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“If You Don’t Want SUCCESS, Then Don’t WATCH This Video!” | Dan Lok

now if you don’t want success then you
don’t have to watch this video you can
watch you can watch some other videos
but any good skill it takes years to
develop not weeks not days not months
the one key the one key that unlocks
wealth in business is distribution need
motivation watch a top-10 with belief
he’s dan lock and here’s my take on his
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one don’t follow your passions don’t
follow your passion you heard me right I
said do not don’t follow your passion I
say that one more time don’t follow your
passion now what am I talking about
you hear this all the time you could
talk about I got to find your passion do
what you love it’s a very North American
thing let me talk to you about the Asian
culture we don’t talk about growing up
the concept we don’t talk about all you
got to find your passion you gotta you
gotta find what you love no in the Asian
culture first you focus on making a
living you do not have the right to talk
about passion before you make a living
now it’s a very different philosophy I’m
not saying one is good or one is bad or
they’re just different if you think
about it if you cannot pay your bills if
you’re not providing for your family
you’re not being a husband is nothing
their wife they’re supporting your kids
that can decending them through schools
they’re supporting your parents then you
have not earned the right to follow your
passion when I was getting started let
me tell you this the first few years of
my career I was working my ass off I was
in front of my computer 12 14 hours a
I was calling I was working hard there
was no passion
there’s not one bit of that that I like
you think I want to be in front of my
computer studying learning growing doing
stuff getting caught getting rejected
meeting with people doing all the hard
work I don’t like one minute of that but
that’s what it takes
it’s not about following your passion
following your passion does not mean
you’re gonna have a successful life
because chances are when you follow your
passion you do what is comfortable
all right I guess is what I like to do
I’ll do that it’s it’s easy for me to do
there’s not how you think success now if
you don’t want success then you don’t
have to watch this video you can watch
you can watch some other videos go watch
some prank videos or something like that
you know other watch my video I’m
talking if you want success if you truly
want success you have to do not just you
involve you gotta do what it takes
you gotta sacrifice once I made enough
money once I’m successful then I can
delegate the stuff that I don’t like to
do I can delegate stuff that I’m not
very good at now I can focus on my
resume of genius now I have earned the
right to follow more of my passion what
do I like to do such as teaching I could
do that but in the beginning for you
young guys out there you haven’t earned
the right to follow you know pay the
bills you know make a living do that
first rule number 2 reinvent yourself I
remember when I was just getting started
my first identity was I was basically a
wannabe entrepreneur not a real
entrepreneur a wannabe entrepreneur I
thought I was entrepreneur if I was
trying different things and I was
starting all these businesses none of
them work that was losing a lot of money
then I we invent myself to be a
copywriter right I develop that skill at
the other high income skill as as a
young guy 21 years old and then I
develop my next skill which is being a
consultant for all the clients I was
writing sales copy for and I was making
very good money as a young guy 20
somewhat years so I was bringing in you
know two three hundred thousand dollars
a year that’s that’s very very good
money and most people would stay at that
pace stay in that same spot for a long
time but I did it
I knew that in order to go to the next
level I had to reinvent myself and what
does it mean to even we invent yourself
I’ll tell you exactly what it means
it means that you have to let go of what
one has done up to this point and let go
and go to that next level that is a
difficult part it’s one thing to let go
of things that didn’t work for you but
it’s a whole other thing to let go of
things that worked for you so what got
you here won’t get you there
so I was making good money I had all
these clients and one day I made the
decision I didn’t want to do that
anymore I had to transition from being
just a copywriter or a marketing
consultant to being an internet
entrepreneur I needed to make a shift in
my identity and I call all my clients
one day and I fire all my clients
overnight without knowing what the next
step is gonna look like but I knew deep
down that I knew that’s the right thing
to do how many of you ever had an
opportunity that it requires you to take
some form of action to take that leap of
faith but deep down you know that it’s
scariest but it’s the right thing to do
and I did that and I filed my clients
and I started and pursue my full-time
career as an internet entrepreneur rule
number three get mentors why I’m able to
accomplish what I’ve accomplished at a
young age instead of at the age of 50 55
and 60 and that’s learning from a mentor
learning from someone who’s been there
and done that and continues to do it
imagine if you are an athlete you want
to learn how to play basketball yes you
can learn from yourself yes you can kind
of play basketball with your friends but
if you want to be a professional guess
what you need to get a mentor you get a
coach to show you exactly what drills do
you need to practice on a daily basis to
get better what are some of the
exercises that you have to do and he’s
the coach he’s watching you he’s
correcting you right he’s shaping you he
is molding you he’s helping you to get
to that next love
that’s the power of a mentor I am where
I’m today yes I have made a lot of
mistakes absolutely I have learned from
other people my peers yes but I am where
I am today because of my mentors rule
number four get more exposure the one
key the one key that unlocks wealth in
business is distribution distribution is
what unlocks wealth in business in fact
ask yourself this question if you in
business yourself right now you are
selling a product at cellular service
you’re selling online offline it doesn’t
think about your bottleneck what is
stopping you from going to the next
my guess is chances are its distribution
it means that you’re not getting enough
exposure and attention in the
