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“Selling Isn’t TALKING… It’s LISTENING!” ft. @therealbradlea | #InstagramLive

selling isn’t talking it’s listening
with the right knowledge success is
pretty much guaranteed without any one
of those ingredients you don’t really
have training you’re just exposing
people to information you want to fix
poverty we want to fix education what’s
what a line I like it ladies and
gentlemen this is Bradley a super
successful entrepreneur I have just
started messing around with your content
I’ve done a lot of we have a lot of
similar friends they’ve done a lot of
work with grant and Ed my lad and I know
you work with Tony as well but we just
did our first top 10 on you what I think
three days ago on the channel and so I’m
diving deeper into your world for people
who in my arms may not be super familiar
with you you want to give just a quick
intro yeah my name is Bradley I got
lucky and business started a interactive
training company that provides the
platform and technology to different
companies and individuals our mission is
simple we’re just trying to get the
knowledge and the people who have it to
the people who need it because we
believe that with the right knowledge
success is pretty much guaranteed I
heard you say and it’s on the video that
we made that you want to fix poverty
where does that come from I don’t know
man I think I’m a I think I’m a
bleeding-heart you know at the end of
the day I see sometimes you know people
that are really struggling financially
and I still believe the reason they’re
struggling financially in most cases is
the lack of knowledge and it’s not just
knowledge it’s the right knowledge I
mean think about it Evan there’s people
that go out of business
every year and why are they going out of
business well they didn’t know how to
close the deal they didn’t know how to
generate the leads they didn’t know how
to get an Instagram following they
didn’t know how to get through a door
they didn’t know how to fricking you
know secure the loan or you know
whatever the case may be it was just
knowledge that they didn’t have and
we’re not talking about the norm and the
general of people who you know are lazy
and they don’t have the you know the the
integrity I’m talking about most
of the world who they do have the
integrity and they are not lazy they
just don’t know what to do so I think we
can fix poverty by doing the same thing
get the knowledge from the people who
have it like you like grant like Tony
like Ed Millette and get it out there to
the world and it’s not just in video
format I mean training and education
believe it or not through my 20 years of
building this business I discovered that
there’s four ingredients
if you effectively want to train
somebody good content repetition
practice and accountability without any
one of those ingredients you don’t
really have training you’re just
exposing people to information so being
exposed to information is great for
certain people but other people they
need those other things so like if I if
you were to tell me three secrets to
getting a YouTube channel with more than
a thousand followers if I just watched a
video of yours perhaps I get it perhaps
I don’t but if you were to drill it into
my head make me go through it through
repetition test me track me hold me
accountable to the steps that you’re
teaching in that video bet you money
that I succeed so anyway that’s just
what we’re trying to do man we’re trying
to go out and get all the people with
the knowledge and get it to the people
who need it and here’s what’s ironic
this is what’s funny and I want you to
answer literally don’t don’t try to
answer like you think I want you to
answer answer literally okay who has
everybody has knowledge that’s right and
who needs knowledge everybody he’s
knowledge that’s right so everybody
needs Lightspeed that’s why so I
appreciate when I talk to guys like you
that that have the knowledge you have an
audience and and I want to find people
that like you know really want to get
behind this and solve a lot of the
world’s problems education is a problem
our kids are going to school and they’re
being forced to adapt to the content why
doesn’t the content adapt to the kid
you’re gonna get a lot more engagement
you’re gonna get a lot better results
that way
well back in the day when that when the
curriculum was created it was back in
the Industrial Age man they wanted to
produce a bunch of people that could
show up at a
Factory and and and and produce and buy
a house and getting that and sit back
and relax well nowadays it’s a little
bit different there’s different people
there’s different types man it’s time to
get the content to adapt to the kid are
you taking Lightspeed into the school
system yeah we have a couple school
districts already using a couple of
colleges so yeah I mean we want to fix
education we want to fix poverty we want
to fix education and ultimately we’ve
got the technology that allows us to
actually train people like like we
always say our system
people always say we’re an LMS or we’re
like you know these other online
training systems and platforms that are
out there and I’m like no we have
literally developed the world’s first
actual learning system it’s an actual
learning system it’s designed to get you
to learn the material that’s on it your
journey has been interesting at least
from an outsider who doesn’t have that
much context on you yet so it’s pumped
to talk to you here today you know you
were doing you were doing sales and you
needed training and then you started the
training company and then you say well
I’m gonna be the the tech behind guys
like grant and Tony but now it seems
like you’re coming back into the
limelight like you’re you’re you got
your podcast you’re on Instagram you’re
speaking you have your closer school
happening with like you being up front
