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How To Align Your Mind To Get Exactly What You Want | Marisa Peer

every word you say is a blueprint that
your mind body inside here working to
make your reality we make our thoughts
and our thoughts make us let me go out
into the world and we justify our
thoughts everyday but we are words for a
blueprint and when you know that you
think we’ll I better pay attention to
that blueprint I better not say this kid
is killing me my job is making me want
to die I’m so stressed out by what the
queue in Hugh’s market well go to
Zimbabwe where there is no Hughes market
yeah when we understand and appreciate
that our thoughts yeah things yeah we
can create the life of our dreams as
well we can start our thoughts by let
means rising by telling ourselves what
we want we want to become yeah taking
those actions toward it we can manifest
our dream you really can you can stop
being ill you can change the shape of
your body you can change your digestion
you can have physical things you can
change the way you interact with your
kids where they so here’s a good example
my kid is a nightmare change that to my
child as age-appropriate mmm there you
go that’s it this bill doesn’t occur oh
my god that’s a disaster but a good food
will go it’s a challenge when you said
talking to girls is terrifying you just
change that is challenging but hey
there’s no girls out there’s a numbers
game one will say yes and even if they
say no the only risk in life is not to
take the risk that’s the risk if you
don’t tell when you take the risk and it
goes wrong you learn something if you
say I’m choosing to do this and choosing
to feel great about it your mind has a
very clear image the way you feel about
everything is down to two things the
pictures you make in your head sages if there’s nothing else
so if you choose to run going I’m
running some raising money for charity
so I’m gonna complete this run even
though my feet hurt my knee hurts
because I’m gonna raise money but you
could run going oh I hate this it’s so I
could be at home watching Netflix I
haven’t eaten and now my knee hurts and
then you’ll have to stop so when you
keep saying I’m choosing because yeah
but you have to reason with your mind
and negotiate and your mind will always
do what it thinks you want that’s its
job and if you could only tell your mind
what you want using relevant
up-to-the-minute words you’ll get
exactly what you want what do you say
yourself on a daily basis is there like
a process in the morning afternoon at
night or what it’d be like actually when
I wake up the first thing I would says I
love my life I love my linen and I love
my cup of tea I always wake up going I
love my life and then when I make my
goal of this day I love the coffee I
love the shower gel in my shower because
I I really believe that if you can make
your mind get excited by little things
then big things every day is like
Christmas and I think when you wake up
you should oh what have I got today Oh a
world of stress I’ve got this this this
this this so you should always wake up
and go I love my life I’m alive and a
free country I’ve got all this stuff to
make tea and life is great so that I do
that the second thing I do is I tend to
stay in bed and do all my emails because
then I feel like I’m not working because
I’m in bed propped up drinking my tea
and I get all of that out of the way yes
relax it’s not stress I’d also say you
make your beliefs and then your beliefs
make you and then you go into the world
and it starts to mirror whatever you
believe so make your beliefs amazing I
think your beliefs good but if you
believe that dogs bite you you make that
belief in the knee act badly around dogs
and then dogs pick up your anxiety and
they do bite you because you’ve made
them nervous
if you believe dogs are wonderful and
loyal and man’s I love dogs the dog will
love you because our beliefs our
thoughts become feel
and they resume out from us and back to
as events that always match up our
thoughts and beliefs and when you know
that all you have to do is change your
thoughts and beliefs make them positive
you can choose whatever you wish
negative positive you get to choose what
you can’t choose what you do to your
body and your health and your negative
you can’t choose that I could say I’m
just a negative person that over here is
a positive person we all can choose to
do that but you can never choose how you
ruin your house defeat your immune
system paralyze your autoimmune system
affect your nervous system what goes on
in your body when you’re negative is is
horrific because the body can’t choose
it has to react to negative you make
quarters or less a stress hormone
now shuts down fertility it lays down
fat so all the stuff you’re doing when
you’re negative giving yourself heart
attacks and strokes and high blood
pressure all because you’re choosing to
be negative when you come over to the
positive world which is so much better
you have better health you live longer
you look 20 years younger that’s a good
thing too because all the stress leaves
your face so don’t have to take
laxatives and all those antacids and
something people take because of their
thinking one final question is what’s
your definition of greatness my
definition of greatness is do what you
love and love what you do everyone has a
gift and your gift tends to lie behind
what you love so find what you love and
then you’ll never work a day in your life
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