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“Stay FOCUSED on Your MISSION!” | Steve Jobs | #Entspresso

you know someone or some group of people
that aren’t going to like just about
anything we do but my job’s not to win a
popularity contest if you scatter your
focus you try to do 17 different product
lines you can kill your business really
I say well I think you should go get a
job as a busboy or something until you
find something you’re really passionate
did it hurt to have your people the
people who you know love you boo you
like that is it this see huh I didn’t
know this was people People magazine no
well this is this is there is well I I
and I’d like you you brought it up
yourself you said emotion you know
emotionally you know a different no I
mean I I don’t feel my job is to win a
popularity contest right now and I feel
my job is to help the team at Apple do
the right things to turn this company
around so that it can really prosper
again and and I think that’s gonna
happen and if if something you know some
people I mean the markets we’re talking
markets now that are so large that
there’s you know someone or some group
of people that aren’t going to like just
about anything we do but my job’s not to
it’s easy to discard say 10 terrible
ideas and go after the one good idea but
when you start to get a little bit of
momentum you can drown yourself in good
opportunities that aren’t great
opportunities and if you scatter your
focus you try to do 17 different product
lines you can kill your business really
easily particularly when you have a
small team so I think asking yourself
repeatedly what is the one project the
one initiative the one campaign that if
successful will render the rest of these
things either unnecessary or much much
easier what is that what is that one
step and you know I’ve called it this
lead domino before but what is the one
thing on this list of seven different
campaigns that will make all the other
ones irrelevant or much easy how do you
I mean that’s a tough answer isn’t it
because they all sound good yeah I think
they can and I think that what it comes
down to oftentimes is it returns back to
measurements so how are we defining
success like if we want to grow the
company let’s just say what does that
mean in three months six months what are
we measuring why are we measuring those
things and you know what is a sort of a
comfort goal meaning like okay we think
we can easily hit this number what is a
stretch and what is like hallelujah we
threaded the needle and and then come up
with a really concrete number to tackle
and once you have that number then you
can look at those five and say alright
which of those are going to serve us
right now and I’m dealing with that
increasingly so because I have all these
different branches of content and
activities and angel investing and so on
it’s very easy for me to get scattered
it’s never been easier so I have to
continually ask that type of question
what’s your main focus now if you had a
boil it down to one
my main focus right now is building the
pod cat building my podcasting fair show
up to a point where it’s consistently in
the top 10 to 15 on iTunes so that I can
establish a presence and name
recognition in Hollywood and
entertainment which I can leverage then
for the TV show and film projects that
I’ll be expanding into in the next three
to nine months and specifically what
that means you
is targeted advertising for the podcast
specifically towards people who are
producers agents actors directors in
Hollywood in New York City all of that
can be quantified
alright this question is from Phroso
Mara new on YouTube when your home life
is less than desirable it’s not where
you want to be living but you’re trying
to break out how do you not let the
chaos around you affect your vision and
drive so this is a framing question so
what you want to do and this this Tony
Robbins asks this question I think it’s
absolutely brilliant how is the worst
thing that ever happened to me the best
thing that ever happened to me so in
your circumstance how is being in a
chaotic home life the best thing ever
now I’ll give you one example off the
top my head and this is exactly why I
play first-person shooters can you learn
to stay calm in the chaos because my
friend I have the chills if you can do
that it will serve you so well in every
single area of your life in a
relationship in business if you want to
be an athlete if you want to play games
like what ever it is that you do one of
the things that you’re gonna have to
become great at is letting all of the
noise drift away into nothing and
getting into laser focus on the thing
that you’re working on now when I give
advice like that to people they think
well how do I practice the amazing news
is the best thing that has ever happened
to you is that you have a built-in way
to do that your home life is mass chaos
so now you get a chance to practice I
have the chills you get a chance to
practice every day tuning out the chaos
and getting laser focused on something
that’s framing now there are other ways
but that one is so powerful that I will
end it there focus on that it is
practice practice every day thank god
you’re living in this chaotic
yeah the most important work ever if you
had to think of one word that’s most
important to you or that sums you up or
that would be like a little beacon the
most important thing is to shake off
this erroneous notion that life is is
there and you’re just gonna live in it
versus embrace it change it improve it make your mark upon it
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