is that we is that what you’re going
like now now grads coming to the
limelight again well you know it’s hard
to stay out of the limelight when you’re
interacting with such big personalities
I mean when grant wants me to speak at
10x and thousands of people here who I
am next thing I know I have thousands of
followers well listen I’ve got knowledge
too it’s not just grant and Tony and
those people you know so I learn a lot
from Grant I learn a lot from Tony I’m
going to share the knowledge that I’ve
learned over twenty years and I think
that’s just kind of thrusting me into
somewhat of a spotlight but yeah closer
schools because listen I mean I my whole
life was spent in sales and I believe
that any business that went out of
business probably is because they didn’t
generate enough money and now it might
have been they were selling a bunch but
they weren’t pricing
right or whatever the case may be but I
believe that sales in closing is a key
fundamental knowledge that anyone needs
whether they’re running a business or
whether they’re working for someone or
whether they’re a homemaker because you
have to sell and close people every day
all day on something and and there’s too
many people out there that they that
they end up arguing and getting divorced
they end up you know having problems and
challenges because they don’t know the
techniques and the and the skill to
negotiate and and win a conversation
influence you know and sell somebody on
whatever it is whether it’s where to eat
or to buy a product and I just want to
help that so yeah I mean man I’m all
over the board Evan I’m just I’m just
trying to I’m just trying to get the
knowledge from the people who have it to
the people who need it and I and I got
some I want to see you on YouTube
farming you know dude I need your
knowledge bro I got like 78 hundred
followers and I don’t know why you know
I’m just assuming maybe people maybe
people don’t like that message because I
think the market decides right I have my
content out there people that see it go
I’m surprised you don’t have more
followers and I’m like well so am i but
I don’t know how to do it now see if you
had a course that I could take and I’m
sure you do but it’s probably on some
regular old system so then I’d still get
it because you know if someone could
show me how to get a million YouTube
subscribers I’d love to have them why
because I want to help that many people
learn what I know or like what I like or
hear what I have to say I don’t know and
then the market decides ultimately right
you can send a billion people to my
channel if they don’t like it they’re
not gonna stay it takes a little bit of
time to start building up the brand
awareness so somebody recommended me to
you to say hey you should do a top ten
on Brad and like okay I’ve never heard
of this guy great let me go look him up
he’s like man this guy has his podcast
he’s been speaking it’s just it takes a
little bit of time to build up the
presence I remember I did tom bill you
you know Tom from impact Theory Tom when
we first hit the top ten on him a tanked
and like man I hope this guy keeps going
because he’s got a really great message
and and he did obviously didn’t he
didn’t quit he just kept going and and
then six twelve months later he’s
starting to pop hard it could be you the
same thing man like you could get to
fibers like you being able to speak you
got it that’s not like you got to train
you how to had its kind of speak in
front of a camera and you got a message
worth sharing it’s just you haven’t
built a brand new it on YouTube and
there’s some hacks and stuff and when we
could talk offline but I was pumped to
see there’s another guy because I love
getting content and I love being able to
share it too and and we’ve done tons on
Gary and tons on grant and tons with
other guys and it’s like nice to have
some fresh blood in there as well so I’m
pumped to see you have your YouTube
channel take off it just takes a little
bit of time to build the brand so people
see it and they recognize you enough
yeah well I appreciate that I’m probably
making a lot of mistakes again
you know I’m probably making stupid
mistakes that you’d be like bro you
can’t do that you can’t do that I just
I’ve just I’ve just never been trained
on on YouTube but I’d love your your
your your advice well we’ll talk after
we’ll talk after what’s a simple sales
technique or training that you think
most people just don’t get that if I
take your course or talking to you or
coming to your seminar I can quickly
pick up and apply and start start making
some money and start making that impact
in my life well one of the things would
be you know to not overcomplicate it
you know people buy solutions they don’t
really buy products and they buy from
people they like so how do you become
likeable and how do you solve their
problem well most sales people think you
have to do a lot of talking you know and
it’s not a bunch of talking it’s a bunch
of listening and asking the right
questions so if I were to sell you
something or you inquired about one of
my products most sales people will just
start talking about how wonderful it is
and how valuable it is and blah blah
blah and they don’t ask anything about
you how are you going to use the product
do you have a current product that
you’re using what do you like about it
what do you not like about it you know
tell me a little bit about how I can
help you now
once I know how I can help you and I’ve
built a little bit of a relationship
with you now I can figure out how to
present my product in such a way that it
builds the value to you that you have
for the product higher than the value
you have for your money because I don’t
even know if you value
money like me I’ll throw money around
like it’s stupid because I don’t really
value money as much as I might seem I
value other things more than I do money
