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in today’s video we are taking a look at
how you can safely make your own
breakaway glass at home
guys we love this studio it has been our
home for a really long time but that
said it’s a bit time for an update so
we’re going to be adding a few new
things throughout the next coming videos
but before we get started on our project
today let’s start with a fresh coat of
alright guys we have started
redecorating the studio as you can see
we’re not done yet but don’t panic it is
gonna be changing over the next few
videos and the idea right now is to get
some decorations in place so for the
first decoration that I think that I
want now we have been working on
building a new work bench which is going
to be fantastic we’re gonna have a few
new really useful things but I think we
need an in case of emergency box now
what we put in this will have to decide
later but for now if we have an in case
of emergency break blast box we don’t
necessarily want actual broken glass all
around the studio so there are a few
different ways that you can make safe
breakaway glass or film or theater
anything like that in modern film work
one of the most common forms of
breakaway glass is actually smashed
glass or different types of breakaway
plastic now that’s not how they used to
do it it used to actually just be a type
of sugar glass now sugar glass has the
tendency of turning yellow if you try
and harden it so what we actually want
to try today is sugar glass and then
compare it with isomalt sugar glass has
the tendency of having a bit of a yellow
tint as it caramelizes when it gets to
the hard crack stage so it doesn’t look
perfectly clear
now isomalt is a little bit different
isomalt tends to melt at a slightly
lower temperature and ends up crystal
clear so that’s what we’re gonna try
today along with some sugar glass see we
can actually get that in our shadow box
to make our own break in case of
emergency box here’s the basic idea we
have got a shadow box we’ve got some
isomalt we’ve got some sugar and we’ve
got a few ideas on how we can turn this
into some glass that we can break safely
in the studio so for our first few steps
here we’re gonna go ahead and take our
isomalt we’re gonna take our sugar and
we’re gonna get them melting on the
stove while that’s going we’re gonna
take apart our shadow box and get rid of
the actual glass get it ready for our
sugar glass so when it comes to making
breakaway glass at home it’s actually
pretty simple if you have sugar and you
have a candy thermometer then it’s
really really easy we’ll go ahead and go
over measurements and a cup
of minutes but if you can heat this
sugar up to the hard crack stage and
then pour it smooth you shouldn’t have
any problems as I said before though it
will be caramelized you will have a
slight discoloration which is why we’re
going to try the ice malt as well so
we’re gonna go ahead and preheat our
oven preheat the stove and get this
going now because I know that the sugar
is going to be discolored I’m not even
going to bother trying to put that into
our breakaway box today so I will be
making a smaller sheet with our sugar
glass and then we have a larger sheet
that’s actually smoother with no bent
edges for our isomalt so we’re not gonna
have any problems with warping for the
isomalt I’m also aware that my shadow
box has a piece of glass that is ten by
twenty inches and this cookie sheet is a
little bit larger than that so I
shouldn’t have any problems there right
now I’m just testing to see how much
sugar I actually am going to be needing
to make now this is two cups of water
that I’ve just poured into the the pan
for our sugar glass it’s not quite
coating it thick enough to make me happy
so I think we’re gonna double this
recipe might be a thicker pane that
might not use all of it but that way I’d
rather have more than less so for your
basic sugar recipe this is gonna be very
simple this is gonna be four cups of
sugar a cup and a half of water and then
two 2/3 cups of corn syrup we’re gonna
go ahead and stir this on a low heat
until it’s fully dissolved and then
we’ll turn that up to a medium heat and
we’re gonna go ahead and let this heat
up until it hits hard crack stage and
then we’ll remove it from the heat and
pour it directly into our mold
you guys I have no idea if I got enough
ice and mom you don’t really need to use
a lot of water for the isomalt so let’s
just see how this look so I actually
think this is going to be a perfect
amount of isomalt so one bag of kitchen
alchemy this is 2.2 pounds or 36 ounces
of isomalt I think that’s going to be
pretty perfect for our 10 by 20 inch
pane of glass that we need however I am
going to use both bags I did buy two
bags of isomalt I’m gonna melt it all
but I’m not going to pour it all at the
same time what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna
have it all melt down on the stove the
oven will be preheated to 275 degrees
Fahrenheit we’ll go ahead and just let
all of the bubble sort of rise
to make it really really clear and then
after that we’ll go ahead and pour two
separate sheets when melting isomalt
everyone does things a little bit
differently some people say you want to
add enough water for it to be the
consistency of what’s and some people
say you don’t even need to add any at
all I like to add just a little bit to
my pot to make sure that nothing’s
burning on the bottom but then I just
keep it at a low heat until it’s all
melted then pop it into the oven to make
sure that we had all of those bubbles
rising to the surface the main thing you
really want to make sure of when you’re
working with icing up is that all of
your equipment is very very clean
distilled water is preferred I have
found that I’ve been able to get some
very very nice results without it but do
make sure you have a very clean pot very
clean spatula and make sure not to cross
contaminate it with your sugar if you’re
melting them at the same time we’re
gonna go ahead and keep a simmer for our
