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it wasn’t Grant’s fault

today we’re taking a look at how to make
some scars bruises and bleeding cuts
with some DIY makeup some of which is
made from stuff you probably already
guys we have Cali back here in the
studio and she’s gonna be helping us out
with something fun today Cali what is it
we’re gonna be doing well I’m gonna beat
you up oh well I’m gonna do it in a nice
way we’ve got some DIY Halloween makeup
styles that we’re gonna be doing bruises
blood cuts gonna be interesting but with
some household supplies that you can
find pretty darn easy all the way up to
some things that you might find at a
local theater store or even Walmart all
right so what are these supplies we’re
looking at some of these I think I
recognize and some of them I also
recognize but that’s because I’ve done
some theater makeup before so just walk
us through a little bit of what we’ve
got here on the table flour baby
powdered Vaseline pretty darn simple
with these supplies you can actually
make a scarf putty now I do have
theatrical scar wax that is something
that a lot of people will use in makeup
and theater but you can make it at home
for a lot cheaper so I’m gonna show you
how to do that
moving up to liquid latex now not all
latex is made the same you’re gonna see
the difference between our Walmart latex
and some fee at Racal supply makeup I’m
going to show you how you can basically
make it look the same work the same for
you and then liquid collodion which it’s
probably more fun you just show you what
that does so here’s the plan Callie is
going to take some of our makeup
supplies and she’s going to start
applying them to me and explaining how
to do it to make it look like I suffered
some Grievous injury like maybe someone
hit me in the face with a big ol weapon
the basic idea when you’re doing makeup
like this sometimes less is more you
kind of want to focus on the bone
structure and you also want to focus on
where the skin’s really gonna split
so if Nate were to get hit say right
there you’d probably end up with the
black ice and some swelling around the
eye and then a pretty good slice in his
face so let’s see if we can make that
look real so the first step is we’re
going to take some flour and we’re gonna
take some Vaseline we’re gonna mix them
together we’re gonna tone it to a tint
to match your skin and then we’re gonna
add it on we’ll probably add a little
bit of spirit gum also something that
you can find at your local Walmart
grocery store the acta pool supply store
so that
it’s gonna stick a little bit better and
then we’re gonna add some color and some
blood let’s get this party started we
don’t actually need this much but just
you can kind of see what I’m doing
Vaseline petroleum jelly yep normal
stone a brand doesn’t matter but really
doesn’t I just got the regular brand
just picked it up from Walmart I have
experimented using baby powder as well
works pretty darn good but the
absorbency is a little bit different so
we’re gonna stick with the flour which
is what a lot of people use and it’s
gonna make the tinting a little bit
easier and a little bit more opaque
which in this case is actually going to
be a good thing when we’re applying
color over it usually you’re gonna want
it a little bit thinner but this should
be fine so what we’re looking for is
basically a pace like consistency almost
a play-doh it’s actually gonna be very
similar to when you make proto putty at
this point I would say that we have
approximately twice as much flour as we
do Vaseline by volume so if you touch it
does it stick to your skin nope not
really okay good so right now we’ve got
pretty much the perfect consistency so
that’s what we’re looking for so now
here’s the fun part I had to make up
match Nate so if you go to the makeup
store cuz you want to make this you you
ask one of the nice people working there
where you can find liquid foundation in
your skin color and they’ll be very
helpful and they’ll show you where to go
in case you wondered what color Nate’s
skin is it’s basically primer white
classic ivory you’re about as pale as
you can possibly be that hurts my
feelings a little bit it’s very true
this stuff is not like super runny thin
it’s kind of like ketchup consistency
and that’s also good and now I mix this
up the same way right yes
so this consistency now I would say
sugar cookie dough yeah that’s a good
description don’t eat it though don’t
mmm-mmm-mmm is it lurking ah I can feel
it tingling on like gum they’re so stale
put it down alright so when it comes to
doing the sort of makeup you don’t have
to break the bank that’s why we’re kind
of doing this all DIY style so you’ll
actually recognize some of this stuff if
you’ve ever been to a Halloween store or
even Walmart these are just some really
simple grease paints and if you apply
them right you’re gonna get some pretty
darn cool colors so I’m sure that Nate’s
Kim is very clean but just in case to
make sure that everything applies
properly we’re gonna use some witch
hazel astringent
it’s just a little bit gentler than some
others as an astringent it means it’s
going to strip oils off of my face and
we don’t want that long-term err forever
but it makes it so that all the makeup
once the skin is clean you want to add a
layer of spirit gum now this is gonna
help that putty stay a little bit better
especially because it is a DIY mixture
that we’ve made spirit gum is like skin
glue made out of pine trees I think as
she’s dabbing this on with her finger I
can feel it as it dries out it starts
getting stickier and stickier you can
probably see how it was getting more and
more stuck to her finger as she lightly
tapped it in place so what I’m looking
for is a really really thin layer you
can kind of see that we’ve got this
really shiny tacky surface I want to
work quickly before it dries too much
but I also don’t want it to be so thick
