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Don’t Pour Molten Aluminum on ICE

it’s nice hey guys I am Nate I’m here

back at the dome and I am Zach from the

YouTube channel Gerry brig everything

we’ve got another fun experiment that

we’re gonna be trying out today we are

going to melt down some aluminum until

it’s nice and molten hot and then we are

going to pour it down inside this block

of clear ice what do you think’s gonna

happen well I know what I think is gonna

happen I think the whole thing’s gonna


but either way hopefully we get a cool

design out of the aluminum once it’s

cooled down again I think the aluminum

pouring into the block of ice might heat

up the water so much that it expands and

a steam just shreds the block apart it’s

possible that there won’t be enough

power to break the block but instead it

will shoot the aluminum out the top of

the block and that would be pretty cool

or the aluminum might just settle inside

the ice melting its way and cooling down

at the same time and give us some

strange formation I don’t know which of

those is gonna happen or something else

entirely but let’s find out

so this right here is our pouring device

by pulling the pink string it causes

this to tip and once that’s full of its

molten aluminum that should pour down

right into the ice we’ve got some

aluminum cables that are wrapped up into

bundles and these will be melted

three two one that was amazing

holy cow oh my gosh

that was beautiful haha yes I didn’t

think it was going to you because I saw

it pouring in and I thought oh it’s just

gonna settle down inside there that’s

cool but it’s not asked and right about

I was thinking that’s not as cool as if

it exploded it exploded in a huge way

look at this like the explosion is

probably what 10 feet out at least

there’s little ice at least that was


man that was as good as I could have

possibly hoped for oh well my binder

clip is like aluminum welded to our I

oh my gosh exactly what I wanted to have

happen seriously Pam look at these

shards just shattered pieces it’s like

broken glass too

that’s really what it looks like I’ll

give you take it like a coke bottle or

something yeah and I think it’s partly

just because we’re not used to seeing

ice that’s so cohesive like these clear

blocks of ice they don’t have the the

brake lines that you would get if you

had ice it’s full of air bubbles and so

just really seeing ice breaking this

crystalline shapes is pretty different

the outside of this cup so it poured in

at that angle and then the the aluminum

exploding just completely coated this

better coat at the bottom of this to a

little bit let that cool down and melt

its way through a block at the same time

that was amazing that was seriously one

of the coolest effects we’ve ever had

happen on this show the explosion alone

was that thing just shattered into a

trillion tiny little pieces and sent

shards of ice flying really hard I think

we had some go almost 20 25 feet away

and it was loud really really loud it’s

like the initial as we were pouring it

in I was like oh alright that’s all it’s

gonna happen we’re

you know a little cube of aluminum that

is all dry but then BOOM

so blood projects like this are always

great and we’ve been doing so how long

is the king of random it doing it’s been

about seven years now yeah I started my

youtube channel about six years ago and

it’s been great being able to turn my

hobby into a career and luckily the king

of random and I grant Thompson and I

have we’re gonna get together with a

bunch of other large youtubers and talk

about how to form your hobbies on

YouTube and online into a career

it’s a seminar called self-made and

we’ll leave a link in the video

description where you can sign up to

come and listen to us whether it’s

online or in person and establish your

business online hey guys thanks for

watching if you’re not a subscriber yet

just hit the bomb to get in the club if

you missed our last video or want to see

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that’s it for now have fun be safe and see you tomorrow

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