire the same way or cooking oil did

but it did boil a lot and I think that’s

because there is some non oil components

to butter I think the milk fat that

butter is made from still has water in

it something like that and now it’s just

boiling and that’s why it didn’t ignite

but I’m curious to see what happened to

the salt on this one so I’m gonna

dispose of the butter and then see what

the salt underneath it’s looking like

alright so I poured off the melted

butter and you can see where the two

lower blocks of butter were still in the

pan so we’ve got the salt that poured

down melting the top two bricks of

butter and the bottom two took longer to

melting so I think the salts solidified

around those two blocks so we just have

the two gaps where they were then of

Sault number one salt number two well

we’ve got one more kind of oil to try so

let’s melt up some more salt

try it on that we’re gonna be doing this

with motor oil and it’s on five for the

motor oil lit on fire very similar to

how the cooking oil did making some nice

boiling bubbling action there too can’t

really see what the salt has done it

hasn’t reacted the same way we don’t

have the large coil looking formations

that we did with the cooking oil hard to

tell what we do have going on doesn’t

smell as good as it did with the butter

that smelled really good if we have the

oh it’s just so war but reignited itself

interesting how different those turned

out I definitely like the one from a

cooking away all the best that’s fun

because this is now cooled off so this

is salt that cooled down in butter

pretty good a little burned tasting but

I can taste butter and I can taste salt

that’s a good combo but it also tastes

like burning that part’s not great I’m

not going to try licking that one

frankly I’m not too interested in trying

to lick that one either although it does

look just beauty molten salt poured into

three different types of oil we’ve tried

pouring it into cooking oil

we tried pouring it onto butter and we

tried pouring it onto motor oil the

cooking oil and motor oil both burst

into flames almost immediately and

stayed burning the butter lit on fire

very briefly but then was put out and I

think that’s by all of the non-oil

solids and liquids that might make up

the butter it was very fun throwing a

little bit of water onto our oil fires

and of course that explodes and you

should never do that anywhere that could

catch things on fire like a kitchen or

most places at your house or anywhere

that isn’t a concrete dome with a dirt

floor this is a very safe place to burn

things and even so I was careful to be

wearing gloves long sleeves a hood

glasses thick pants everything to keep

myself protected I think by far the most

surprised I was at this whole experiment

was what happened to the salt when we

poured it into the cooking oil how full

of something I don’t know air or bubbles

or oil or something that the salt got

when we poured it into our canola oil

that part surprised me overall I’m glad

to have learned that salt does not

explode on contact with oil or anything

like that but it does catch it on fire

and that’s always fun hey guys thanks

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that’s it for now have fun be safe and see you tomorrow

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