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How to END Winter

in today’s video we’re gonna put
something to the test that a lot of you
may have been curious about at some
point can a flavor you use to clear away
guys we’ve made flamethrowers a lot of
flame throwers several different types
of flame throwers in the past and today
we’ve got three of them here we’re gonna
test them all I’ve had to shovel my
driveway several times in the last few
weeks and I hate it
every time I do it I just wonder like
would it be better to just try and melt
it all away so we’re up here at the dome
and there’s snow all around this dome we
have flamethrowers video so we’re gonna
test them out and we’ve got three we’ve
got our fire extinguisher flamethrower
which can use a powder or a liquid fuel
we’re gonna be using liquid today we’ve
got our arm mounted flamethrower which
uses canisters of propane as a fuel and
then we’ve got Big Bertha the first
flames are actually that grant built and
this uses gasoline and diesel as a fuel
so while I think the biggest one is
gonna work the best I gotta say I’m not
super confident that any of them are
gonna clear much of the snow but we
still have to know we really want to try
yeah and I think that no matter how
poorly it performs it’s going to be so
much more fun than show please no
shoveling snow isn’t fun here’s the
basic idea you have seen us use or
create several flamethrowers in the past
now we’re gonna go ahead and take these
flamethrowers and put it to the test
against these No okay my first question
though is how effective do you think
this is gonna be and which one do you
think is gonna work best I’ll answer
your questions in reverse order which
one is gonna work best I think that the
big one is gonna work best because that
actually sprays out fuel it sprays it
out and sometimes that fuel can even
land on stuff and keep burning as for
how effective it’s gonna be though I’m
really not sure flamethrowers put out a
lot of heat they do but not for an
extended amount of time it’s true I
think the longest running one is the big
one and we only get maybe a minute out
of that maybe this one goes a little bit
longer with its propane tanks because
it’s not pouring fuel as quickly start
with the little one let’s go
think it just went out nah it was burnt
up was it yeah well my arms on fire so
there’s that yeah I couldn’t really see
anything but you can see them marks so
first test didn’t go according to plan
we think there’s probably just a little
too much liquid in the canister so we’ve
added some boric acid that’s gonna make
our flames green so we can hopefully at
least see the flame hitting the snow
especially with how bright it is right
now I’m also gonna try and pressurize it
just a little bit more so it’s spraying
out and like aerosolizing more than it
did last time okay dang it it blew it
out all right we’re gonna try that one
more time for hope we’ve got left but
you could see the green flame you can
see if not done much to the snow it’s
pockmarked it a little bit but that’s
about it
it wasn’t very visible so we’ve actually
shoveled a couple of snow inside the
dome so we can make it darker and we’re
gonna try this just one more time before
moving on to our next flamethrower
so there’s we’re testing this because I
wanted to not shovel snow and then Here
well it didn’t do anything to the snow
but it made me very happy so amazingly
that’s like the exact same thing that
was happening outside yeah you just
couldn’t you see nice methanol burns
very light-colored like compared to
color that the lighter fluid burns it’s
almost invisible like you can there’s a
lot of it on the ground still right here
this is all on fire but it’s almost all
methanol and so it’s just almost
invisible even with the green in it
all right here goes we’re gonna do a
test see if we can get it to ignite with
the Taser if that doesn’t work we’re
gonna go to our little fire stick but
now that was considerably more effective
than the methanol slightly
that got rid of that lump of snow pretty
quick I think we need to do it again but
outside and see how much we can actually
clear away that was about one shovel
full it’s like with a normal snow shovel
clearing my driveway that was about one
shovelful so what don’t take several
hours but you could do it a little bit
it did in this situation all right let’s
well Wow you put a hole in the snow I
think that was already there it worked a
lot better inside when it was just a
pile of snow surrounded by dirt with the
snow surrounded by more snow it was even
less effective this surface is now slush
yeah I think I dropped down about an
inch and that was it
hold double tanks of propane whoo maybe
it wasn’t oh it’s real light all right
as one tank one more to go
all right that’s a decent dent I mean
kind of it’s a decent dent given the
fact that it’s 14 degrees and we have
several feet of snow so that’s now both
tanks worth of fuel emptied out onto it
and that’s that’s not much I think it’s
so more than we were expecting to do
especially after the fire extinguisher
flavor that’s true the fire extinguisher
really got pretty much nowhere this at
least like visibly melted some snow it’s
also softer like this is very hard
frozen snow right now this is slushy now
we’ve made a slush surface and we made
it dirty too it’s nice and clean
underneath but more melted yeah
so yeah I don’t think this this
particular one would be good for
cleaning off your driveway but car
windshield maybe if you really really
don’t care about your car’s paint job
all right I think it’s time for Big
guys I’ve never gotten to play with Big
Bertha before so I’m thrilled I’m also
thrilled that nate is holding that fire
extinguisher in his hand a real one all
yes I think it works I think that one is
the most successful so far it might not
be the most practical or effective way
of clearing snow off your driveway but I
think we can all agree that it’s the
most fun this is a look of pure Glee on
my face that pretty much sums up how I
felt at the time pretty much the result
of using flamethrower my experience so
on the three yep fire extinguisher with
methanol yeah pretty much worthless yeah
I’m gonna go ahead and say that does
nothing slightly stain the snow and that
was about the end of it
propane mounted flamethrower decent
surprisingly good especially in small
quantities out in the snow on the
driveway not great but I think it
actually melted about the same amout of
snow as the big one that was using
diesel and gasoline as a fuel the only
advantage I am seeing to our diesel and
gasoline at flamethrower Big Bertha is
that the fuel itself is being ejected
with the flame itself so it’s landing
and still burning so you have a little
bit more burn time that’s about it
overall I think you say this doesn’t
work it’s very fun but it is not very
effective this is why we use shovels it
just takes too much energy to melt snow
guys that’s not all you know we’ve
always got more free to see that box up
at the top we’ll take you to earlier
this video and that box at the bottom is
what YouTube thinks you should be
watching next hit this farm in the
middle to subscribe to the club so you
never miss out on the fun don’t forget
to ring that Bell and we’ll see you in
the next one talk to you then
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