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Brilliant Baked Cannelloni | Gennaro Contaldo

hey Mira I’m here I can see oh my god
this is the beautiful camel learning hi
lovely people today I gonna make Carmel
only the most italic recipe pick maker
and alone in everything the traditional
one the spinach ricotta parmesan a
little nutmeg
this particular one it is with beef and
pork so what I’m gonna do it I’m gonna
have an onion which I’m gonna chop it
very finely but to three tablespoons of
olive oil over love that noise sweatin
onions for 3-4 minutes hundred fifty
grams from report this is with to give
the right balance sweat to the mix for
about 10 minutes
right now it’s awkward you get the
salami roughly chopped because I use a
SS every I’ll use it as a salt you get
about five six leaves of sage slowly
without touch your fingers Holly job you
don’t just do them inside the smell it
is incredible unbelievable put
everything inside the bowl it’s nice and
cooled down lovely record just stuff to
mix it the reason why I cooled down
because you’re gonna crack an egg inside
the season wants to be scrambles start
to mix again and full of breadcrumbs but
also again he works as a bond that it’s
done simple tomato sauce you have to
make you know garlic be the bass all
inside cook more together so simple
let’s fill it the cannoli now are you oh
my god is so beautiful so first of all
you should put in old your ends Anthony
so easy just put on the sides then you
carry and do that and also another wire
goes in look at that funtastic oh my god
so then he gets the rest of the souls
just make sure goes every way because
this source will cook the pasta so easy
then cover with foil put them in the
oven of about 30 minutes remove the foil
and put it back in the oven for about
another 10 minutes and you will enjoy it
I just put oh yes let’s put them in the
oven for about a few more minutes
and then should be ready oh my my look
at this I want to eat and I want it to
straight away now oh my mind the smell
is unbelievable
mmm the flavor of a tomato that the
feeling of the meats with a little bit
as-salam inside what can I say just make
enjoy why I’m cooking so good I don’t
know well I do bless you all
I’m even their cheek [Music]
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