marketplace right now in attention the
right type of attention is the new
currency if you’re not getting attention
you’re not attracting customers and
buyers to your business now think about
even for a franchise let’s say a
franchise network like McDonald or it
could be even like a Starbucks what is
it they have many many many many
locations but really it is a
distribution network it is a
distribution channel for them to sell
more coffee or more products or more
fries or more burgers in all these
different locations that’s what that is
distribution unlocks wealth in business
also if you want to learn how to get
confidence like Dan Locke and other
successful entrepreneurs check out my
254 series it’s free the link is in the
description below after you practice
marshall to develop this natural self
confidence not cockiness but you develop
this natural self-confidence rule number
five learn to filter whenever someone is
on YouTube making a video when I’m
giving you advice I am talking to you
but I’m also talking to millions of
people because of that that advice
cannot be so custom tailored when I’m
talking to a millennial who is still in
school trying to figure life
or versus I’m talking to a CEO of a
fortune 500 company the advice I would
give them it’s very very different so
one size doesn’t fit for all so you have
to learn when you’re watching anyone
including me you’re learning from
anybody you’ll need to learn to filter
does it make sense for me how do I take
direct action how does this apply to me
don’t take anybody anybody’s advice so
literally you need to learn to think for
yourself to think independently and hey
you know what does that make sense how
would that work in my situation see the
biggest problem is there is no excuse
there is no excuse to be done for you to
be done with so much information out
there that you could find out things you
go to Google you know back then when I
had to learn something but had no money
had to go to the library
I had a library card I would go to
library and borrow a whole bunch of
books and every single week I would go
back to the same library and we’ll Brawl
different books that’s how I learned
that I was hungry for information
I was hungry for experience I was hungry
for knowledge and now with you you can
just go on YouTube you can go to Google
you can just type and you have access to
so much powerful knowledge and
there’s no excuse to be dumb there’s no
excuse not to know something you don’t
have to like it but you cannot not know
it being like being dumb it’s just bad
being dumb and broke that’s like really
bad rule number six achieve mastery I
still remember when I was struggling
financially and I was jumping from one
thing to another going from one idea to
another going from one business to
another looking for that perfect
business looking for that perfect
opportunity looking for everything
external except looking within want am I
missing and that’s how I had all those
business failures and I had 13 business
failures before I found my first six
yes and the problem was because I was
chasing all these things and I was doing
a little bit of dis and doing a little
bit of dad and I was dabbling you notice
when you dabble you never achieve
mastery and you never achieve greatness
you look at in any industry in any
it could be entertainment it could be
sports even think back to Michael Jordan
when he was the greatest basketball
players of all time and then when he
went into baseball remember that comment
below what happened right didn’t do so
well went back to basketball and kicked
ass right championships so if you think
about people who try to do a lot of
different things they don’t do that well
what you need to do is you need to
understand that you only have a limited
amount of time energy and resources and
especially in the beginning you want to
focus and narrow that down it’s like a
laser beam focus right it’s let you
imagine like just like the Sun remember
you have that magnetic clasp right you
have channel all your energy through one
focal point and when you can do that yes
that would create results but the
problem is when you dabble a little bit
leave it at that
Charlie a bit as Charlie a bit of that
you never develop skillsets any good
skill it takes years to develop not
weeks not days not months so you have to
ask yourself how much time am i devoting
to this one thing and be world-class at
it will closet it rule number seven
learn how to persuade I believe the
easiest way to influence somebody not to
convince them not try to test it on but
the easier to influence somebody to
persuade somebody it’s by asking them
questions by asking them questions so
when you know that the idea is wrong
instead of telling people hey you’re
wrong this is no good no one likes to
hear that they are wrong even though
they are wrong they don’t want to hear
this it’s much better to ask them
question hey you know what
now it’s okay we can go with this plan
but have you ever thought about this
what are the consequences if this
doesn’t work out would it be a good idea
to have a plan B right and the answer
this maybe is gonna work but what’s the
downside of this right and can we live
with the downside when you throw it out
there and you make it their idea because
one thing I’ve learned in persuasion is
this when you say something it means one
thing when they say something it means
everything so instead of you saying it
make them say it make them think about
it make them question it make them doubt
their own ideas versus you try to doubt
their ideas and also when you are
communicating when you’re asking
questions you need to ask with certainty
in this world in this uncertain world
what we do is we sell certainty in an
uncertain world that’s what we do as
closers as entrepreneurs right as
influencers rule number eight work on
the who look at Richard Branson Richard
Branson gets a minimum of $100,000 to do
a speech to deliver a talk now why do
people pay Richard Branson $100,000 just
to do a talk because he is a celebrity
of 40 now you may be thinking no but
then he’s a billionaire of course he
gets paid $100,000 that is not true
because there are a lot of billionaires
out there don’t get paid $100,000 to do
a speech Richard Branson does because he
is a celebrity Authority look at Oprah
what business do you think she’s in now
you might be thinking all she owns a TV
network we all know that she’s a TV
personality she owns the magazines
that’s not true Oprah is in the business
of Oprah Oprah is in the celebrity
Authority business you look at most
