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Speak Your Truth, Even When You’re Afraid | Ralph Smart

he’s and Finnick waters driving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in the heart of nature baby
just well breathing in that good ass
prana baby now deep divers is there
something that you really want to tell
me but you’re afraid to is there
something you really want to say but
you’re afraid to you’re like up up a lot
of us we don’t really say how we truly
feel a lot of us were afraid of what
other people think that was me along my
early journey I remember one time I’m
like should I really talk about the
pineal gland what are people gonna think
but what I realize is that in life
you’ve got to learn how to speak your
truth even if your voice shakes the
great paradox of speaking your truth is
that that will be your greatest
liberation if I didn’t speak about the
pineal gland I wouldn’t have over 1
million subscribers because our video
impacted so many millions of people’s
lives so I’ve realized this that even if
you are afraid to speak about it you’re
afraid to speak about it you got to do
it you got to really find the confidence
find the courage to speak your heart and
mind because what you are most afraid of
will be the very thing that will aid you
to become your greatest version it will
be the greatest
aid in your evolution and then you’ll
just say feel so good to be a live baby
can I get a hello yeah it is time to
express yourself like never before
who cares what they think deep dive is
less just wolf
breathing in that good oz prana baby get
the good asperatus shirts
Ralph smart dot-com / clothes shout out
to everybody who’s also getting the book
feel alive by Ralph smart on Amazon
giving a few away deep divers only on
instagram at infinite waters have a
wonderful day deep divers and take that
by the way take that take that amazing
energy infinite waters diving deep once
again stay well stay healthy peace you speak your heart and speak your mind

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