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Can You Melt Ice Melt?

guys today’s video is sponsored by North
Vee P n in today’s video we want to find
out what ice melt is how it’s different
from salt and if you can melt it
this bag is ice melt it comes in pretty
large quantities because it’s usually
used for spreading on ice and snow to
melt it so that you can walk on it and
not have snow and ice to deal with and
this is just regular salt this
particular stuff is meant for making ice
cream but it should work pretty well for
rock salt historically has been used for
melting snow and ice but we now have
better newer compositions that we call
ice melt answers thrown on the sidewalk
and you get rid of lighter snow in your
ice it makes it safer to walk on so we
want to look at a few of the differences
test which one actually works better
regular salt or ice melt and then we
want to see what happens if we heat up
the ice melt will it melt through snow
better can we get it into a liquid that
we just like pour onto the snow and melt
it all at once
lots of experiments lots of things to
learn here’s the basic idea we’re gonna
take some ice melt test its melting
properties versus regular rock salt and
then see what happens to it if we heat
it up or melt it alright first let’s
just take a look at these the rock salt
here this is sodium chloride this is
table salt basically it’s just larger
chunks of it this particular ice melt is
a combination of magnesium chloride and
calcium fluoride calcium chloride and
magnesium chloride are supposed to work
better than sodium chloride for melting
ice and snow that’s the first thing that
we want to test we’re gonna get a tray
full of both of them and then sprinkle
some of both types of salts on top you
will see which one melts it faster but
even before we do that let’s throw some
ice melt into the furnace and get that
oK we’ve got two handfuls about the same
size regular salt that Callie is holding
and the ice melts salt that I’m holding
now we’re just going to sprinkle them
over these trays of snow
I stand by mine is prettier than yours I
think you are correct while we’re
waiting for that salt to do its thing
what do you think we should do you want
to build a snowman it doesn’t have to be
a snowman
since it’s frosting you can lick your
our snowman is looking pretty good so
before we take a look at the results of
the ice melt let’s take a second to talk
about our sponsor for this video
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smell that’s exciting what does it do oh
there’s Olaf know what snow melt does to
snow I’m gonna tell him but you dare
so turns out liquid hot I smell he’s
fine is not really good first oh he he’s
fine everywhere this is fine he’s okay
everything’s fine our generic unnamed
non trademark snowman sustained a little
bit of damage but I think we can
probably fix him back up he doesn’t need
fixing he’s perfect just the way he is
yeah untouched absolutely he’s beautiful
I am wonderful haha she’s become the
do you want to break a snowman who buy
generic snowman musical snowman who
loves summer he wanted to know what
happens with heat we showed him our two
trays of snow have now been sitting
there with the salt and ice melt in them
for over an hour and think they look
fairly similar to me fairly similar I
think that the one with the rock self is
actually slumping a little bit more
naturally where as you can see the puck
marks that the ice melt has caused here
but you mentioned that the differences
in cold can affect how these are
reacting it’s true the rock sells itself
is going to help get rid of snow and ice
the main advantage of using the ice melt
the magnesium chloride and the calcium
chloride those are supposed to help keep
melting the ice at an even lower
temperature and what’s happening here is
not melting the ice in the traditional
sense we actually have a chemical
reaction going on that’s lowering the
freezing point of the ice so that it no
longer is able to stay solid at the same
temperature the sodium chloride
disassociates into two ions but calcium
chloride and magnesium chloride
disassociate into three the individual
ions interact with the water and prevent
it from crystallizing so more ions means
more water and less ice once again
thanks to Nord VP and the sponsor
today’s video check out the link in the
description or go to Nord VPN comm slash
random to get 75% off of a three-year
membership and use the code random to
get an extra free month on top of it
guys that’s not all we’ve always got
more for you to see the box up here will
take you to our latest video the box the
bottom two think you know what YouTube
thinks you should be watching next hit
that bomb in the middle to subscribe so
you never miss out on the fun don’t
forget to ring that Bell and see you in the next one talk to you then
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