people the biggest personal brands in
the world they are all in a celebrity
Authority business you see most strongly
entrepreneurs they spend way too much
time working on the
but how could I be a better coach how
could it be a better digital marketer
how could it be a better copywriter
instead what you need to work on is
working under who everybody’s spending
time working on the one you are not
spending enough time working on their
who who you are who you want to be known
almost everyone spends way too much time
working on a wat and not enough time
working on the who who you are you see
at the highest income level you don’t
get paid for what you do you get paid
for who you are
rule number nine keep yourself
accountable you want to get fit you want
to be healthier where you want to lose
weight now what are some of the things
you can do you could go and buy one of
those you know gadgets and then machines
that you see on on TV right and then you
buy it and then you that gets delivered
to your home and you use it for a couple
of days and very quickly they become
what I call expensive dust collectors
right or expensive like clothes hanger
you know one of those machines and
running machines right it’s sitting in
your bedroom sitting in your living room
or you can say oh I’m gonna sign up for
a gym membership and you know how it
you sign up for gym membership maybe you
go a couple times and then you stop
going and then oh yeah I go next week
and I’ll go next week I’ll go next week
no one’s holding you accountable you
cannot even hold yourself accountable
and then guess what but you signed a
three-year contract you sign a two-year
contract but you end up not using that
gym membership now imagine a different
scenario where yes you’re gonna lose
weight but you’re gonna hire some people
you’re gonna surround yourself with
people who hold you accountable who keep
you accountable so let’s say hire a
personal trainer and you know that
personal trainer is costing you whatever
$30 $50 $80 whatever that it costs you
their personal trainer trains with you
comes up with a some kind of a meal plan
and and it’s some kind of exercise
planned for you well guess what chances
of you doing what it takes that
probability goes up and rule number 10
the last one before very special bonus
is ignore the haters people will love
you people hate you and none of it has
anything to do with you
you see haters hate for 3 reasons number
one they see you as a threat they’re
your competition they try to put you
down for their own personal game or
their what I call parasites exactly what
it sounds like they’re parasites are
people same thing use my name set a fake
facebook account fake social media
account pretending to be me promoting
whatever product and service what about
that they’ve got his normal number two
they hate themselves see haters don’t
hate you they hate themselves
you are a reflection of who they wish to
be you notice a lot of haters online
nameless faceless fake name hiding
behind a keyboard the keyboard warriors
probably a 14 year old teenager living
with his mom in the basement
that’s what they do all they read one
pose they watch one video and they think
they’ve got you all figured out
it’s a stupid as reading one paragraph
from a book and they thought I’ve got
the book or figure out I know what the
book is about that’s okay not everyone
deserves to know the real you let them
criticize who they think you are and
number three they want to be you and
that’s why they hate you every single
time they see on social media it’s a
reminder of what a failure they are what
they could have done it’s easy to find
fault in what you do is a finding fault
in what they do is the point of what’s
wrong with you then fix what’s wrong in
their life that’s okay don’t worry about
those who talk behind your back
they’re behind you for a reason now I’ve
got a special bonus tip from Dan and how
to stop pretending and start asking that
I really think you’re gonna enjoy but
before that I’m for the three point
lending questions let’s go from just
watching another video to take an action
in your life or business here we
go question number one how will you keep
yourself accountable to your goals
number two which haters opinions do you
need to stop paying attention to and
number three what will you do this week
to get more exposure so now you’re
promoting your products you’re promoting
your services the biggest mistake that a
lot of entrepreneurs make is this stop
pretending and start asking stop
pretending and start asking sometimes
when I talk to an entrepreneur and ask
them oh how’s business and I was like
wow you know Dan you know my business is
fine it’s fine you know
fine f ing is actually acronym it’s
actually acronym
it means this write this down freaked
out in depth not making enough money and
emotionally stressed out when they think
my business is fine that’s what it means
that’s what means in fact would you like
to get some inside information let me
take you behind the scenes let me tell
you something
every time when I do a speaking gig any
kind of training here’s the percentage
usually after the training in let’s say
an audience of 1,000 doesn’t matter 100
1000 about 5 percent of the people 5
percent will ever come up and talk to me
5 percent that’s about that’s upper
right and out that 5% me like maybe out
of the 1000 people less than 1% would
follow up less than 1% and I’ve been
doing this for many years that’s the
average and I never cease to amaze me
that sometimes they would come up and
talk to me and they would tell me the
stories and I love to hear those stories
I loved I mean I lived to collect those
stories love those stories and they
would spend 20 minutes telling me you
know this or how I started this and I
want to do this and this and that but
they never stopped and asked what then
what do you think they just don’t ask it
never cease to amaze me and that’s how
most people are hi this is Dan lock if
fan of Evans work if you want to know
exactly how the model my success I want
to invite you to join me for a special
online training all you have to do is
click on a link below you can join me
for absolutely no charge so click a link
if you want more dan lock check to the
top 50 rules video I made on him the
link is right there next to me I think
you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there if your life stinks is your fault
we take responsibility for all action
our money is not the important money doesn’t buy happiness oh my goodness
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