so if a salesperson were able to
ascertain this you know they could they
could get me to buy quite a few things
if they’re touching on what it is I
value so like if you just said Brad sell
me this chair right this chair right
here most sales people will start
telling you oh it’s made out of this
wonderful fabric and it’s such a quality
chair man and I’m telling you is gonna
last for years it’s so comfortable well
then I find out man you’ve got to
replace the chair in some nasty divorce
you’re going through well me telling you
how great this chair was actually just
unsold the chair does that make sense
yeah if I would have asked you questions
I might have sold you the chair by
saying dude this is the most
uncomfortable chair you’re ever gonna
sit and it’s gonna fall apart and be
worthless in about three months and it’s
on sale and you’re like sold so you
don’t sell everything the same way you
don’t sell everybody the same way you
don’t try to worry about selling them a
product you worry about solving their
problems you worry about helping them
find value in your product or service
and you do but you do that by asking
good questions and listening actively
listening to the answers and then you
use those answers to figure out how your
product can best serve that person I’ll
give you an example I don’t have the
coins with me but most ice to do this
and this explains to people Bob’s mom
has three kids
the first one is Demetrius the second
one is Nikolas and then I hold up a
quarter and I say what’s the third one’s
name Bono
you know that it’s Bob because you’re
listening or you’ve already watched some
of my content but okay 98% of the people
that you do that with they’ll be like
quarter las’ you know they don’t know
because they weren’t actively listening
I see okay Nikolas okay yeah got it
you’re supposed to hold up a dime a
nickel and a quarter and when they like
what’s this one’s name and they’re like
quarter list you know because they
weren’t really listening they were
listening to respond rather than listen
to understand and there’s a room or
level above that which is actively
listening and you can really learn a lot
about somebody if you’re really
listening to what they’re saying you
know I used to sell cars back in the day
people would come on the lot and they’d
say I’m just looking right now that that
sounds like an objection but if you
finish the sentence for the individual
they would have said I’m just looking to
buy a car and if they said I’m just
looking to buy a car your response would
be completely different than what most
people say – I’m just looking because
when you say I’m just looking what most
salespeople hear is that you’re not
gonna buy anything you don’t want to be
bothered you’re here for no do you’re
wasting my time so if they just finish
their sentence hey I’m just looking to
buy a car there their response would be
oh fantastic there would be excitement
and enthusiasm and they’d be eager and
ready but they don’t because they’re not
they’re not actively listening anyway
though so there’s a little bit so would
you ask that question I mean there’s
closing and their sales and let me tell
you something closing when people say
I’m a closer in my mind a closer is the
ability to get someone to go from a no
to a yes and there’s a technique for
that too so until you tell me no I’m not
closing you on anything I’m selling you
something and in some cases I’m not even
selling you I’m taking an order because
you came to buy so I teach you know what
are the variations there I also I’m also
gonna teach you know mindset how do you
wake up in the morning are you confident
in yourself are you confident in your
product do you understand that people
are judging you are you prepared to be
judged how do you how do you operate
without worrying about being judged how
do you get confidence in yourself
because the most successful salespeople
99% of times are very confident why are
they so confident in their product in
their presentation because again
experience and confidence so I’m going
to talk about confidence mindset
preparation setting up systems you know
follow up prospecting referrals asking
people for referrals correctly if I just
sold you something and that I’m like who
do you know that wants the same thing
you know a lot of times customers will
put up their defense because all you
think is I’m going to call your friends
and hire them so I’ve got techniques and
ways to reverse that to where you can
give me referrals like it’s going out of
style follow up systems to where now I’m
gonna build a relationship over the next
20 years with you because I want to be
your expert in whatever field I’m in you
know when you have a birthday I’m gonna
remember when your wife has a birthday
I’m gonna remember when your kids have a
birthday I’m gonna remember when your
product is in trouble or need servicing
I’m gonna remember so these are just
processes that keep you becoming a
professional on a regular basis and
pretty soon you grow a job into a career
if I’m a chair salesman and I wanted to
sell you another chair and I’m I’m
actively listening to what you’ve just
been saying I heard one you don’t care
about money you throw money away
sometimes like it’s stupid cuz it’s not
your number one value what else so that
gets me excited as a salesman what else
have you said since we’ve been talking
that I should have picked up on as an
active listener to have cues to say okay
I’m trying to sell Brad a chair we’re
having a discussion I haven’t asked you
about chairs yet but you’ve already
given me clues about you that would help
me sell you better my chair I would have
to go back and listen to what I said
because I wasn’t actively listening I
was actively talking right so you you
would be able to tell me better than I
could tell you because it requires it
requires active listening but yeah you