sugar while our isomalt is melting the
ice melts gonna be much slower it’s
gonna be much calmer
well this hits a hard crack stage this
is simply just gonna melt down until
it’s ready to go in the oven so I would
say we’ve probably got about 10 minutes
where I can actually leave these kind of
let them melt as they go so well they’re
melting on the stove I’m going to go
ahead and get started on the shadowbox
itself so to begin with this is a
shadowbox these can be found at most
craft stores framing stores things like
that normally what they’re used for is
for pinning or placing little mementos
that might be thicker that you might put
in a normal frame so you can see that
we’ve got a pretty good depth here on
this one so it should give us a really
nice sort of emergency box we can put
any sort of emergency supplies in here
that we might need so first things first
we don’t need the real glass so let’s
reowww glass removed our isomalt is not
done melting however our sugar has hit
it’s hard crack stage and you can see
it’s actually already got that sort of a
yellow tint it’s pretty much ready to
pour I want to do get my tray ready for
it now well I’m not too worried about it
sticking to my non-stick pan I am going
to add a very thin layer of cooking oil
it will fog up the glass just a little
bit but less chance of it breaking when
I try and pull it out later you can see
that there’s obviously going to be a
color change that’s not going to look
like regular glass it’s still going to
be a nice safe breakaway glass but not
the color we’re going for so we’re going
to show you the difference so I’m going
to go ahead and pour this now and hope
it cools and comes out without breaking
let’s see
that is about 350 degrees Fahrenheit
right now so just tipping this tray I’d
be super careful I’m gonna take this and
we’re just gonna dip the bottom to cool
it down just enough so that it does stop
it’ll still be heated but it won’t be
cooking anymore be very careful if you
do this because this steam rising is hot
enough to burn you there we go but you
can see that our bubbles have all calmed
down so now what we’re gonna do is we’re
gonna pop this in the oven for about 15
minutes again just to get these bubbles
to rise to the surface so that women
yes oh now I do wish I have my audio on
because I’m like dancing over here
this is looking super good the surface
has a really interesting texture kind of
looks like the surface of the Moon guys
I still made again because I needed a
second pair of hands and he has hands
but we have got our sugar glass we have
got our isomalt glass and we want to try
and get these out of the pans and I’m
very worried that with just one set of
hands the bending is gonna probably
break them so here’s the plan I’m gonna
try and tip them out once we’ve got them
out we will need to cut one down to size
and the way you do that is with a very
very hot knife we’ve got our knives
heating up on the stove yeah this one
it’s already actually can already see
yes it delaminates
at the edges it’s just beautiful which
is exactly what we were going for so I
think well what we can do is we if we
put the cardboard over it and flip it
and we can just gently press from the
back on the metal plate I think it will
all release all right we give it a try
we give it a try
I’ve never actually seen anybody try and
make sheet isomalt before glass or sugar
glass yes but I don’t think I needed to
do any pouring not just yeah pop right
out there oh my gosh
oh that’s gonna taste like cooking spray
oh it tastes great this turned out so
much better than we are expecting yes
because it is sugar glass yes it does
caramelize it does turn you know a
little bit yellow but this is so much
smoother than we were expecting you can
even see the logo of harvest right so
from our freeze dry pan you can see it
right there so very very hot knife we’ve
had it just boiling on the stove but
then I’m drying it so that it won’t it
won’t gum up our our sugar glass now I
know that supposedly this works with
isomalt I do not know if it works with
sugar glass quite the same so far I’m
gonna say no but we’re still gonna try
because even regular glass you can score
and break all right yep thousand-degree
aha hey that looks like it did something
yeah that was much much more efficient
those look like that I came off nice
exactly how you do it I just want it to
be known I don’t know if it was caught
on camera she literally just said hit me
in the head it’s fine I got it just go
yeah action star we’re gonna clean up
and then we’re gonna move on to our
isomalt all right so sugar glass it does
work you can make amazing breakaway
panels with it the isomalt is the one
that’s very clear this is the one I’m
excited about this is the one that I
want to put into our emergency kit box
to put on the wall so see if we get it
to come out just as easily as the sugar
glass did I’m gonna flip towards you
okay ready oh sure that’s out that
sounded like a freak though that sounds
like correct please don’t be broken
please don’t be broken yes amazing sheet
I think that’s gonna be okay and again
there’s this bit of cloudiness from the
oil so I think we’re gonna try and hit
it with the torch again see if we can
clean it up just a little bit and then
we’re gonna cut it down to size and get
it into our emergency kit we’ve got it
in place it’s not perfectly smooth so
I’m gonna use our smaller torch see if
we can clean that up a little bit and
then we’re gonna get some writing on it
mess happening along the side here there
we go
alright guys we’ve got it in case of
emergency we are set but I’ll show you
put in the studio guys that’s not all
we’ve always got more for you to see
that box up at the top will take you to
our latest video in that box the bottom
is what YouTube thinks you should be
watching next hit this bomb in the
middle to subscribe to the club so you
never miss out on the fun don’t forget
to ring that Bell and we’ll see in the
next one talk to you then [Music]
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