that it gets in gum if it gets too thick
it’s gonna start pulling away from the
skin and then not only is your
prosthetic not going to stick but you
could potentially hurt your patient
victim victim so to apply this makeup
it’s not gonna be very difficult you
don’t really need anything very fancy
I’m really just starting out with a cup
popsicle stick make sure the ends aren’t
sharp again we’re really not trying to
injure him just make it look like a
injured him I really don’t want to get
in trouble for hurting Nate so I went
for just more of an angled spatula the
idea is basically that we want to be
able to smooth down the edges make sure
it looks pretty darn seamless between
his skin and the prosthetic so even with
my spirit gum the edges are starting to
pull up a little bit because that flours
absorbing the Vaseline so we’re gonna
take a q-tip and we’re gonna add a
little bit more Vaseline just around the
edges just to smooth things out I think
that’s at least gonna be a pretty darn
good arc for our cut so let’s add some
bruising at this point it just comes
down to color theory we want to make
sure that we can match Nate skin as
closely as possible he’s got a very pale
so here’s the fun part doesn’t have to
be expensive you don’t have to use
anything super crazy so there’s three
dollars at Walmart this was I think two
that’s really all you need we’re gonna
take our $2 brushes and let’s start with
some black and purple make sure that you
also use some skin tones but really just
mix and match until you get what you
want so this is basically just the same
as those little grease pencils it’s just
even softer so one of the important
parts when you’re working on this again
just take your time be patient and don’t
use one color when you use one of those
colors on these really bright you know
color palettes you saw that I was
working with a bright red and a bright
purple but when you start blending them
that’s when you get it to look really
realistic even with the really really
cheap makeup this palette is probably $7
so out of all of our makeup today
probably one of the more expensive ones
but it’ll last me for years and I can
use it for stuff like this all the time
I’m gonna be honest I’ve only ever done
this to myself once usually I’m putting
makeup on other people what does that
feel like it’s barely noticeable
honestly unless I start moving my face
around then I can sort of feel it being
tight in spots like where the spirit gum
and where the prosthetic putty is sort
of like resisting where my skin would
normally move no not at all like it’s
less of a feel like if I had just a
bandaid on my face I think I would feel
that more than I feel this so when
you’re doing makeup like this you’ll
notice that I’m not putting nearly as
much red on the prosthetic as I am
around the eye when your skin swells up
at an actual cut or injury you’re gonna
have less blood to that area now there
is gonna be blood in the wound of course
but the redness is actually gonna be
swelling around it and not necessarily
how you feeling Nate I got beat up yeah
so we’ve got a pretty good shiner we’ve
got his face pretty darn puffy you can
still see the the Vaseline and the the
flour coming through a little bit so
what we’re gonna do now is we’re
actually gonna slice his cheek open and
add some blood you’re gonna see that
it’s just gonna pull that wax right off
so to keep it from doing that we’re
gonna add some Vaseline hold still while
I cut your face open that’s going really
jagged that’s actually gonna look kind
of cool now this was just a happy
accident when Nate smiles Nate smile you
get this little crinkle right here so
I’m actually going to use that into the
split itself just sort of add on to the
horror factor now all I’m gonna do is
add in a little bit of reddening and
then we’re going to set it because right
now it’s very shiny you can tell that
there’s Vaseline or something there so
we’re gonna dole it down make it match
the mat of Nate’s skin and then we’re
gonna finish with adding some blood are
there other ways to do this yes
there are lots of ways that you can
actually make homemade blood but because
we’ve already made our homemade putty
we’re gonna go and use some from a
theatrical supply store you could also
get this at Walmart and then any
Halloween shop they want to find make it
look most realistic let gravity do its
work I’m barely tapping it in there and
I’m gonna let it just sort of fall the
way it naturally would now let’s go out
all right well we’ve successfully beat
the crud out of Nate sorry Nate but I
haven’t gotten to use the latex or the
so what’d you guys do at work today I
messed up pretty bad got beat up by a
yeah alright you have successfully
blackened my eye and bloodied up my face
but at this time we want to see you how
hard is it to take this off like if I
were doing this for my Halloween makeup
going to a party something like that I
get done at the end of the night is this
gonna take me forever to clean my face
up no that’s kind of the best part about
this or to make up so this is just wish
mmm wiping off part of my skin here so I
had that on for probably towards maybe
three hours and it was staying on just
fine like it worked pretty well I think
you could easily have that on for an
evening for a party something like that
but honestly if you just take some
makeup wipes to it it’s not gonna hurt
your skin the worst thing is the spirit
gum and that will come off in the shower
if you really need it to so thank you
even most of that’s gone thank you to
Callie for sharing her knowledge with us
I hope some of you have some fun makeup
that you want to try for Halloween if
you do tag us on social media hashtag
TKO our hashtag became random one of
those we want to check it out guys
that’s it for today but the fun doesn’t
end here we’ve got more for you to see
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