picked up on the fact that listen
money’s not my number one priority so
don’t try to close me on how much money
the chair is gonna make me because all
right that doesn’t really excite me you
know you would start by asking questions
okay so Brad if you really did want this
chair out of curiosity are you replacing
a chair is where’s the chair going you
know is the chair for you
like there’s a lot of questions that you
have to ask and most sales people just
start talking don’t talk so much listen
and if you do talk talk to
more information because selling isn’t
talking it’s listening out right there
if properly understood is worth the
price of that course because right now
it’s just pre-enrollment anyway selling
isn’t talking is listening yeah most
most people will say something cliche
like that and they don’t they don’t
follow it up so what the course is going
to follow it up to where people are
gonna understand Wow I’ve probably been
guilty of this like I just Wow man I
just talk a lot and I never really
realized but he just he just shed some
light on let me try that and when people
start to implement what I’m talking
they’re gonna be liked better and
they’re gonna sell more and if they
really want to make it a professional
career they’re they’re gonna learn
follow-up systems and relationship
building systems and techniques and
books and other resources I mean go read
and master how to win friends and
influence people
so when someone says oh Brad just said
to do this and act concerned and you
know be sincerely interested in another
person well that’s how to win friends
and influence people you’re damn right
it is because Dale Carnegie wasn’t an
idiot either so get right there’s books
and resources go listen to Grant Cardone
he will tell you how to close deals – he
might say it differently he might
explain it differently or maybe maybe he
has different techniques go listen to a
hundred other sales trainers out there
if you want if you’re interested in
sales but at the end of the day man
sales is sales whether you’re selling a
shoe or you’re selling your wife on
learning how to cook a sale is a sale
and all people buy solutions not
products like I don’t want to buy your
course on YouTube I want to I want to
get a million youtubers your curse is
how I do it so if I were to buy your
course I’m not I don’t really want to
sit in front of your course for 19 hours
and learn what I really want is the
million followers when I go to the gym I
don’t want to go in and work out and
walk on a treadmill and spend
I’m feeling like freaking you know pain
what I want is the ABS and the health
and the fitness so people buy results
they don’t buy products I love your
differentiation between the listening
and the active listening as well yeah
because a lot of sales but they’re not
really listening right and they’ll say
they’re listening
so when you say sales is not just
talking it’s listening it’s actually
sales is not talking it’s active
listening it’s active listening and it’s
been it’s knowing what questions to ask
because again a lot of times people will
understand what to do but they’re not
quite sure how to do it great
so again ask the right questions that’s
what to do okay what are the right
questions well it depends are you
selling high ticket or low ticket are
you dealing with someone that makes
thirty thousand a year or three million
dollars a year are you over the phone or
are you in person can you look in their
eyes do you know who they are
can you research them before you get
there well if someone if my job consists
of people walking in the door and I got
to sell them I can’t say excuse me sir
I’m gonna go do some research on you
right right but if but if I’m trying to
sell you a g5 and you’re and I’m
targeting you well then yeah I can slow
down and go figure out who Evan
Carmichael is what does he like does he
have a family
what and get as much information as I
can prior to meeting you and then when I
meet you I’m not gonna not ask you
questions I’m not gonna all of a sudden
make a bunch of assumptions because I
did research I’m gonna freaking still do
the same thing but it’s smart to get a
little research built up find out who
you are what you do what you like you
know where your where your strengths are
where your weaknesses are so maybe I can
listen and start figuring out if what I
assume is accurate 11 well Bryan is
crazy how quickly 25 minutes goes by
what do you want people to go to find
more about you you know I would love it
if I had more subscribers to my podcast
it’s called dropping bombs on iTunes or
ever podcast are the language sometimes
gets out of hand
but we like to keep it real so of
language offends you don’t subscribe I
get them I get big guests like yourself
like grant like EDI bring on all the big
guests and I picked their brain through
natural conversation to see if you know
we can drop some bombs and or Instagram
closer school listen if you’re
interested in sales and closing closer
schools just of course I’m putting out
there’s gonna be a lot more behind that
you know but but Instagram and dropping
bombs is probably where you get to know
me a little bit better cool so for those
of you on the YouTube audience we’ll
link that up in the description below go
check out Brian dive deeper into this
world appreciate the time and thank you
so much for joining me
Hey also my youtube channel I’d love for
you to subscribe to that alright well
we’ll connect we’re gonna blow that up
million subscribers coming soon to
thanks Abbott appreciate you by the way
thanks man appreciate the time take care
if you want more Bradley check out the
top 10 rules video man in him the link
is right there next to me I think you’ll
enjoy it continue to believe and I’ll
see you there you talk a lot my advice is to not quit ever period
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